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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Folks, the timing is just too oportune. Is this just to 'cover up' the picture taking in an Lieutenant Commander from the Royal Thai Navy, just last week? No, I'm not believing this. Just too coincidental.
  2. Blue Diamond jewelry was stolen in Saudi, smuggled to Thailand, Thailand power elite knew where the Jewelry was and refused to return them to the extent several Saudi's were murdered? Is that a fair synopsis of the BDA(Blue Diamond Affair) ?
  3. They are pretty. Why the blue & yellow paint scheme? I also wonder if all 20 work.
  4. BIB should check on 'hit and run' unsolved from ten years ago. Especially if pieces of a BMW were left at the scene.
  5. That is what is being said about the vaccine immunity, now. Didn't make that clear and plain when they first rolled out those vaccines.
  6. Darn; I have to live amongst those without a 3rd or 4th booster. Covid roulette out there folks, be careful.
  7. I thought 'they' had already admitted that the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting Covid; the vaccine just makes the symptoms less.
  8. Me neither, until this last year. I think it is just so the officers can get a day out of the office so they come see if the map is correct.
  9. Scumbag deserves what's coming to him? Heck, things would be alright if that had been the case.
  10. What comes quickly to mind is the six policemen didn't have a plastic bag among them.
  11. First I thought he probably read that on the internet. Second thought was, hope it's not his own granny he's talking about; Third thought if it is, then hope his grand pappy told him that.
  12. Isn't that why the perp shot them all? They all did something he considered 'bad'.
  13. Wonder if they are just coming up with rules and regulations so you may be caught out in a bribable position?
  14. OMG, the Vietnam war in a sentence. ????
  15. A moment of clarity. No wonder they are decriminalizing Marijuanna, empty those prisons. Got to make room for those Covid miscreants. There is still money to be had in them there Covid clouds.
  16. That would be reason for the BIB to close ranks behind the Lance Corporal so they can share in his future earnings. The guy could be a real RainMaker.
  17. Should wonder why the Saudi's want to 'reconcile' ? What's in it for the Saudi's ? Workers don't cut it, there are millions around the world that would fit that bill.
  18. First I'd want to know how much her original Sin Sot was and where it is today.
  19. My speculation is more dire; they want Thai muslims attending their mosque's.
  20. What's the problem with ASF ? Does it kill its host? I've read that the pig is still okay to eat.
  21. I think a lot of electricity in Thailand comes from Hydro Dams in Laos, not as damaging to the air quality as you'd think.
  22. Good chance she has some files if she is wanting to double her capacity. Or wants the room for storage of something.
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