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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. For a guy doing manual labor at 500 a day, when he can get it, that 1000 baht is a pretty big sum of money.
  2. I'm thinking the French are wanting a place at the submarine buying table now that Australia isn't buying French subs. Gonna make negotiations more interesting perhaps.
  3. Get that 3 million baht first could be their thinking. See the weasel word I put in the sentence? Just in case.
  4. Cat like that in Thailand would be near to animal cruelty.
  5. That is news to me; didn't know you had could to pay for Sinopharm. I do hope they keep the shot stock in correct conditions until it is delivered to the consumer.
  6. How do you get out of one of these hotels? Mandatory 14 days or what ? Geting serious when you are swept up on the street by authorities and held against your will for who knows how long. Scary days, especially if it is to control Omicron.
  7. Can we also agree that after Omicron you have more anti-bodies ? So let's see the comparison of anti-bodies after the 3rd booster shot and those that caught Omicron before getting the 3rd booster shot. That's the metric that would indicate if Omicron is better than manmade booster.
  8. Seems the business opportunity for 2022 is an extremely poor person to tempt the defamity laws for people who can/will pay in untraceable cash.
  9. I'd like to see a list of the Nations that let him reside while on the 'run'.
  10. My understanding is that the penalty for being a little off is the same as for being 200million off. No skin off my nose; hope they are correct.????
  11. At some point in the future they will figure Omicron was a cheap efficient way to get the same antibodies as a 3rd booster, 4th booster, and subsequent boosters. The symptoms I got from the 2nd Moderna shot was worse than whats reported as symptoms of Omicron . To die from Omicron you need to be on death's doorstep as it is.
  12. "My Covid AntiBodies were Free"
  13. I suspect the dogs and cats are super spreaders; that's why the word of the veternarian is so valued.
  14. No doubt time will tell. Until then though, the hysteria has done its job.
  15. What is 'out of hand' ? High temp for a day, a cough for a day ? Then you have the natural antibodies after the Omicron has run its course. Some research should go into which gives more antibodies: the Omicron or a booster shot?
  16. That is concerning. Too much like how Legionair desease spread. Some one coughs on the sink while washing their hands and ten minutes later I can get exposed to Covid ? The weeks after these holidays are gonna be interesting.
  17. CDC in USA just changed to 5 days isolation for Omicron carriers is they are asymptomatic. After two days most are asymptomatic with Omicron variant, I'm lead to believe from internet reports.
  18. OP been in Thailand ssince 2019 and just now his first post. Not sure how much I should care.
  19. They almost all have amulets and monks have blessed the vehicles. Helmut and such are western ways of avoiding karma, not the eastern way. Those 78 that died the other day; how many were HiSo? That is the rate that is closely watched by those with true power.
  20. Those hoteliers better be handing in their badges and guns. Not much good at being tourist guards. If the police aren't going to catch these wayward tourist and lock them up for the betterment of the all, then what motivation does that provide the hotel guards?
  21. I've had a 6 month package on smartphone with AIS that had unlilmited data at 4mbps and they charged 1400 baht for the six months prepaid. AIS has deals for your phone that are worthwhile if you can get by with that speed. I guess you can get faster for more money but that is fast enough for what I do. I learned to make my phone a hotspot for my laptop and for my Firestick. I don't get buffering for Netflix, Youtube, or Prime.
  22. If he was negative then how did he risk other people ? Many would conclude the first test was faulty by design or implementation. There has got to be some false positives and so far none of those have been publicized.
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