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Everything posted by flare

  1. I did it three years ago following the online instructions and got it back in ten days (which amazed me- it must have been a slow week). I was able to get the required envelope at the post office no problem (I used the one near Makro Hang Dong).
  2. Not more than 5 (not too long before the mall closed- I can't remember exactly when it was, but I'm going by how old my daughter would have been). There was some event held there that she attended. I was actually surprised they allowed it to be used as it was in a part of the mall you'd never otherwise access, and would normally have had the entrance blocked. I wandered around a bit, and the flooring leading to the area near an outside stairwell had missing sections and gaps in it which looked very dangerous (though this area was sectioned off and blocked by a gate). It looked like the refrigeration equipment for the ice rink was still in place, and even the old concession stand was still there. I was struck by how the large, high-ceilinged space was essentially going unused (I didn't get the feeling many events were held there)- it seemed like such a waste.
  3. I was there a few years ago and was surprised to see a full-sized ice hockey rink (on the same floor as the blowing alley)- it had been abandoned for quite a while and it must have been a very long time since it was used (it was pretty decrepit, especially along the outer wall). It was normally closed off, but they opened it for an event (the bleachers were still in place, and the floor of the rink was still pretty smooth and solid). The bowling area, in comparison, looked brand new. A lot of money and effort went into that place.
  4. I'm also from Brooklyn- tell your friend that while there's decent pizza around (some of the places mentioned make a nice pie, though consistency varies- very good once, not the greatest the next time), he's never going to find what he grew up on.
  5. Kamthieng Market has pretty much everything gardening-related.
  6. flare


    I believe the Hideaway restaurant near Lotus Hang Dong makes several varieties of cheese- you could see what they have available.
  7. The video is in this article- as shown in the pics above, they had no warning at all: https://thethaiger.com/news/national/hungarian-couple-injured-due-to-hole-on-chiang-mai-road
  8. The new PetPaw shop (which I believe is related to the new CMU animal hospital next door) is pretty good- it's on the Middle Ring Road not far from the Super Highway. https://maps.app.goo.gl/TLcwWtgV8k2RHenA8?g_st=ic
  9. At least the chick who cut it was pretty hot...
  10. I grew this plant (and several others) using a cheap 1000W light from Lazada:
  11. Yup- they even have a separate waiting room for 'exotic' animals (basically anything other than a dog or cat).
  12. Shopee is way better than Lazada as far as selection goes- simpler is usually better as they're easier to clean. The usual words you'd use to search for them may not work, but you can enter 'แก้วน้ําเก็บความเย็น' (it translates to 'cold water glass') which will come up with things like insulated cups as well as what your looking for.
  13. Thank you- I'm going to try one out.
  14. Can you post the specific type of NIR devices you're using, please?
  15. He was drunk, stopped to take a whiz, and fell over the barrier, falling 40 meters. Hey, we've all been there.????
  16. BBC article on the discovery of Nong Pong's body- I don't think anyone expected this to end on a positive note: https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/woramet-ben-taota-girl-lured-death-thailand-body-found/
  17. Yup- I grow a couple plants at a time indoors, and I don't want to spend weeks/months (depending on how long I let it veg and how long it takes to show whether it's male or female) wasting resources/nutrients only to find out it's a male. Occasionally, a supplement shop will toss a few free 'mystery' seeds into an order, and I'll just give them away to someone who doesn't mind taking a chance. You can get a feminized seed from a good source for ~200 baht (maybe less, though definitely more depending on the strain), or a clone for ~400 baht (maybe less these days as there are several places selling them) where you know you're going to get a female.
  18. When I looked at the Kham Thiang Market a month ago, all I saw were CBD (as opposed to THC) strains. You're also taking a chance buying a young plant grown from a non-feminized seed (as some of the sellers may have done) before it flowers as you might get a male. Better to buy seeds or clones from a legit source, imho.
  19. It hasn't gotten any better (I was there a couple months before the closure)- walking to the edge near the outside stairwell feels like you're tempting the floor to open up and drop you a couple stories.;)
  20. It kinda did in some spots even before then- the old ice skating rink upstairs past the bowling alley would have made a good post-apocalyptic setting.
  21. Contacting Johnson Fitness or Irontec might be helpful- they sell treadmills (though maybe not your brand) and no doubt set up and maintain them, or at least can make a tech recommendation.
  22. If you can't source one locally, if 750 baht for a model capable of handling 500w is a decent price, there's one on Lazada from a shop in Samui Prakan with a delivery estimate to Chiang Mai of Jan 22nd-25th (if ordered today): https://s.lazada.co.th/s.iwXax
  23. With the advent of legal cannabis growing, there are a load of options via the usual suspects like Shopee and Lazada. There are also a few shops at the Kham Thiang Garden Market that make their own special mixes. Bulk will be an issue, though.
  24. These are sold at a LINE shop- no idea of their efficacy: https://shop.line.me/@weedmaster/product/1002998563?utm_source=LS_Share&utm_medium=Storefront-Productend&utm_keyword=79e89ff26fe1c1cd3e4db31d610b65471672566655896
  25. You're gonna have to try The Smithsonian, I'm afraid...;)
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