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Everything posted by flare

  1. They have their own cheese at 'The Hideaway' (kinda behind Lotus HD). I know they have mozzarella and a few others- I wouldn't be surprised if they have Parmesan. https://www.facebook.com/Thehideaway.chiangmai
  2. This is a good example of why it's generally best to stay with your car if you're lost and/or stranded in the wilderness- it's usually the first thing rescuers find.
  3. Yeah, the Kham Thieng plant market has everything- several shops have employees that speak some English as well (though it's always helpful to have someone along to translate). https://www.google.com/maps?q=RX4X+895+Kham+Thiang+Garden+Market,+Tambon+Pa+Tan,+Mueang+Chiang+Mai+District,+Chiang+Mai+50300&ftid=0x30da3ac145ee9135:0x8e970a8523886d2f&hl=en-TH&gl=th&entry=gps&g_ep=CAISBjYuNDQuNBgBINeCAw%3D%3D&g_st=ic&g_st=ic
  4. It would be across the street from JJ, on the Lotus side- Kham Thiang Garden Market.
  5. One major weak link is that every food delivery person (that I've seen) is on a bike- when it's raining like a MF'er and someone on a bike has the choice to say, 'I'm gonna let this one go and wait for the next one,' they're generally gonna do it.
  6. It's the nature of 'gig work'- riders can work when they want to, and (more importantly for them) not work when they don't want to. When conditions are good (say, a nice day in the late-morning after rush hour), there are a hundred riders willing to take the job- when they're <deleted> (like torrential rain and flooded roads) there aren't as many. These riders are on a schedule as well- if their 10-minute ride in good conditions becomes a 20+ minute ride in poor conditions, they get paid the same, so their effective 'salary per hour worked' is halved. Sometimes when it's raining hard, the wife will say, 'Call Grab'- I tell her to wait a bit for the rain to stop, because they probably aren't coming and the order will be cancelled- it's the nature of the process, and I don't get upset about it.
  7. Why not? They've been around for a while (since decriminalization began, which counts as 'a while';)), and have had some of the most highest prices since the beginning- I think they've been getting killed by the smaller growers, and they likely have a lot on hand they need to move. I ordered a couple grams- for 680bt (with shipping) I'm not worried about the order. A better question would be 'Why so expensive?' as far as their base prices go. Search 'Craft Original' on Google Maps and check their flagship store, which looks pretty legit.
  8. The Craft LINE shop is having a pretty good sale through Sunday if anyone likes to order online: https://shop.line.me/@craftoriginal.th/product/1002908496
  9. flare

    True vs 3BB

    3BB has their own 'Giga TV' package with HBO Go that I've been very happy with- I've been using their internet service forever and have no complaints. https://gigatv.3bb.co.th/en/
  10. I would also speculate that the big growers (who hit the market first) are setting the minimum prices that the middle-men can sell their product for. Now that other growers are seeing yields, prices for particular strains vary, and you can shop around (quality can certainly vary as well, of course). For example, 'Bruce Banner' (a popular sativa-dominant hybrid) can be found on LINE shopping from 320 baht to 900 baht per gram depending on the shop/grower. If you're interested in a particular strain, do a search, or a generic search for 'Indica' or something similar. The prices have been steadily coming down (as noted above), as there's now more competition.
  11. Prices are coming down, which I'd guess has something to do with more plants harvested (especially with higher-yield sativa plants- sativa strains tend to be cheaper than hybrids or indicas)- on LINE shopping, what was 700bt per gram last month is starting to show up for 550bt or less, and some 'name' strains are available for under 300bt per gram. Like SRB said, give it some time. There are always going to be 'hiso' places that sell at a higher price, but that's true with pretty much everything.
  12. There's probably one behind glass at The Smithsonian.
  13. Hell, at the go-kart track in Mae Hia (which has rebranded itself as a dispensary and added '420' to their name), you can smoke in their dedicated area, and then drive the karts (at their suggestion- 'We have speedkarts for the more daring stoners'). High Speed 420 089 758 7766 https://goo.gl/maps/hETV2q4dgrYsRPFM8
  14. Inputting 'cannabis store' into Google Maps brings up about a dozen hits for CM.
  15. Searching 'kush' on Line Shopping yields dozens of boutique strains available via mail-order from several different shops- prices range from ~500bt (cheaper for home-grown) to ~900bt per gram. I'd imagine quality varies, but the selection is pretty big.
  16. Here's a link with a local CM shop listed near the bottom (I likewise have not had any dealings with them): https://www.expatden.com/thailand/cannabis-in-thailand/
  17. Locally-grown stuff might be hit-and-miss. There are high-end strains available via mail order from places like Sukhumweed if you can't find what you want in CM (note I haven't ordered from them, but there are shops that source from them, so they must be OK- certainly not cheap, though): https://sukhumweedindustries.com
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