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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. 1 hour ago, Trentham said:

    In 2005 I went to Rutnin eye hospital for a check-up - everything was OK. A few week later I had a bad headache for a few days. I went Bumrungrad hospital and they diagnosed early onset Alzheimer's. I was talked into MRI's and other expensive treatment which included 6 powerful drugs that sent me close to crazy. After a few weeks of madness I took myself off the drugs and suffered severe withdrawals. They then told me the headaches were due to acute angle glaucoma and did laser surgery. That then led to endless visits [probably 15 times] for check-ups at 3000 baht per time. On a trip home to Australia I went to see an ophthalmologist who told me once you have laser surgery you DO NOT need to go for checks. And I obviously do not have Alzheimer's now 11 years on. 

    They were just ripping me off - Thainess indeed.

    Although I don't doubt your story, I am more than surprised, It is very untypical of either Bumrungrad or Bangkok hospitals and I do speak from personal experience with both, I simply can recommend both.

  2. 23 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

    Then reality strikes.


    The bill arrives.


    Aaaarghhhh -- I'm having a heart attack.....




    (Bangkok Pattaya Hospital -- 2,300 baht to have my ears clean out -- twice as much as back home)

    Where is home?? I am not saying private hospitals as Bumrungrad, or Bangkok Hospital and some others, who offer 1st class service, are on the cheap side, but compared to most western counties (Europe, USA, Australia) they are very reasonable!

  3. 4 hours ago, pentae said:

    What about millionaires who self insure? Why should they be forced to pay for crappy insurance if they can just pay out of pocket without battering an eyelid? I don’t know of any country that requires to see health insurance when you show up at customs, why should Thailand be an exception? If it was anywhere it should be first world countries where health care isn’t as cheap as Thailand.





    Thais and others need to produce proof of medical insurance before they obtain a Schenegen (EU) visa

  4. 6 hours ago, jpinx said:

    Of course not -- any such demand would open the floodgates on scams of every hue.  If the Thai Government supplied some form of "foreigner insurance" that would be a reasonable option, but given the terms and conditions applying to health and travel insurance being so diverse, it would be impossible for Immigration to compare "like-with-like" amongst the companies.

    The government could issue a list of minimumin medical insurance requirements ,which should be signed by a recognized insurance company. One has to have a similar form in order to get a Schengen (EU) visa.

  5. 1 hour ago, lungnorm said:

    I am sure you will like this small piece of information. There is a Thai custom that Thai wives do not  mind their husbands having a bit on the side. However there are a couple of strict rules that apply. 1. Never use the same bit more than once or it may appear you are treating her like a real girlfriend. 2. Always use a condom. My ex wife used to make sure my pockets had plenty of condoms and in her words she was well aware I was going to the market. Its a bit like the Japanese custom. They think there is something wrong with their husbands if they do not have a mistress, and they say the husbands return home a much better lover. I would sound your wife out and see if she thinks along these lines.

    This is a lot of nonsense. It may have happened to you, but you can't apply your own experience to other Thai women.

  6. 22 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    Your question l would say it is anyone's guess what would happen.

    You should really know yourself and your wife. My wife, a Thai, and I got married in Europe, we met there, some 27 years ago and after living there for 15 years we decided to retire in Thailand over 10 years ago.Nothing of what you are afraid of has happened to us, and although it took some time for us to get used to the way life here in Thailand, I think both of us can say that we have been very happy living here the last years and intend staying here for good. We do travel overseas one or twice a year, but this is not a must for us. As long as we can afford it and enjoy it. we do it. We also have 2 grown up daughters, one is already married here in Thailand and the other is doing her Masters in the UK.

  7. 6 hours ago, jaidam said:

     Her actions in ordering German media not to report on huge and serious crimes, such as the mass rape not only in Cologne where approx 1,500 frauleins were assaulted in just a couple if hours, but also across many German cities simulaneously was a major concerted effort to stop Germans knowing the true situation. That, is the 100% opposite of integrity. It is lying with an evil agenda in mind. She will not be voted back in, Germans just cant be that daft.

    You are grossly exaggerating. It is true what happened in Cologne and other cities was awful (although not 1500 young ladies were raped) but this was not done mostly by refugees, but most of the culprits were North Africans (Moroccans, Tunisians and Algerians), who had been in Germany (mostly illegally) for years. Further, Mrs Merkel did not, repeat NOT, order anyone not to report on these awful events. In Germany we have a free press, which nobody can order around. Mrs Merkel is not Mr. Erdogan, or Putin. I can't tell you if Mrs. Merkel will be reelected, but I really don't know of an an alternative (the AFD leader???!!)

  8. 3 hours ago, adhd said:

    hope the next one will kick all those pseudo refugees trouble makers out asap


    they brought in hordes of people with no education, different religion, against the will of the people ... hope revolt will come one day, same same as the revolts that took place in those magreb countries

    If you are referring to Germany, you are absolutely wrong. The majority of the people were and still are, albeit not as strongly as they used to be, for the refugees, although it could and should have been done in a more orderly way. Most of the refugees are not "pseudo refugees", they are running for their lives from bombs by criminal regimes. Obviously, there are some awful people among them, but as a whole these refugees are decent poor people. We should all remember that some 70 years ago in Europe we were in the same position, running for our lives.,

  9. 3 hours ago, sweatalot said:


    Democracy could be a wonderful form of society  ...


    .... If the majority of people would be well educated, well informed and well intended


    but what if the majority is not ?

    (Btw I am far from apologizing dictatorship, tyranny or their likes)

    You probably know what Winston Churchill said about democracy - it is certainly not the best form , but I know of no better!

  10. 4 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    a politician reigning against the will of the people dares to intend being reelected

    - unbelievable


    and probably she will be reelected

    - even more unbelievable


    if this is democracy ...

    I am not a fan of Mrs Merkel, have never voted for her party, but it is absolutely ridiculous to say that she is "reigning against the will of the people" The party she heads, the CDU, gained over 41% of votes in the last Federal election and she heads a coalition government which has the backing of over 65% of the votes in last election. If she is reelected (although I'll not vote for her, I think that unfortunately there is no alternative to her, in the next four years)) she will probably head another coalition representing a majority of voters. So where is the question of "if this is democracy". If this is not democracy, what is one?????

  11. 57 minutes ago, coma said:


    There is a flip side to every coin. Should all Muslims be held accountable for the actions of the radical elements of their faith ? No. But it does. It clearly influences large portions of non Muslim's opinions of Muslims the world over.

    So my point is that Israel's actions do influence some people's perceptions of all Jews. Just as Islamic terrorism influences some people's view of all Muslims. That is human behaviour.

    Both of you are right. However, Israel tries to speak for the worldwide Jews (PM Netanyahu in his speeches always refers to the Jewish people, ignoring the fact that he is the Prime Minister of Israel, of which 20% of its citizens are non Jews) and Jewish organizations in the US and in some other countries seem to put the interest of Israel before the interests of their countries (the best example is AIPAC in the US). However, I think it is of utmost importance not to identify the negative and/or positive characteristics and actions of Israel with Jews worldwide.

  12. 3 hours ago, jimmyyy said:

    legitimate source please?  How many times have the Arabs invaded Israel?  I see we disagree here on what the facts are.  It matters not, the new administration with the congress will now secure Israel for years to come.  Thank you for the discussion.

    I wouldn't be so sure about it. Further, What is your reaction to the racial attitude (also against Jews) of some of the pro Trump troops?

    Why don't the Palestinians have a state? Because Israel occupies and encourages Israelis to build settlements in areas which were supposed to constitute a Palestinian state. May I remind you of the Oslo agreement signed by Israel in 1992?

  13. 2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    And just what are the awful racial incidents you are referring to?  Please enlighten us Trump supporters so we can make an informed decision as to whether of not it is worth commenting on.  It may or may not be racial but then anything that the left do not like or cannot respond to they cry racist of cite racism in or to shut down the debate.  It really becomes a joke when it is only those of the left who want to play the race card.:wai: 

    Just read the article to which we are all reacting (in different ways....)

  14. 27 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

    ah the republicans are better supporters of the Jewish state than any democrat ever thought of being.  They ought to be happy. 

    Unfortunately the Israeli right wing parties were very happy with the success of Trump, who sided with the Israeli unjust occupation of Palestinian lands and the Israeli illegal settlements. I hope that the Israelis will now realize what racialists are really up to, even if they seem to support racially motivated apartheid activities by Israel.

  15. 4 hours ago, coma said:

    If indeed there is a rise in Anti-Semitic behaviour, the ones they need to blame for it are the Israeli government and its foreign policies. Especially their treatment of the Palestinians. Sad but true. I myself have gone from disliking Israeli foreign policy to absolutely disgusted and appalled by it over the last 12 to 18 months.I am sure there are many others feeling the same.

    I do utterly disagree with the Israeli policies and attitude towards the Palestinians and refugees as a whole. However, to justify racial antisemitism with this is utterly wrong and even evil. However, it is unfortunately a fact that the Israeli right wingers have been considering the US and European parties who racially incite against Muslims, as their friends and favorites (Trump likes) not realizing that racialism could also be directed against Jews. A racialist is a racialist, one day against Muslims, the other against Asians and the other against Jews. I hope that my Israeli friends are learning the lesson now!

  16. 3 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:



    At the rate the NYT & rest of MSM is churning out yellow journalism before and since the election, they will have Trump responsible in some capacity for the global financial crisis of '08, the fall of Ukraine, the emergence of ISIS and the JFK assassination by Inauguration Day


    On 11/13/2016 at 0:22 PM, Si Thea01 said:



    Who gives  tinker about HRC, she is over and out now.  What occurred is the way America has voted democratically for decades and no matter how much people bleat and cry it ain't going to change a thing.  Get over it and get on with it.:wai:

    NovaBlue and all other supporters of Trump, reacting here - why don't you say anything about the awful, yes awful, racial incidents taking place in the last few days, being reported above.

    Whether one likes Trump or not, I think that what is now happening in the US as far as a surge of racialism is concerned, ought to be condemned by any decent person, American or otherwise!

  17. On 11/13/2016 at 0:22 PM, Si Thea01 said:



    Who gives  tinker about HRC, she is over and out now.  What occurred is the way America has voted democratically for decades and no matter how much people bleat and cry it ain't going to change a thing.  Get over it and get on with it.:wai:


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