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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Interesting, I didn't know the infected were treated, they just got better on their own after a day or so. Maybe some aspirin for treating Omicron effects?
  2. I belileve my reaction to the sencond Moderna shot was worse than what Omicron gives you. Plus the antibodies built up from both are about the same.
  3. ? Vaccines don't prevent Covid, that is all over the news and internet. They, all them loonies? It appears as if you are saying vacination prevents Covid; it does not prevent Covid.
  4. Ignore what the microwave tells me; my toaster agrees.
  5. I've read that vacination does not prevent you from getting Covid. Chances of testing positive aren't lessoned by being vacinated or having a preveise test.
  6. I say his hospital bill for an unnecessary quarantine is enough of a severe penalty. The state wants to try him and place the validity of RT-PCR test on trial then great. Be careful what you wish for; could very well end up being nobody believes in the test any longer.
  7. What game is played on that table ? I've little knowledge about gambling devices.
  8. I still don't get why immigration needs 12 months of statemetns when I only need 800K in the account 3 months before applying for the retirement extension. I'd think 3 months statement is what is necessary. Just more hoops and red tape to lord over the extensioneers is my opinion.
  9. Google wants me to spell SRAS differently.
  10. Not sure there; which patients pay better? Asymptomatic covid is a money maker.
  11. I can imagine the Hospital administrators and billing departments rubbing their hands together in anticipation. Buckle up boys, Big paydays ahead.
  12. Sounds to me they caught it while in Thailand. Within the last week or so at that.
  13. The picture; does it say produced in Thailand on the package? I can not read the writing. Did it get manufactured in China and just 'flow thru' Thailand on its was to Taiwan? I'd be surprised if China allows packages to go from mainland to Taiwan. China to Thailand to Taiwan is possible.
  14. Doesn't the first 90-Day Report have to be in person? Then afterwards online is acceptable ?
  15. The survival rate is 99% or better, would take some doiing to eradicate most of the population with that mortality rate. Even that rate seems to be mostly those old enogh to have finished most of their procreating by the time they died of Covid.
  16. Could turn out a blessing in disquise. Modern day version of the Cow-Pox. Give everyone great antibody count while being mostly asymptomatic. I'd think getting omicron is better than a booster shot except for the gulag you may have to spend two weeks in.
  17. Because this form of Covid is so benign, hardly any symptoms at all? Hopefully it gives great antibodies. Downside is you have to reinstate the 14 days quarantne for everybody even though its asymptomatic as all gitout.
  18. Ya just gotta figure those well off higher class tourist Thailand is angling for don't receive parcels. I guess you could also figure that those well off higher class tourist WILL receive parcels.
  19. In 2015 I extended mine while stayinig at Grand Residence on second road Jomtien. They did give me a copy of the TM30 and a lease of 6 months with understanding that I could vacate at any time.
  20. Where was it the nonvictim first went wrong? Leaving the house, leaving the house without money, accepting the Thai offer to share a drink, ... not running quicker & sooner ? Many of us would like to know for just in case.
  21. That is subject to compariosn; He will be treated like any other HiSo rich powerful person in Thailand. Would not be surprised if he gets a Pardon this New Years celebration.
  22. That big boy on the far right is gonna have to marry the girl in red if he gets any closer.
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