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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. No one spoke personally to offend any one of the people rioting. The video criticised a person and his faith, and by association others faith.

    preventing people from criticising the moslem faith is no more relevant than me expressing my opinion about say french people, man utd or the moonies. I dont have to like any of them, and i can choose to express my opinion or not. Even less, i dont have to show any religion true respect either, since by definition, if i dont agree, that religion shows no respect, love or compassion for me or my opinions.

    But, that is my choice, but to prevent me from expressing my views because the reaction of those offended is so disproportional and irrational is illogical. It is like tolerating a naughty child that throws a tantrum.

    Murdering people because of a slight to ones faith is utterly barbaric and not much beyond the conduct of cavemen.

    There is no excuse for violence but clearly this is a personal insult to many within the Muslim community. Think about somebody calling your dead father, who was a great and caring man, a child molester and then multiply it 50 fold to get an idea of how insulting and how much personal attack this was against some people... regardless if their belief system is right or wrong.

    I personally can not see getting this worked up by any ignorant person purposely trying to get me going with words but I do understand their and others beliefs enough to understand how insulting and personal of an attack like this is ... I also have absolutely nothing against these people protesting as long as they are not causing injury and destruction. I just wish both sides could understand the other side a little better such as, even here in Thailand, I don't think there is a real understanding that in the US there generally is nothing the government can or will do to prevent or punish somebody for making such an inflaming and insulting film ... but maybe some believe this in itself is wrong and in my mind they have every right to make these feelings be known if they do it without harming others.

    I don't believe that more than 0.01% of "the protesters" have even seen that crappy movie. Can't you see that they simply jump on any bandwagon that passes by, not even knowing what it was all about? Problem is that one just has to say something like: "That guy with the pink shirt over there insults our prophet, because for an infidel wearing a pink shirt is an infidel statement saying that our prophet is a pussy!" and all of them would cut the poor pink shirt guy's head off and another hundred or so all over the world, until pink shirts are banned in all western countries.

    These people have to grow up and think for themselves. Until then, it;s a catch22 situation.

  2. according to mohammad, "loot and arson" are the highest act of a religious life , so that makes it ok to burn embassies i guess, the guy had 13 wives, but muslims go bananas if he is refered to as a womaniser, maybe his sexual relations with his 10 yr old wife , or owning slaves would be concidered wrong by muslims ??..............not a chance, only they are right , all other religions are evil , we are the evil infidels .....and im proud to be one !

    Wasn't she 9? However, the Talmud also has a tale-telling passages regarding sex with minors... "Holy books, huh?"

    A lot of people don't even realize that Islam is a biblical religion and that numerous beliefs held by the extremists come from the Bible and not the Koran. Anybody who wants to hold old texts and people in such high regard (and want to return to those days) are bound to have some nutty ideas. Although also kind of a joke to believe the word of an almighty God needs to be updated as people's views and societies change ... now days people who hear God's voice, especially when saying to do something like kill their own son, is locked away.

    Interesting read ... http://www.evilbible.com/Murder.htm

    Edit: One also has to wonder what was in all the books of the bibles the Church chose to omit when putting together "God's words" for the masses.

    Thanks for the interesting link. Fully agree with your thoughts. We can't physically live in 2012 with a stone age mindset...

  3. according to mohammad, "loot and arson" are the highest act of a religious life , so that makes it ok to burn embassies i guess, the guy had 13 wives, but muslims go bananas if he is refered to as a womaniser, maybe his sexual relations with his 10 yr old wife , or owning slaves would be concidered wrong by muslims ??..............not a chance, only they are right , all other religions are evil , we are the evil infidels .....and im proud to be one !

    Wasn't she 9? However, the Talmud also has a tale-telling passages regarding sex with minors... "Holy books, huh?"

  4. Now there is a demonstration planned for tomorrow. http://bangkok.usemb...itymessage.html

    I assume this is Muslims protesting the movie. Or is it PAD?

    I think we should protest the movie because it SUCKED so bad. I could literally only watch about 45 seconds of it.

    I'm not sure I got that far. Maybe 30 seconds.. my 89 year old crippled mother could have done a better job and she's senile..

    Actually sounds entertaining biggrin.png

    Agree! Thailand-wide crackdown on movies that suck, please!!! thumbsup.gif

  5. Freedom because of opression from england you are so misinformed it's ridiculous ...... America was formed because about 12 men were killed in Boston not for ANY other reason , the people who wrote the constitution passed laws making speaking against the government a crime, which is by your account what they cured because of opression from someplace else , just plain not true , they did exactly what you say they prevented , it wasnt until someone from Vermont who was in Jail ran for governor so he could pardon himself for the crime of speaking against the government did we have that right ...... long after these wonderfull saviors you think solved everything became unimportant ...... that has absolutely nothing to do with oppresion from someplace else , it has to do with Americans getting tired of being oppressed by other Americans.

    It's just plain sad that people are so uninformed as to the reasons we have the laws we have and how the country really was in the beginning ..... we have freedom IN SPITE of the founding fathers and wealthy voting landowners of yesteryear who were oppressors not Because of them. To say that the oppressors that wrote the constiution caused the freedom they refused to allow is nonsense. We would have written it that way eventually without the oppressors.

    These are the same folks the American Taliban (Tea Party) worship and the times they want America to return to. I have little doubt these extremist have gained traction because of Muslim extremists and 9/11. Seems that extremists not only have a way of creating other radicals on their own side but also just as extreme views on the other side. If America doesn't keep itself in check, there will be a war against Islam and the people will blindly follow these tea bag leaders as German citizens followed Hitler down the road of genocide.

    If a religious war starts between Islam and everyone else then it's the Islamists that started it. It always amuses me when people criticises the far right and the religious right while ignoring the violent fundamentalist Muslims. You may not like the politics of the Tea Party or the religious right but they haven't bombed a mosque nor had someone killed for critcising their religion. The same can't be said for the crazies in the middle east.

    You talk about genocide. Please! If the West and Israel weren't more powerful than these barbarians, genocide would have already taken place.

    Nisa got a point! We'd all be dead by now or wear a turban...

  6. So incredible that a country as USA cannot even protect its ambassador and other officials. Then it pretends to protect its citizens ? What a joke !

    Chuck Norris is retired. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, and the Avengers are all away on tour. Americans have never felt so vulnerable.

    There would still be the rest of The Expendables, no? even though Chuck Norris has retired...

    Btw - the American government knew two days in advance that there was trouble ahead and simply did nothing to warn or evacuate the ambassador and staff in time... reminds me of an earlier episode, where passenger airplanes with radio and beacon switched off steered right into restricted public areas without anyone doing a dam_n thing about it. We all know how it ended... Enough "coincidence" for the "everything is gonna be ok" guys out there???

    hmmmmm? I smell another conspiracy theory.....hahahahahhahha give it a rest

    this whole episode is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard of.... for a movie - ---<deleted>??!! hahahahahahahaha

    Unfortunately there are many ignorant brainwashed people like you out there who - without knowing - help shadow governments to do their dirty work. You should open your mind and stop reading and watching manipulated mainstream media only and activate your brain!

    Read this: http://visiontoameri...nd-did-nothing/

    And for Pete's sake read some history books! They will teach you how wars were started throughout centuries and millenia. Mostly it started with a small inside job incident, igniting even world wars. To simply giggle and laugh every sceptic thought and unresolved question away is childish and downright stupid. Open your eyes and stop watching Oprah!

  7. I agree to less hatred; as in anyone who is not a believer of Islam is worthy of death.

    ... and lower than a dog, according to the original text in the Quran ... The Talmud however has similar verses about "Gojims" their word for "non believers", saying for example that the semen of a "Gojim" is equal to cattle semen, etc.

    Who on earth with a healthy mindset can make a pile of paper containing such insane phrases their "holy book"? It's just about time for a big reset here to get rid of all this hatred b#ll$3it. The reset will most certainly be painful but as long as in the end unconditional love prevails, leading humankind in a new era of happiness, love and mutual understanding, I believe it will be worth all the pain. We can't live modern lives in a modern and so-called "civilized" world while holding on to religions that make us hate each other. Isn't that a plain and simple truth?

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  8. So incredible that a country as USA cannot even protect its ambassador and other officials. Then it pretends to protect its citizens ? What a joke !

    Chuck Norris is retired. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, and the Avengers are all away on tour. Americans have never felt so vulnerable.

    There would still be the rest of The Expendables, no? even though Chuck Norris has retired...

    Btw - the American government knew two days in advance that there was trouble ahead and simply did nothing to warn or evacuate the ambassador and staff in time... reminds me of an earlier episode, where passenger airplanes with radio and beacon switched off steered right into restricted public areas without anyone doing a dam_n thing about it. We all know how it ended... Enough "coincidence" for the "everything is gonna be ok" guys out there???

  9. Given the scope of this messup, the little time span in which it was blown up from a mosquito to the size of an elephant, the timing and the cheap and unappealing style of this B-movie that (at least to me) appears it was done hastily and with minimum budget only to serve this very cause (stirring up a Jeehad), I fear that this warning will be just the tip of the iceberg. Looks like the Cabal shadow world government has succeeded this time with their plan to ignite WW III. The ones who laugh and giggle now should at least read what Albert Pike wrote in 1871: http://www.libertyfo...albert_pike.htm

    Looks like the world is up for a big one... sad.png Hope I am wrong, but my instincts tell me otherwise...

    Better hurry cause the world ends in 2012 anyway remember.

    Yeah, whatever - but you have to admit that this stupid movie episode has a lot of potential and is definitely NOT a coincidence... I agree with the 2012 bullshit though, if you read old forums of 1999, the Y2K hysteria caused similar "the world as we know it will end" predicitions. I know of only one religion and ethnic group who has a mindset with the ultimate goal to bomb all of us back into stone age, and that group unfortunately has been fed new motivation to do so. Time to buckle up and prepare for emergency landing if the media puts more oil in the fire...

  10. Given the scope of this messup, the little time span in which it was blown up from a mosquito to the size of an elephant, the timing and the cheap and unappealing style of this B-movie that (at least to me) appears it was done hastily and with minimum budget only to serve this very cause (stirring up a Jeehad), I fear that this warning will be just the tip of the iceberg. Looks like the Cabal shadow world government has succeeded this time with their plan to ignite WW III. The ones who laugh and giggle now should at least read what Albert Pike wrote in 1871: http://www.libertyforlife.com/nwo/albert_pike.htm

    Looks like the world is up for a big one... sad.png Hope I am wrong, but my instincts tell me otherwise...

    • Like 1
  11. You and other people on this forum do not understand how strongly Muslims feel about their religion .In countries like Singapore Malaysia and others with responsible leadership, racial and religious slurs are against the law because they can cause riots and death. This film was apparently made by an Israeli Jew in order to stir up trouble. But if anyone makes slurs against Israel and questions the Holocaust it is not acceptable especially in the US. There should be limits to free speech. The maker of the film is totally responsible for the death of the US ambassador and should be held accountable.

    If they feel so strongly about their so called religion, then maybe they should keep out of the bars and leave the girls alone in places like Pattaya. Instead of boozing like maniacs and shagging everything in sight. Muslims, like most others with strong religious beliefs are a bunch of deluded hypocrites!

    @ gamini... if they would feel so strongly about their religion, perhaps they would be also strong enough to accept certain facts about their beloved prophet and not make a fuzz about it when they are adressed in public. You are missing the point here, while I agree with you that the movie most likely was produced to stir up trouble. The point is that muslims have their holy war against infidels on top of their agenda and willingly embrace any "reason" to push it forward and get some "infidels" killed in the process. These people want trouble and hatred, they love trouble and hatred, they feed on trouble and hatred, they are taught hatred from toddler age onwards, they will teach it to their children and nobody will get that ever out of their heads. These people are brainwashed and programmed killing machines and the trigger to start their stupid "Jeehad" is anything said, written, sung or published in any other way that "insults" their "religion". They just believe that killing and hating anything that is non-muslim is righteous and honorable - and this is what makes it all so dangerous for the rest of the world. Why should a 100% intolerant religion be adressed and dealt with in tolerant ways? Remember that their holy book says that all of us on this planet who are not muslims are lower than dogs and shall be killed with the fiery sword... Guess that makes about 95% of this forum's members. How does it feel to be called a dog? Any public outrage here? Of course not, because we - on the other hand - were taught to take it and tolerate it... what in my opinion is also a big mistake...

  12. Even though this B-Movie appears blunt and unprofessional, I believe that anyone has the right to display his perspective on any issue, be it religion, sexuality, etc. in the open without being censored and being hushed up.

    The biggest problem for our planet lies in the fact that muslims by now managed to reach a status quo in the world (created and supported by leftist dogooders and other people without backbones) that allows them to feel offended by and revolt against anything a non muslim says, writes, sings or produces while international courts and aforementioned dogooders will prevent that his retaliations - even murder - will be punished. Muslims, in this century, are holding a wild card they can play at any time, anywhere, all over the world without receiving the "go to jail" card. And that is a frightening fact.

    Instead of putting the murderers of the killed diplomat and co-workers in front of a court, there are discussions about whether or not the video should be removed from the internet? What is this? The Muppet Show????

    Btw... I also don't believe that the whole thing is a coincidence, looking at the timing... Of course there will be people and institutions who will profit from this mess and they - most likely - are non muslims... Think about it. Its a sick world we live in and it gets sicker by the day...

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  13. I recall several years ago when the escalator at Victory Monument had just opened. A young woman stood at the foot of the moving stairs trying to figure out how to get on. After a few moments she mounted the stairs and dragged her young daughter behind her. The little girl was terrified. The mother, equally unsure, let loose the hand of the child and gripped the moving hand rail.

    The little girl immediately fell backward .... and guess what? Me, the Farang caught the child and guided her up the ramp. This poor upcountry woman had never been on or seen an escalator before. Amazing Thailand.

    Well done ThaiGold! You must have been there for a reason...

    Did you fully restore the oldtimer? So many better things to talk about than blaming Thailand, long hair or short hair, parents, safety guards, etc. for mishaps that happen all over the world and also in those "civilized" countries...

    Btw... question to all those civilized "but Western standards say that..." guys: Does "civilisation" automatically mean you have to eradicate the native population in a country that is about to be "civilized"? Just asking...

  14. As usual, a lot of ignorance, bigotry, hypocrisy, and off-topic sarcasm trying to deal with this topic coffee1.gif

    If there is any perfect country, where residents, government, officials, rules and regulations, laws, environment, infra structure, health and social care, etc. are total bliss, please tell me - I'll buy the ticket tomorrow!

    As the title says - vitamin C is the name of the game in LoS - deal with it! ermm.gif

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  15. Shame on all people all over the world who believe that violence will solve any conflict! Shame on the person who placed that bomb! Shame on people who live in the past and live just to follow up on a hate agenda instead of moving forward together!

    Feel very sorry for the boy and hope that he will recover quickly and learn to accept and live with his fate, forgive the culprits and break the circle of violence.

    Of course I am not naive enough to totally ignore the fact that war and unrest is of course being fed, supported and financed by third parties who profit in one way or another from people hating and killing each other. If there would be no financing, it all could stop tomorrow...

    On the other hand, there must be people out there who would rather buy a bullet for their last 10 Baht instead of buying a bowl of rice... It's one of those days where I believe that earth actually is hell... We're not going to hell, we are already there!!! If so, things can only get better when we die.

  16. There is absolutly nothing in this whole thread to suggest that this chap isn't sitting right now with his wife having breakfast.

    I have had an email from the IOW to say that he has now been found. not much more in the message except that he has been found.

    ... things that make you go hmmmm

  17. btw... guess George Orwell would really freak out if he'd stil be alive and learn that most of his horrific predictions already came true... Also, Richard Fleischer, who directed Soylend Green is not around anymore to "enjoy" his futuristic horror scenario turning into reality.

    We're up for a serious @$$ rape by governments all over the world, who are just the puppets for Goldmann Sucks, Rothschild, Rockefeller and their criminal cronies. Very difficult to stay optimistic these days - anyone with me here?

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