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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. He had a severe headache..🙄
  2. LOL! Remember 2011? I was on a MC trip to Krabi and Koh Samui from Nakhon Ratchasima. I did not know it could rain that much. I was sure the bike would "drown" at times! Ended up nearly a month on Koh Samui waiting for the water levels to drop so I could pass Bangkok on my way north! I went through areas where only the road was above water and I could see the top of houses and trees sticking out of the "ocean" around me! Twisted and bent roads due to water damages. I will never again go touring in the monsoon season!!! 😆😆But that year it was really special.
  3. Lol! I am Norwegian and had no idea this one had weather forecast from Thailand! Thanks! 😄😆
  4. At least 30 percent of the Americans has an IQ below 83. For someone sane and "up and going", they will of course see the dumb lying irresponsible clown that Trump is and NOT vote for him! I hope at least this time, they will close their eyes and hold their breath and not vote for Trump. This time it is much more than just between the Dems and the GOP, It is about some sanity in the WH. I want to mention that I am NOT actually a fan of the Dems.
  5. There is talk about being able to pay for extended support for Win 10.
  6. I find Thai women and the people as a whole fun to be friends with! Never to close though. I know what the ladies are looking for after visiting Thailand since the eighties! Lol! 😆😆
  7. Why am I not surprised! Most people in Thailand have no clue what these "stripes" is all about, and do not tell them that it is safe to thrust them, while a dumb "Farang" has learned that cars are supposed to stop for you when you enter them! I see many people killed or badly hurt here in Europe because they are so dumb as to walk straight out on those stripes without even looking left or right!! ALWAYS be aware of drivers not being observant. There are so many of them.
  8. LOL! I once read that the population has at least 25 to 30 pct. "stupid" people, people with an IQ lower than 83! Trump also said he loves "low educated people"! LOL! He can say that because those dumb people are to dumb to understand they are DUMB!! 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Trump, Putin, Xi, Kim Jung Un. That is the kind of people this planet absolutely do NOT NEED!!!! Are really so many Americans included in the "IQ Below 83 Association" that they risk having a creature like Trump as President?? Then we are seeing the end of times approaching.....at least America is!
  10. Badly serviced busses by amateurs makes the a death trap! I will never sit in one....😫 The strange thing is that diesel busses should much safer than any other busses as diesel is not very "explosive," is it!🙄
  11. I have not seen a TM6 that we used to fill out on the planes for years! So what is this? ETA is a damn joke and is totally not necessary! Can Thailand please stop all this visa confusing BS and keep things steady for a while! This confusion makes me sick and wanting to change destination! There are millions of people that always shy away from PC's, so I am sure Thailand will LOSE tourists instead of gaining! And why the desperation to have tourists?? Sounds like they soon are willing to sell the country for a few dollars!!🤮
  12. As I see it, Russia has declared war against the West! Maybe it is time to beef up the fight against the worlds worst Mafia leader, PUTIN!! NATO should give Russia the last warning and go in to Ukraine and wipe out all Russians inside of the country! Stop this bully from taking on the world and think he can get away with it!!
  13. Lol! The UN is a joke and should be abolished or maybe "re-invented"!
  14. LMAO! Hilarious screaming! Woman?? 🤣Yeah, sure....with ball bearings!!🤣
  15. LOL! Stay at home! Come back after mid November! The rain has mostly ended....😆
  16. The Thai baht has started to scare off quite a lot of people lately. Not only is the Thai baht strong, but many currencies have started to weaken. All in all the "perfect storm"! Vacationing closer to home has started to be more popular in Europe. Times are changing, thats for sure....🙄
  17. If Trump is elected, he will be a friend of Seagal! He is already a friend of the Mafia killer Putin! Nice people!🤮
  18. Steven Seagal is a disgusting human being and a traitor. He should be returned to America so someone can get "hold of him"!
  19. I will never take any bet on how long Trump will survive....🙄.
  20. If you are not on a strict budget, take a taxi! Much more relaxing and you decide if and when to stop for a refreshment!
  21. Another removal of a politician!? YEAH, bring it on! Next please!🤣
  22. These A**holes needs to be punished hard!!
  23. Lol! Maybe they already had a taste of "bad behaving" foreigners!!😆
  24. People should read about "Bangkok Hilton" before they come to Thailand! Just so they know what they can expect if being an utter idiot! Some people just have to low intelligence to understand much at all.
  25. Greta is a mentally screwed up school-drop-out that is used as a "usable idiot" by all those whit some kind of agenda against something! She should be take care of by professional staff that can treat her for whatever mental problems she has.
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