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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. Postponing reopening probably won't make much financial difference, as there's only one week to October 1st, and most foreigners are not planning a vacation with a few days notice - I can't imagine hordes of tourists queue up with all their holiday luggage in a nearby transit hub, while they are waiting for the first airplane to Amazing Thailand - so just decide to push it till November 1st, or December 1st, to be safe; it makes more sense, and then the visitors also have some chance to believe in the date, and to plan their holiday...????
  2. If you are planning to travel and looking for a Vaccine Certificate, Digital Health Pass or Vaccine Passport for domestic or international travel? 1. For domestic travel, download the Mor Prom app on your phone and you will have access to the Digital Health Pass and the Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate (electronic copies on your phone). 2. For international travel, apply for a Vaccine Passport at Koh Samui Hospital (in Nathon). More information HERE (scroll down to Digital Vaccine Certificate).
  3. 21st september Samui No new cases Phangan No new cases Koh Tao +5 cases
  4. Update from Samui Hospital re. 2nd dose of AstraZeneca. If you can't come on your appointment date, - you can go on the 29th September instead, either at Bangkok Samui Hospital in Chaweng Noi, or at Koh Samui Hospital in Nathon...
  5. "There are hundreds of different ways people and therefore the virus can get onto an island...", yes commuters, which is my point. The virus wasn't here before people brought it in. Don't forget that first Covid-case outside China was detected in Thailand, January 13th 2020, the virus appeared because someone commuted and brought the virus in. The problem at the moment is that science still knows too little about Covid, and unfortunately until now vaccination don't seems to stop vaccinated people to be able to spread the virus. Please note that I made no comments about vaccination, just mentioned some statistic facts - so you are presuming something that you have no evidence to presume - but if you wish to know, I'm in favor of vaccination...???? And by the way, mentioned politely, please mind your language...????
  6. To my knowledge they talked in the news about reopening Pattaya as a family destination, not about reopening the former nightlife, so you probably don't need to worry about unvaccinated working girls...????
  7. Commuters are the problem, if nobody brings the virus onto the island, the virus is not there. Vaccinated people unfortunately also spreads the virus. Of those tested Covid positive on neighboring Koh Samui 46 percent were vaccinated, so it's about equal, and 3.5 percent of all tested were Covid positive (see earlier post above). Compared to the whole population less than 3.5 percent might be positive, as many of those selected for a test were suspected as carrer the virus. Vaccination protects people from getting sick, or seriously sick, so vaccinated people can unfortunately be asymptomatic carriers of Covid virus.
  8. Are there any real evidence at all that disinfection of surfaces reduce spread of Covid..?
  9. This country has been "stolen by an un-elected PM" about 20 times since 1932...????
  10. Knowing what I know now I would have come here in the happy hippie era and partying on Koh Samui and Koh Pahngan's Sunrise Beach with all the gorgeous young ladies; however it would not have been financially possible in the long run, and I might well have ended like one of the old hippies from that time, who now sits almost penniless on Sunrise Beach... If I had had the financial capabilities, knowing what I know now in the unbearable crystal bright light of hindsight, yes, then I would pulled the plug and settled on Koh Samui around age of 50; however I did not have the financial needs, so luckily I waited another six years. Even that it's said - and also a book title - that you can "live in paradise for pennies on the dollar", the truth is slightly different, if your dream of paradise is not that far from mine. Struggling to survive almost day by day on a very low budget is not my "dream of paradise", and living extremely primitive like on "Bounty Island" in the shade of a coconut palm, and not much else, might also be boring in the long run - don't forget that many of the female companions might suddenly find someone more "handsum", i.e. "someone more rich"...???? I'm still very happy with both my choice and my timing...????
  11. Apart from the difficulty for a Westerner to predict Chinese behavior - and there might well be a million of the many Chine dollar millionaires that have interest in settling in Thailand - I don't think there will be hordes of Western dollar-millionaire retirees queuee up outside Thailand's borders, waiting to buy property and settle there...????
  12. 20th september Samui No new cases Phangan No new cases Koh Tao +7 cases
  13. When I first seriously considered to settle in Thailand at age 54, I had equivalent to 8 milion baht in savings, and many years before a small government retirement pension would be paid. I considered to keep 5 million baht in bonds in my Danish home country, which would pay me about 250,000 baht per year, or 20,000 baht per month, and use the remaining 3 million baht to settle in Thailand with 1 million for a home; 1 million for a small car, moving cost, and needed assories for a home; and the last million to establish a business my Thai girlfriend could handle, which should pay 10,000 baht per month to each of us, i.e. a budget of 40,000 baht per month. In the always unbearably crystal bright light of hindsight I'm very happy that I didn't do that. I moved to Thailand two years later and checked finally officially out of my home country after one more year - I needed to sell my property, as was not allowed to own a full time home when moving abroad - but during those two years my financial situation had been improved drastically, mainly because of property prices, and so had my Thai girlfriend; i.e. I changed my gold digger-version to a more affordable make. With 13-14 million baht plus an ongoing payout of around 25,000 baht it should be possible - many of my home country fellowmen survives on a small government pension of hardly 30,000 baht, plus a little extra work pension, totaling up around 35,000 baht to 40,000 baht a month, and only small or no savings; i.e. just manage to stay under marriange extension, either based on income or with 400,000 baht savings in deposit. I published my budget in another local forum thread from the island Samui, where I decided to settle in Thailand, I'm giving you a link instead of repeating major parts of the post... With a modest to normal lifestyle, I use to suggest the mandatory 65,000 baht per month for a retiree as a good base to count from. For that amount of money you can have an excellent life, but it's not an up-end hi-so style, nor enough for having a lot of female (or whatever sex) companionship or a gold digger partner; or aiming for producing a bunch of kids that needs to be send in international school. I summed a budget of 51,500 baht total a month, i.e. 618,000 baht a year, for my lifestyle - which might both be different from your lifestyle, or quite similar. That sum is without including my child, otherwise it around one million baht per year. On top is the 800,000 baht deposit in a Thai bank account for extension of stay based on retirement, and some extra emergency savings in a "rainy day account". I also invested in an affordable car, some kind of transportation is often needed to be included in a bedget. If you rent a home, and count equivalent to 10 million baht as investment -3-4 million used for deposit, move, eventual vehicle, rainy day-savings, and to settle in a new environment - it can pay you in average around 3 percent in dividends per year, i.e. 300,000 baht or 25,000 baht a month. You can also count on expected lifetime - count in worst case, in case you live longer than expected - included an average inflation and figure out how long you savings will last when you use it, instead of living of the dividends. You might for example be able to use about 400,000 baht a year (in 2021 money value) for 25 years with a fair level of inflation security, if the money is carefully invested. Settling in a tourist area might not costs you more than Udon Somewhere. The best advise is to get around in the kingdom and test different places of interest, before you settle, and rent before you decide to buy anything. Finding the right spot in a tourist area might not cost more than Nakhon Nowhere, and might be less boring; however totally depending of lifestyle and personal preferences. Buying a home makes sense in long term, as you after approximately 15 years of rent have paid your home fully, compared to renting something similar. But before "investing" in property, you shall be fairly sure that you aim for a long time stay in Thailand. In general a building loose value, while the land under a building increase in value. As it from present rules is extremely difficult for a foreigner to own property in Thailand - apart from a condo - you need to carefully check your options before buying a house; you can own a house, but you cannot legally own the land under the house; however there are various ways to get around it. I was 56 when I made the move - I would rather enjoy some good years than working longer, and perhaps be too old to enjoy all the extra money I might make - I checked various part of Thailand, but settled in what I found as best options for my dream of paradise; options that included long stay term, shopping facilities, hospitals, schools, commuting etc. Looking back in the always utterly crystal bright light of hindsight, I was extremely lucky with my decisions, the year after my move the financial market crashed, and so did the real estate prices, it took 15 year for a property like mine in my home country to again reach up the price I sold for. Back in the late 1980s and early 90s I joked with that when I could pack my business into something carry-able and wireless be in remote contact with my bank, then I would move to a paradise island and sit under a coconut palm while young women brought me cool drinks. One day I was catch by reality, and bound to my promise. So far I don regeret it, because I do sit in the shadow under a coconut palm on a paradise island, and I get cold drinks served by a lovely girlfriend...????
  14. I have the impression that all Central Festivals have designated areas for both Super Car Parking and Big Bike Parking...????
  15. In short: Imperialist...???? PS: I'm just polite and modest, and not speaking loud out about where I comes from - but you might have noticed it from the letters of the fire brigade in the images - however, if you wish to know it, without clicking on my profile, then I originates from the World's number one country in Taxation, a.k.a. Denmark...????
  16. There's a difference between rich and loaded, many of those that you refers to might be loaded, but not rich - Bezos of course in the last category - and I might not be better off than you, but I enjoy an affordable priced glass of wine, or two, with my dinner; I can afford a moderate priced 3-liters box, but that don't place me in the "rich" tick box...????
  17. "Other", I'm fully vaccinated with two jabs of AstraZeneca, thank you Thailand...????
  18. NS4 - i.e. Nor Sor Sarm See - is the only title deed with the name "Chanote" - all deeds are title deeds with various titles...???? You can find the list of titles HERE. If the land office don't have a copy of the title deed, especially when it's Chanote title - I would be suspicious, very suspicious...????
  19. There is a good site HERE with comparison of the vaccines. There are new types of vaccines in the pipeline for boosts, one of them gives 100 percent protection for all known variants of Covid in the preliminary phases, large phase 3 is scheduled end of this year, and if successful the vaccine will be available early to mid 2022.
  20. It's "green house" philosophy, you feel you do something for the climate...????
  21. Fire in electric cars is a serious problem to handle and requires special knowledge and equipment, which the fire brigades should have when number of electric vehicles surge. In my Scandinavian home country we have a high number of electric vehicles, and fires in same. The procedure is the following... The only way to reduce the fire is to immerse the burning car in water or cool with large amounts of water, thereby cooling the battery but not extinguishing the fire. The battery must burn out until the fire material has been used up. Special container filled with water for fire in electric vehicles... The electric vehicle is moved to the container... Where it's cooled down and the batteries can burn out...
  22. In a way I would believe that those wealthy expats the government wish to target to settle in the Kingdom, easily can afford the price of imported spirits and cigars; on the other hand a little lower imported spirit and wine prices would be welcomed by us poorer expats that already residing in the nation...????
  23. No matter how we view it, and feel that it doesn't make sense to prohibit alcohol serving and playing pool in a pub, it's the law. It should be possible for us foreigners to survive some months without pubs and nightlife. It's understandable that the authorities hits hard on illegal pubs and alcohol, the last few times such incidents were discovered, they caused clusters of Covid-19; for example the so-called "Black Club cluster". On the other hand, the alcohol restrictions doesn't make sense if you wish more foreign tourists to visit the nation, or "wealthy expats" to settle, which also seems to be the understanding on higher level...????
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