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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. What I'd read was that the people that own MIT land(closed now) also own the K-Bank land site on Soi Buakhoa and had asked a large increase in rent. Bad time to increase the rent or a worse time to accept a rent increase perhaps. Anyway, bank branch moved to Klang. I'd expect it just moved so as to be easier to move back somewhere when times improve; seems a logical move.
  2. This at Bang Sue is ONLY if you got your first shots there, correct? I hate to think there is some reasoning that is going to 'force' you to go back where you got your original vacination all over the Nation.
  3. Does that iinclude those 'inactive deska' Still, a pretty large number of BIB in Bangkok.
  4. Not this people. Darn pronouns are destined to get us all, if the inanimate objects don't do it first.
  5. I wouldn't call a security guard that was on duty and protetcting himself from an older thug an assailant. But that being said, he's probably at moms house.???? Wish there was a picture of the guards knife, I'm wondering what king I should carry, seems he had a good one.
  6. OK, what kind of pickup is it? That is at the top of my list to buy.
  7. And hardly anything on the showroom floor or on the lot. Lucky if you can view a car/truck/suv that is being picked up by the new purchaser. Not like the USA at all, no current selection or very little. I can barely believe so many in Thailand have a million or more baht for a vehicle but they must.
  8. Wonder how you'd get Covid from a dead body? No breath, no droplets of whatever, if you can get it from a dead body then you'd logically get it from mosquitos. Over reaction here. Feel for the deceased, to be in that bad a shape and be subjected to an RT-PCR. Hope this isn't an example of the medical profession that wants to be a hub for medical tourists.
  9. I don't believe much, if any ,of the droplets goes out those Exhalation valves. It's the droplets that the mask are supposed to prevent. Twenty years and they haven't imiproved the elctronics enough that you can still keep your radio or phone on in their planes.
  10. My maths was about the same only I used 2X52 instead of 365.
  11. I'm checking mine everyday this next week; a lot of 'maintenance" being performed over this weekend where I bank.
  12. The entire banking system is becoming suspect, I'm afraid. Why would every bank agree to being a suspect? If the bank is unknown (unpublished) then any one of them is a possibility of where the culprit worked. Of course it could be that all of them are off the hook because the one is unknown.
  13. Looks to m e Karma is his Bitch, at least so far. Not gonna do any jail sentence; too rich.
  14. Didn't get much publicity that he was anything other than an American. Thanks for the info.
  15. Probably be using the next letter in the Greek Alphabet before much longer, likely before I get my booster in 3 months. Going to be a lot of varients before this is over, if ever it is.
  16. I've been reading where a 'booster' is only half a 'regular' shot. So will Thai medical personel be able to give people half a shot ? I had two regular shots of Moderna; I want Phizer for my booster and wonder if it really matters; 'regular' shot or 'booster' version.
  17. I'd guess the one ridinig pillion didn't have his helmet strapped on from the way it just popped off.
  18. I thought this was any test, a 15 dollar 15 minutes test from the local cliniic is good enough. So far this topic fis making folks believe a full blown on RT-PCR test is needed. Hope I'm correct, one of those ATK test is enough for this mandate. This morning I saw a sign at the local pharmacy advertising they'll do that test in 15 minutes for less than 200 baht.
  19. Too bad they don't improve incubators as often as new varients of Covid crop up. Remember incubators ?
  20. I haven't seen anyone in Thailand not wearinig a mask except when they are eating in a restruant. I am amazed everyday by the mask decipline of everyone about me. Yes, in America you don't have to wear a mask so most don't. I did see a beggar not wearing a mask, I gave him one of those I carry around; a clean never been used one.
  21. Thanks for suggesting Gai Yang. I didn't know what it was but googling shows I've seen it on the streets many times. Grilled chicken; now I've got courage enough to try it.
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