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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. You can drive yourself and just pay the entry fee. It used to be 400 baht. Camping is possible. I have friends that goes there every year on camping. I stay half the year very close to the park and I have travelled through the park many times, Also been halted by wild elephants that sometimes like to stop the cars and let them wait for a while until they get bored and walk away! You can also book with people that will take you into the jungle to look for wild elephants and other creatures! I have friends doing that but I forget the name of the company. Just go online and find out. Good luck!
  2. Are the people in charge rambling mad and confused? There is something all the time! Tax this, tax that, visa like this, then like that and on and on infinitely! I do not know what these people are smoking, but they should stop immediately!!😆😆They sound desperate!!
  3. It will, if introduced, be included in the ticket!! Imagine people having to come up with 300 baht when entering! CHAOS! Lol!
  4. Lucky you! Many does.....😆
  5. Breaking up? After break up.....RUN!!! 😟
  6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣LOL! Joker....
  7. WARNING! These morons will certainly hurt someone! They are completely brain dead!
  8. I would love to have these beautiful birds on my lawn! They are making your lawn healthier....and should make you happier!!!😄
  9. ??? Now, that was a surprize from that crazy MAGA woman! I wonder what happened to her.....this is serious!🤣😆😫
  10. Keeping Thaksin in Thailand will be their biggest mistake in a century!!
  11. A one way ticket, money for the bus when home and a kick in the ass! That is my wish for them! 350K!!! Are you insane! Sweden will have a thousand boats and a million wildlings from every <deleted> hole in the world on their beaches very soon if that happens! Swedes have always been a bit "dim"!
  12. I am for removing these scumbags balls once and for all!! These people must never be able to walk free again!
  13. MAGA people should stay at home guarding their dogs and cats so the immigrants do not eat them!! 🤣🤣🤣They must be the dumbest people in the land!
  14. Digital money! The first step to get you "in line" and have full power over you! It is called dictatorship!
  15. The Thais have no clue how to behave in traffic! After decades of MC driving here, I should know! But a hit and run is stupid as the result of that might be many times worse than stop and call the insurance company!
  16. Phuket has become a rat hole! A few hundred thousand Russians escaping Russia are just some . Going to Phuket is NOT going to Thailand!! Phuket has not been Thailand for ages!
  17. LOL! Thats an old one! Remember ages ago when bars did not get enough income due to lack of customers, they doubled the beer price! And of course then the rest of the customers ran away! This is tactical Thai Thinking!
  18. Stay away from Statins! They are dangerous. The whole cholesterol madness is as wrong as it can be! Still an over 50 year old lie is being used by doctors to get people on Statins, A medication that will kill you before anything else does! It also brings billions of dollars to the producers!
  19. We all know that Thai politics is rotten to the core. Has always been, will always be!
  20. 😆😆🤣 turd coin...
  21. Does not really sound like cannabis to me! I think other drugs involved here..... Stop blaming cannabis for everything! This is starting to become rather stupid!
  22. Incredible to think that an innovative man like Musk is actually such an imbecile! Admiring a lying narcissistic bully like Trump just tells me he cannot be very smart!😫
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