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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. 5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


    Anyone else would be charged with wasting police time.

    I fully support any legislation on rape or any sexual assault, even between married couples. No person should be forced to have sexual intercourse, or any sexual activity against her (mostly the case) or his will. However, this should apply to ALL!! The other aspect of such laws, which I fully support anywhere, can be the misuse. How can one prevent in our "modern" permissive society complaining of rape , when the short relationship was willingly mutual, but for one reason or another, unsatisfactory or the person raped getting annoyed with the partner complaining of being raped? I must admit, I am disturbed by such possibility, but I don't know the answer.


    Many well intended laws and situations can lead to a disaster. I remember reading a story in my own country of a man being falsely convicted and spending 7 years in prison, as a result of the 17 year old daughter of his wife charging him of protracted sexual assault. Seven years after his conviction, she regretted this (probably in connection with her falling ill with a serious disease which threatened her life) and told her husband and her mother (who was Thai married to a European) , who in the meantime and as a result of the conviction and her daughter's story divorced the man. Her husband reported this to the police and the trial of the convicted man was immediately reopened and he was declared innocent and not only released from jail but was financially compensated (of course by the state). The culprit, the young woman, got out of this with a small fine and a 2 years suspended sentence. I must admit, I really don't know and can't even think of a way of avoiding such situations.

  2. 4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    I have never been able to respect liars. This one is powerfully dangerous one.

  3. 4 hours ago, the guest said:

    Volvo is not Swedish, it was bought by the Chinese!

    But it is Swedish made and therefore can be termed as a Swedish car. How many various products are produced and termed as European (German, French, British etc.) but the companies manufacturing such products are owned (or at least majority owned) by non Europeans (mostly American and Chinese)? Quite a few.

  4. 9 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Sad, that some are so mean spirited to a woman who has hurt no one and instead  made alot of people feel secure and lifted their spirits. She's done far more for the well being of the UK than many of the petty misfits of TVF.  I am not a monarchist, but jeez, that is someone's gran and a beloved icon to some UK residents.  Be nice.

    I am a monarchist and I say and pray Long Live The Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 17 hours ago, fiddlehead said:

    News to me that Thai Farmers bank went bankrupt a few years ago. 
    I've had my account with them since 2000 and been adding money and taking money out all along. 

    I bought their stock too and it went up nicely in the 8 or 9 years I held it.  (KBANK on the SET)


    They did change their name to Kasikorn band at one time. 


    When did they claim bankruptcy? 

    The simple answer to your question is: NEVER!!!!!!

  6. 2 hours ago, dexterm said:

    Kerry's speech was absolutely spot on.


    With Netanyahu as engineer, Trump as fireman, and Kerry in the caboose (trying belatedly to apply brakes) out of control right wing dominated Israel is heading for a one state solution.


    And as Kerry said in his speech:
    "So the settler agenda is defining the future in Israel. And their stated purpose is clear: They believe in one state: greater Israel. In fact, one prominent minister who heads a pro-settler party declared just after the U.S. election that “the era of the two state solution is over,” and many other coalition ministers publicly reject a Palestinian state. " http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.761881


    And more to the point the elephant in the room question that no-one seems willing to address, but which Trump will very soon have to tackle, creating his first self inflicted headache. What to do with 2.8 million Palestinians that a one state solution would immediately encompass? And another 3 to 7 million in the diaspora?


    "But here is a fundamental reality: If the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic - it cannot be both - and it won't ever really be at peace."



    If Netanyahu thought the Palestinian issue had been put on the back burner, Kerry and Trump are certainly highlighting the fact that the Palestinian conflict has not gone away.


    Trump, like a bull in a china shop will ensure it remains a focus of world attention.

    The crafty Right wing Israeli government is apparently cooking a plan, according to which any Jew worldwide could become an Israeli citizen and automatically get a vote, whilst still maintaining his residence, wherever he lives. They hope that by such tricks they can have the cake and eat it - have a greater Israel with a Jewish majority, even if they are unwillingly forced to grant citizenship to the Palestinian residents of the annexed territories. This plan could backfire, but who knows.....

  7. 18 hours ago, SGD said:


    We've been looking at this one but I still need a bit of convincing that Bt30-35,000 per night is acceptable.


    I discounted another Soneva hotel which looks fantastic but reports from guests of massages at Bt10/15,000 for an hour or two plus other charges which bear no credible link to reality put me off. Dropping Bt10/15k for a half/day in the spa is fine but it would piss me off if they wanted Bt30k for instance.

    I think a little bargaining by you could bring the price down to around BT 25,000. That' s what we paid earlier in the year for a superb suit. Ask to speak to the GM and tell him that a very pleased guest recommended the hotel at the price of about Bt25k

  8. 4 hours ago, DNPBC0 said:

    Israel has been shamelessly acting in flagrant disregard of its UN obligations for decades. Israel is free to leave the UN whenever it chooses.

    I really can't understand the criticism against Obama, for not exercising the Veto. The US has declared the settlements as illegal for the last 30 years or so, and the resolution as such, has confirmed this stand which is shared by most countries, even such countries that are very friendly to and with Israel, such as New Zealand, the UK, France, Germany and most others. So what's all the fuss about? The US and the EU are justifiably imposing sanctions on Russia for acting against international law in occupying and annexing Crimea, but is stating the occupation and annexation of territories by force by Israel is illegal,  antisemitic? 

  9. 5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    I'd be embarrassed if I voted for Trump. 

    You are not the only one. Quite a few people who did vote for Trump are very sorry and most embarrassed. Wait for few more years and there will be plenty more. It was the worse choice that the American people made for a long, long time, although the majority of the people voted against him.

  10. 1 hour ago, Lex Talionis said:


    Of couse it would. But that's the whole point. Beauty like hers, combined with intelligence and medical skills are a rare commodity, not to be wasted rotting away in jail or worse - extinguished. Set her free to find a man who can appreciate her gifts.


    Not a spontaneous act of violence per the first article but:


    "•    Having defended his or herself to protect his or her right to be safe from any violent and unlawful acts and such acts are deemed imminent, to a reasonable extent, following Section 68."




    Free Mor Nim!!!

    Whilst I'm of the view that nobody has the right to injure or murder another person, if the lady concerned saw no other way of getting out of an awful situation, where she was physically and mentally tormented by her husband and was afraid of the consequences of leaving him (threats???), then the case should be reconsidered. However, it does need a proper investigation supported by reliable witnesses.

  11. 1 hour ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    Merkel is just another symptom of a liberal world gone wrong. I do however believe that the more conservative/centre German majority will take back control of their country in 2017, much the same as what GB and the US have done and what Italy is in the process of doing.

    You are probably right as far as the UK and US are concerned, but as far as Italy goes, it is not the right that seems to be winning, but the chaotic "5 Stars movement", which can't be termed as right wing, their supporters seem to be more left wing chaots. The same refers to Spain, where the centre has luckily stabilized recently.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


    True. USA imports close to 500B each year. Mostly electrical items, furnitures, footwears etc at low affordable prices. USA will never able to make and sell similar products at the same price. Trump is over simplifying matters again; a dangerous trait of him that will get him into trouble. 


    12 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


    True. USA imports close to 500B each year. Mostly electrical items, furnitures, footwears etc at low affordable prices. USA will never able to make and sell similar products at the same price. Trump is over simplifying matters again; a dangerous trait of him that will get him into trouble. 

    In addition who is the biggest buyer of US Government bonds? I believe it is China which holds billions in such bonds. If Mr Trump tries to push his such too much, he could get into big trouble with the Chinese on this financial front.

  13. I have travelled often to Europe (including the UK) on Thai, Singapore and the last time on Emirates, on all three First Class. Whilst both Singapore and Thai on their Airbus 380 and Singapore also on their 777 (but Thai on their old 77 are not to be recommended), Emirates are by far the best and also here make sure you choose the 380 Airbus flights. The seats as well as the service in First Class is absolutely superb. As a First Class Passenger you can even have a shower on board on long flights.

    The only snag with Emirates is that they don't belong to any of the bigger Airlines alliances (Star, One World etc) and a s such one can only earn miles (generously so!) to be used on Emirates flights. I don't travel as much as I used to and wish to spend my miles with Star alliance and hence I'll probably use Thai for my next 1-2 Europe flights, but thereafter it will be Emirates only!

  14. 11 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    almost every thai who can afford it sends their kids overseas for high school or university. my son turns 5 next month so i am moving back to nz so he can start school there. not what i really wanted but thats what his thai mum wants. she has lived overseas before and would rather stay here but is willing to go for the good of our kids.

    May I point out that there are quite a few very good international schools inThailand, albeit they are expensive. Some international schools offer the IB, which is internationally accepted as the best high school degree.

  15. 1 hour ago, AlQaholic said:

    First, It is illegal for foreigners to own houses in Thailand. So there cannot be any house owners on your land that are foreigners, unless they own the houses using a Thai registered company, in which case the companies own the houses.


    You need a lawyer, having some experience with lawyers in the Pattaya area, I recommend you do not contact any Lawyer from Pattaya, they are all working together/colluding within a corrupt system to extract maximum money from any foreigner stupid enough to use their services, instead contact your Embassy and get a lawyer from Bkk recommended by your Embassy, most Embassies have a list on their web sites.


    It is primarily your wife who is in trouble, not you. Again it is very important you contact a Good lawyer immediately!



    I fully agree that the OP needs a lawyer to sort the whole matter up. What is his work permit for?

    One point I have to correct you is the question of ownership of houses. A foreigner can own buildings, but not land. If the land is leased with a proper contact (presently maximum period of 30 years), then the houses can be owned by foreigners. 

    Must admit the whole issue here is not clear and there must be something here that has to be sorted out immediately.

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  16. On 12/4/2016 at 11:00 AM, 12DrinkMore said:


    That is a bit of a sweeping statement.


    Everybody knows about Thai higher education, it goes in line with higher hemlines.

    Your disgraceful statement goes to prove the comment you are replying to, with which I personally disagree. However ,unfortunately there are some readers like you, who make statements, which throw such negative light on "all" readers.

  17. On 12/4/2016 at 0:50 PM, Trentham said:

    I can tell you an even worse story about BNH Hospital. In 2008 - 9 they treated me for reflux. On two occasions I went to their emergency dept. at 3 Am  in terrible pain. Once they gave me a suppository and said I was constipated and on the other they laid me on a trolley for an hour with a drip in my arm which almost knocked me out. Meanwhile they kept feeding me reflux pills. I went home to Australia for a holiday and went to a local GP for some more reflux pills when I ran out. He refused them and sent me for tests. 2 weeks later I was in Royal Melbourne Hospital with pancreas cancer. I am one of about 3% who survive it. I WILL NEVER TRUST A THAI HOSPITAL with anything worse than a cold.

    Again, I have to repeat myself, saying that whilst I do not doubt your story, I am more than surprised. As far as my own personal experience is concerned, it contradicts what you are saying.I have been diagnosed and treated correctly and properly in both Bumrungrad and Bangkok Hospitals, as well as years ago in Khon Kaen Ram in Khon Kaen. It can and does happen here in Thailand as well s in other developed countries that doctors misdiagnose ailments, but surely, if the person concerned is doubtful, or if the treatment recommended bring no relief, one should seek a second opinion, also here in Thailand. The same applies to other countries.

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