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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Have they tried Diego Garcia yet?

    I nearly typed Costa.....

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The Diego Garcia scenario is much too complex, too much room for error and unwanted witnesses. They simply shot it down - good and proper.

    Does "good and proper" mean that they shot it down all in one piece, so that there was no debris field...... or did they use the new secret 'vaporizing' weapon. Just want to know the rest of your theory.

    Naa, what I meant was a nice, clean shot - perhaps I used the wrong words. Am tired, too much partying last night smile.png Hope I could clarify this to your satisfaction. Not that I'm not realising that you're just pulling my leg...

    If you send the search parties in the wrong direction, they'll of course find no debris.

  2. I can't help but worry why on earth a police officer would wear a T-shirt with the word Herion printed on it.

    Heroin can also mean a women hero.....

    That's Heroin(e)thumbsup.gif

    and the man is clearly innocent. nobody points at him. tongue.png

    Sorry, wrong! The "mommy made me look good today" army guy with the perfectly new, crisp darg green uniform is pointing him out doing the ESC-45 described earlier...

  3. I was wondering where the " fingers" were. Wasn't quite sure who the baddy was

    If you look closely, you can see that the army dude (to the crook's left) is doing the "NEW" fingerpointing which has been implemented by the new guys in charge to prevent officers from accidentally being discharged over the forbidden Hunger Game three finger sign... The "NEW" fingerpointer is called (and added to the new post-coup guidelines of Thailand as such); ESC-45 (exaggerated semi circle 45 degree pointer). To do this properly, one has to stand either left or right of the person to point out, cup the hand a bit, curl the index finger to a semi circle with the tip pointing upwards at 45 degrees, so that a straight imaginary line drawn up from there would end exactly at the top of the head of the pointed-out person. biggrin.png

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Time to stop all this gender mainstreaming bu!!$#it !

    Gay and lesbian couples should be accepted and left alone to do their thing, but should absolutely NOT be granted children! If they choose to stay in a relationship that due to a biological catch22 situation will never produce children in a natural way, they have to suffer the consequence which is: No children!

    The world is wobbling into dangerous terrain, where gender mainstreaming and the destruction of historical and cultural values seem to be forced onto the population not to make this world a better place, but with a sinister intention and plan behind it. If conservative values of our childhood are destroyed and mankind becomes a grey soup of genderless "its", we might lose our self consciousness as a whole and eventually the grip on reality and conventional believe systems in general.

    We then will become an easy to control and easy to manipulate soup of nobodies (even worse than now). Some european countries are working on erasing the words (Vater) "father" and (Mutter) "mother" to replace it with a neutrum (das Elter) "a parent" and words like (Vaterland) "fatherland" with the given reason that such words are discriminating and offensive.

    The study and subject of this OP is a part of the worldwide gender mainstreaming brain wash. I vow to make a stand and fight against this whenever I can, because I believe that a proper family consists of a mother and a father and children, not two gay dads and children, not two lesbian moms and children. It does not exist in nature and it should not exist in our "civilized" world, even though she is full of ignorant dogooders and "everything is awesome if you scream with the mainstream" people. There are times when one has to go against the flow to remain a sane and independently thinking and acting personality, and this time is now!!!

    I won't debate your points as you are entitled to your beliefs and I am not in a position to say your are wrong, or right. I just need to ask one question based on your post.

    If a "proper family consist of a mother and a father and children" what kind of families do we have now-a-days with a 50% Divorce Rate? With Single Parent Mothers raising there children, and sometimes this child has a new Daddy every 2 months? Your wishes as to what a real family should be is admiral. But they are only wishes. They rarely happen in this real world we live in today. The "Leave it to Beaver" or "Happy Days" Parents are long gone.

    Personally I would sooner be raised by 2 Loving Parents, regardless of the Gender, then being in the middle of a Cat Fight and raised by Parents who fight all the time and are going through a Divorce. Or by parents who are both alcoholic and love that bottle more than me.

    I understand your point of view GoldBuggy and you have points there with the exception that your conclusions implement that all gay couples never split up, are more stable than conservative couples, don't drink, don't fight, etc. what can't be the case. I am quite sure that a lot of bitchfighting is going on among gay couples and the few gay disagreements and fights I have witnessed so far were all but pretty to say the least.

    Biggest problem is, that many gay people think they are very special and deserve VIP treatment. If they want to be regarded to as "normal" people, they should switch a gear or two back and take the foot off the gas like for example our RonThai in this thread.

    The solution is simple - let the world vote:

    Child Michael Templar, 3 years old lost both parents in a car accident. Two couples want to adopt him. A ) Is Dave and Chrystal Washington, married happily for 5 years, and B ) Thomas and Jeff Byron married happily for 5 years.

    Does anyone who has left a shred of sanity in his head believe the majority of this word would vote for couple B? And allow me to spin this further - who believes that Michael, after having lived three years with his real Mom/Dad parents, would choose couple B?

    I don't think so! And there we have it.

    Again you raise good points that can't be argued. Gay Couples do fight I am sure and Divorce. My point, and you reinforced it, was that because it is more difficult for a Gay Couple to adopt a child one can therefore assume that they must have crystal clean record and want this child badly. But this to is only an assumption. So granted no all couple of either gender are fit to raise children. This we agree on.

    I also agree that at first look it would be most likely Dave and Chrystal Washington who should get to adopt this child. But as I also pointed out there is more to this then just being a Man and Woman. If all things are equal, which I think you tried to imply including Family Stability, Finances good enough to provide a good home and future education, then I would agree with you. But I would agree not based that they would make better parents. I would agree that there would be less stigma attached to him verses a Gay Couple.

    But lets now change this table around a little. Let's now say the Dave and Chrystal Washing are a Black Couple, Thomas and Jeff are White, and the child Michael Templar is White. What Now? Or if Michael is Black, the Washington's are white, and Thomas and Jeff are Black? Or one couple is atheist and the other Catholic, where the Child was Baptised as a Catholic. Hum???

    My point is that it is not just Man & Woman that make good parents. Especially adopted ones. There are many things to look at including culture, heritage, religion, skin color, desire, education, and environment.

    Goldbuggy, you got a point there! In the end, basically it is all about stigmata...

    • Like 2
  5. Cat.... you type a Christian-ized take on Buddhists and Buddhism. Under your comments you are asserting guilt and sin, absent from Buddhism. Not all Thailand monks are true to the precepts and not all typists on this venue know anything about what they type. All... I wish you would tell me where is the "Buddhist bible" because there is none. Too, you mistake that people are bowing to THE MAN but really to the ideals he represents. (Westerners are really freaked out about bowing.) There is no worshiping of idols.

    There is so much kneejerk misunderstanding in the comments attached to this specific posting.

    Why do buddhists worship images of the buddha when he himself instructed people not to?

    Do any of the so-called "Buddhists" follow through with any of the instructions given anyway? In Thailand I haven't seen one, especially the monks seem to have a hidden agenda that instructs them to do exactly the opposite of what they teach. Time for reform and time for "believers" to wake up and stop bowing in front of persons who are nothing but a pretender in a colored robe, same goes for worshipping of idols, etc...

    After all what I have learned here in my 20+ years in LOS, it appears that some of the biggest crooks take refuge in temples to either hide or try to wash themselves clean of their sins by doing a few years in a temple instead of a prison. Look into their eyes and be amazed of the filth hiding behind them.

    So far we had Thai abbots collecting Mercedes limousines, travelling first class by air, owning thousands of Rai of land, abbots with huge bank accounts, gold, jewelry and other luxurious items stacked up to the roof, all paid with "alms", we had abbots and monks raping dogs (no joke!) and children, performing sodomy, sleeping with massage and bar girls, monks betting, gambling, bribing, even killing and robbing people... But still Thai people believe that this exact monk there, standing with his alm bowl in front of them in the morning is one of the good guys, someone to look up to, someone above them... It makes me sick at times, especially when I think about what a truly amazing life philosophy the true Buddhism really is.

    Good question by the way! Let's disassemble the myth of Buddhism...

    I also have 20+years experience with Thailand and I would have to say after having read the Buddhist bible and then see how Thais practice their faith, my personal observation is that Thais have no real understanding of Buddhism.

    The five precepts to be the most basic of Buddhist

    1. Don't Kill

    2. Don't steal

    3. No Alcohol or drugs

    4. No Adultery

    5. Don't lie or speak ill of others

    I have never seen anyone that calls themselves Buddhist in Thailand able to stick to all of these five most basic precepts.

    and its a shame because they are such easy precepts to follow and the ideas and philosophy of Buddhism are fantastic.

    Think you are mixing up the posters here, I - Catweazle - never mentioned a buddhist bible.

    I don't bow in front of any mortal human. I'd rather die standing than having to live on my knees!

  6. 4. All Buddhists are pacifists

    One sometimes hears people say, “A war has never been fought in the name of Buddhism.” Exactly what “in the name of Buddhism” means is debatable. Not debatable is that Buddhists over the centuries have engaged in violent acts, including warfare, and have also condoned such acts.

    This might provide a little more clarity: http://www.theage.com.au/news/business/behind-dalai-lamas-holy-cloak/2007/05/22/1179601410290.html

  7. Want Hi-Tech ? Make it easier for foreigners to create IT start-ups. This is how: Waive the four Thais rule for the first work permit for a foreigner, the consequent ones will need 4 Thais/foreigner. Create a scheme that allows secure foreign capital flow into the company, meaning by the very least allowing controlling shares for foreign investors.

    Not really all that hard, can be implemented in a day.

    Good point, bu unfortunately this will remain a dream, we're just here on sufferance, but not truly wanted in Thailand, let alone that Thais would hand us a legal foundation to own anything a 100% except a bike, a car and half of the concrete walls and flooring of a tiny condo.

  8. Think we're all getting carried away here. Gender topics are a very slippery terrain, and I think it's about time to get back to the headline of this thread: Do gay dads make better fathers? The gay community does not want to be treated as 2nd class people, want to be equal, right? So eventually that means, gays will neither make better, nor worse fathers, especially since amongst all gay men, there will be nice, kind and gentle people in approximately an equal percentage to the nice, kind and gentle percentages found in the population of straight or bisexual men. So the topic's question in itself is a kind of oxymoron.

    Being gay does not make a man be a better person, being hetero or bi does not make a man a better person, so what?

    Reading all the posts here, there is one point we all agree on: Most important for the child is that it is raised by parents who love them and who care for them to the best of their abilities.

    Leaving everyone's personal sexual orientation and the phobias that may come with it out of this discussion, we kind of have a draw, no?

    Would be nice if we could end this discussion in peace.

    • Like 1
  9. I want to mention this as well, two of my best friends are gay, a gay couple actually. I like them a lot, especially since they are not making a big fuzz of being gay and outsiders seeing them in a restaurant or shopping center would perhaps think they are brothers or just good friends. We always have great talks and a good time whenever we visit them. However - if my wife and I would die in an accident, I would want a male/female couple of friends or relatives bring our boys up, and I'd even tell my gay friends this straight to their faces and I believe they would understand, PLUS they are kind, understanding and flexible enough to not turn that against me and call me a gay hater or something - unlike our RonThai friend does it with everyone here who opposes to his views.

    I'm not a native English speaker by the way, but I managed to learn proper English and I believe everyone could if he/she would really wants to.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Time to stop all this gender mainstreaming bu!!$#it !

    Gay and lesbian couples should be accepted and left alone to do their thing, but should absolutely NOT be granted children! If they choose to stay in a relationship that due to a biological catch22 situation will never produce children in a natural way, they have to suffer the consequence which is: No children!

    The world is wobbling into dangerous terrain, where gender mainstreaming and the destruction of historical and cultural values seem to be forced onto the population not to make this world a better place, but with a sinister intention and plan behind it. If conservative values of our childhood are destroyed and mankind becomes a grey soup of genderless "its", we might lose our self consciousness as a whole and eventually the grip on reality and conventional believe systems in general.

    We then will become an easy to control and easy to manipulate soup of nobodies (even worse than now). Some european countries are working on erasing the words (Vater) "father" and (Mutter) "mother" to replace it with a neutrum (das Elter) "a parent" and words like (Vaterland) "fatherland" with the given reason that such words are discriminating and offensive.

    The study and subject of this OP is a part of the worldwide gender mainstreaming brain wash. I vow to make a stand and fight against this whenever I can, because I believe that a proper family consists of a mother and a father and children, not two gay dads and children, not two lesbian moms and children. It does not exist in nature and it should not exist in our "civilized" world, even though she is full of ignorant dogooders and "everything is awesome if you scream with the mainstream" people. There are times when one has to go against the flow to remain a sane and independently thinking and acting personality, and this time is now!!!

    I won't debate your points as you are entitled to your beliefs and I am not in a position to say your are wrong, or right. I just need to ask one question based on your post.

    If a "proper family consist of a mother and a father and children" what kind of families do we have now-a-days with a 50% Divorce Rate? With Single Parent Mothers raising there children, and sometimes this child has a new Daddy every 2 months? Your wishes as to what a real family should be is admiral. But they are only wishes. They rarely happen in this real world we live in today. The "Leave it to Beaver" or "Happy Days" Parents are long gone.

    Personally I would sooner be raised by 2 Loving Parents, regardless of the Gender, then being in the middle of a Cat Fight and raised by Parents who fight all the time and are going through a Divorce. Or by parents who are both alcoholic and love that bottle more than me.

    I understand your point of view GoldBuggy and you have points there with the exception that your conclusions implement that all gay couples never split up, are more stable than conservative couples, don't drink, don't fight, etc. what can't be the case. I am quite sure that a lot of bitchfighting is going on among gay couples and the few gay disagreements and fights I have witnessed so far were all but pretty to say the least.

    Biggest problem is, that many gay people think they are very special and deserve VIP treatment. If they want to be regarded to as "normal" people, they should switch a gear or two back and take the foot off the gas like for example our RonThai in this thread.

    The solution is simple - let the world vote:

    Child Michael Templar, 3 years old lost both parents in a car accident. Two couples want to adopt him. A ) Is Dave and Chrystal Washington, married happily for 5 years, and B ) Thomas and Jeff Byron married happily for 5 years.

    Does anyone who has left a shred of sanity in his head believe the majority of this word would vote for couple B? And allow me to spin this further - who believes that Michael, after having lived three years with his real Mom/Dad parents, would choose couple B?

    I don't think so! And there we have it.

    • Like 1
  11. Time to stop all this gender mainstreaming bu!!$#it !

    Gay and lesbian couples should be accepted and left alone to do their thing, but should absolutely NOT be granted children! If they choose to stay in a relationship that due to a biological catch22 situation will never produce children in a natural way, they have to suffer the consequence which is: No children!

    The world is wobbling into dangerous terrain, where gender mainstreaming and the destruction of historical and cultural values seem to be forced onto the population not to make this world a better place, but with a sinister intention and plan behind it. If conservative values of our childhood are destroyed and mankind becomes a grey soup of genderless "its", we might lose our self consciousness as a whole and eventually the grip on reality and conventional believe systems in general.

    We then will become an easy to control and easy to manipulate soup of nobodies (even worse than now). Some european countries are working on erasing the words (Vater) "father" and (Mutter) "mother" to replace it with a neutrum (das Elter) "a parent" and words like (Vaterland) "fatherland" with the given reason that such words are discriminating and offensive.

    The study and subject of this OP is a part of the worldwide gender mainstreaming brain wash. I vow to make a stand and fight against this whenever I can, because I believe that a proper family consists of a mother and a father and children, not two gay dads and children, not two lesbian moms and children. It does not exist in nature and it should not exist in our "civilized" world, even though she is full of ignorant dogooders and "everything is awesome if you scream with the mainstream" people. There are times when one has to go against the flow to remain a sane and independently thinking and acting personality, and this time is now!!!

    Danm me could not resist after someone liked my post and this "dot-dot-dot" "catweazle" is below me, reply after.

    OMG, I hope he does not live in Thailand, most likely not, most straight people I ever met, got openminded after coming to Thailand and see the real "live and let live"

    The STAIGHT MAIN world is doing such a good job, what is it 50% (minus or plus) devorce. Kids are being used as "NO, he, she, they are mine and you will never see them.

    Millions of kids of alone in bad, bad situations, according to the gentleman above, leave them there instead of in a loving home.

    Leave it, I am too ... to even bother with these less then humans

    Looks like our gay RonThai is on a personal vendetta against each and every one who opposes to gay couples bringing up children...

    Should read "less than humans" by the way. Makes an insult "sharper" if spelled correctly smile.png

  12. Divorced mom without custody has probably realized that the poor little girls are a sound future business asset. Have seen lots of similar cases like this one in my over 20 years in LOS. I know of a dad who found his missing teenage daughter more than 10 years after she has been abducted by her Thai mother in a shoddy beer bar somewhere in Samui... For the sake and sanity of the girls and the father, let's hope for the best. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  13. Time to stop all this gender mainstreaming bu!!$#it !

    Gay and lesbian couples should be accepted and left alone to do their thing, but should absolutely NOT be granted children! If they choose to stay in a relationship that due to a biological catch22 situation will never produce children in a natural way, they have to suffer the consequence which is: No children!

    The world is wobbling into dangerous terrain, where gender mainstreaming and the destruction of historical and cultural values seem to be forced onto the population not to make this world a better place, but with a sinister intention and plan behind it. If conservative values of our childhood are destroyed and mankind becomes a grey soup of genderless "its", we might lose our self consciousness as a whole and eventually the grip on reality and conventional believe systems in general.

    We then will become an easy to control and easy to manipulate soup of nobodies (even worse than now). Some european countries are working on erasing the words (Vater) "father" and (Mutter) "mother" to replace it with a neutrum (das Elter) "a parent" and words like (Vaterland) "fatherland" with the given reason that such words are discriminating and offensive.

    The study and subject of this OP is a part of the worldwide gender mainstreaming brain wash. I vow to make a stand and fight against this whenever I can, because I believe that a proper family consists of a mother and a father and children, not two gay dads and children, not two lesbian moms and children. It does not exist in nature and it should not exist in our "civilized" world, even though she is full of ignorant dogooders and "everything is awesome if you scream with the mainstream" people. There are times when one has to go against the flow to remain a sane and independently thinking and acting personality, and this time is now!!!

    • Like 1
  14. I knew the gender of two of my four kids before the ultrasound check

    Woah - so you were correct 50% of the time?!!

    Truly, you have the gift of second sight ...

    If you would have taken the time to read the full text of my posts, you would have realized that I did neither claim to have prophetic powers nor did I try to self indulge in "see what I can do!"... Taking a quote or a sentence out of the whole text and turning it against the author is something bad media and politicians do, nothing to be proud of. You have just discredited yourself by showing that you are unable to see (and read) the whole picture.

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