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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Very disturbing to see - where was the "army" there? If anyone would say that Thailand is a $#itty place and getting worse by the day, I'd agree if I wouldn't be living here. Sometimes the Thai's desperation to make a bad name for themselves makes me wanna puke sick.gif

    If I'd seen the incident, "the mask" would have taken a bath. This video should be all over the news and show the Thais how "great" they are...

  2. Another more pressing matter to be dealt with instead of pi$$Ing on western tourists, expats and investors with out of proportion visa and immigration rules and regulations, destroying people's businesses along the coast and the many more overacting to show that "we are cleaning up here now!" The true and life threatening problems remain untackled while tourism and small/medium businesses will be taking a nose dive in the years to come...

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  3. Sad news for this "we're so proud of ourselves, never have been occupied, we are simply the greatest" country... Think this extensive suicide rate alone would be a much more pressing matter than demolishing people's livelihoods along the coasts of Thailand or suppressing western tourists, investors and expats with ever tighter visa and immigration rules. But demolishing is what armies do, sorry I forgot - my bad...

  4. Message to all Chinese "quality" tourists who spend nothing (except cheap flight/hotel all in one budget ticket) and do nothing but riding in huge bus loads from free of charge event to free of charge event: Don't take the OP serious, it was a typo - stay home! Thank you!!!!

    Message to the peope in charge: Don't underestimate the backlash of further visa and immigration "sanctions" targeting western tourists, expats and investors who pumped shiploads of money into your country in the past twentyfive years!

    Your bets are on the wrong horse!!! The result will be disastrous and you will feel the heat soon!

    • Like 1
  5. Modernization ... Thailand has entered the global world of the obesity epidemic.

    Where overweight issues are more of a health threat than hunger and starvation.

    Rather than relying on tired old morality lectures from Grandma's era, perhaps start to get educated about how things really are different now?

    I highly recommend this series.

    The Men Who Made Us Fat

    12 part series all on youtube.

    Here is part one. The remainder available from there.


    After that, try, also multiple episodes.

    The Men Who Made Us Thin


    Yes, SUGAR is a big part of this. Used to be a luxury food. Now it's everyday, in large quantities, HIDDEN in all kinds of modern processed food (often you can't even taste it).

    For Thailand it is not too late to avoid becoming the next BIG thing ... like Mexico, a middle wealth country that is incredibly obese. It is not only about the individual and not only about education. Changes in the FOOD INDUSTRY and involvement by government is absolutely necessary.

    Best video on the case - thank you, Jingthing!!!

  6. Think one of the biggest problems is that many kids in LOS are raised by grannies, ants and uncles who bottle feed and don't know how and when to stop. I.e. baby cries after the bottle - "Oh, must still be hungry - an in goes another bottle..." instead of doing the "burp thing" to get rid of excessive gas in the baby's stomach. The bottle milk is full of sugar and other $#ite the baby won't need.

    Then, most Thais find fat babys "Narak maak, maak!" (Cute, so cute) which adds to the disaster taking its course. Once the kids is three or four and fat like a Sumo wrestler, there's no turning back. They turn 35, best 40 and die of a heart attack because the heart has the size of a trash bag and is too weak to go on.

    My oldest had a girl in his pre school class - a three (and a half) year old girl weighing 35 kilos!!!! That "thing" (sorry) could not even walk from the classroom to the entrance gate without a few breaks in between to catch a breath. She'll die at early age. Trying to warn her stupid father was impossible - he took it as an offense, because everyone thought that she's so "narak"... I thought she looked disgusting, more like an oversized bowling ball with a head, feet and starfish hands popping out... an insult to the eye... poor girl sad.png stupid parents saai.gif

    7Eleven with 70% of the assortment being fatty and sugary stuff, as well as the ever rising amount of American fast food places (can't call em restaurants, can I?) puts the final nail in the coffin...

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  7. After 175 entries I think it is evident that VillageFarang didn't write his article in vain and that he has made a point here. If some folks did not like it, thought the choice of words were too eloquent or whatever - who cares?

    Great post, some very valuable answers - success, Villagefarang! Congrats to that! thumbsup.gif

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