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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Could discuss how what that 100 million means and how millions getting a 3rd shot are counted in that 100 million dose figure. I hadn't heard of 'booster' in January of 2021. Not to mention that a Sino Rose is as pretty as any other. Still, it was a darned good effort all in all.
  2. Doesn't prevent Covid-19 anyways; the reduced effectiveness is still close enough I'd suspect.
  3. If a hospital can get the dates incorrectly on AZ, then a clinic can mess up botox. Feel sorry for her but if she doesn't name the clinic why take down the pictures.
  4. Read recently that people place Thailand in the top ten to retire. I'd understand between being a young student and retiring these kids get either smarter or dumber. I'm sure I don't know as much as a retiree as when I was in my 20's; yet here I am.
  5. I think re-entry permit holders should be exempt from this 300 baht tax. They probably already paid 1000 baht for the re-entry permit. I'd suggest they make some more of those 12th century stone monuments. Let the Burmese in to do some more of that work. Maybe a couple more mountains and a few hot spings too.
  6. A cattle ban around the perimeter of all national parks; probably 30 kilometers would be enough. Hogs, chickens, and dogs too.
  7. I think they are contributing too much of the economy to the comorbidity sector. Less than 30 a day since the beginning of Covid-19 anyways, the numbers seem to be predictions of the future, hard to do with any degree of accuracy.
  8. If I worked in that Mango Field I'd want a couple slow moving dogs with me.
  9. I hope the African Swine Flu vaccine is better at PREVENTING the disease than Covid vaccines are. I mean, who wants a hog that has only a touch of the Flu?
  10. I read where the affects of Omicron it may be more apt to set up short time facilities.
  11. Those sailors, are they conscripted like the Army ?
  12. Vampires, mosquitos, WereWolves ... there's a thread going here. No wonder mom (first 2 wives also) wanted me home by 11PM.
  13. Many men say if I don't feel better tomorrow I'll go to the clinic. With Omicron there's a pretty good chance you are feeling not just better but Asymptomatic. Forget the clinic and any testing.
  14. Best I can figure is Australia ships it to Thailand. Pretty small print on my bottle of Gilbey's. In Thailand I use Gilbey's in martini, after the first one the taste does get better.
  15. I'm wondering how long an Omicron person would have to stay in hotel? Who decides you can leave?
  16. Real estate desk at a Naval base, I'd think, is inactive for the most part. How much more can they buy? I gues the whole province but really, how active is that posting? He didn't seem to mind all the BIB losing their jobs. Som Nom Na is accurate here.
  17. Good point. Wonder which type of Hepatitus ? A or B or C ? And if you've been vacinated for A and/or B, will you still get it ? OH, and will someone please mark this topic for an update every month or so to see if her eyes color change back.
  18. Omicron shouldn't be considered in the same sentence as Covid. Thailand should hope people get Omicron; especially hope the unvacinnated get Omicron. If you survived a sescond Covid-19 shot then you pretty much know what Omicron does to you. Plus you get antibodies with the Omicron.
  19. For a guy doing manual labor at 500 a day, when he can get it, that 1000 baht is a pretty big sum of money.
  20. I'm thinking the French are wanting a place at the submarine buying table now that Australia isn't buying French subs. Gonna make negotiations more interesting perhaps.
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