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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. Probably as safe as when wearing a big gold chain around your neck – I wouldn't do either of the two...
  2. Try to smile to the Thais, it works well for me, it's really Land of Smiles...😊
  3. Many hotels and resorts buys water delivered by trucks, if they don't have enough. Water shortage on Samui is normal during dry months, so not newsworthy story.
  4. Yes, there were statements from the bank that confirmed it was the same money moved between two accounts with same owner. Wrong or not, you often don't gain anything arguing with the immigration office, just follow their rules; i.e. keep your fund-deposit in the same account during mature-period, preferably in an account the only has the deposit, so it's not mixed with any other transactions. That was also my advise to my friend, but he decided to do it in a different way.
  5. was the other account another Thai account? Yes, moved from one Thai bank account to another, in same bank on same day.
  6. You cannot be a self employed foreigner in Thailand. Keep track on all incoming funds from abroad and include them as overseas income in your PND.90 tax return-form for 2024. You need to apply for a tax-ID, if you don't already have one, and when having that, you can fill and remit the tax return-form online. It's often mentioned and recommended to keep online business income transferred to an overseas account – as a non-O-visa is not the correct visa for online work – and only transfer what is needed into Thailand from your own offshore account.
  7. Yes, I have a friend that recently moved his money to a another account within the two months maturity-period, he was rejected.
  8. "...assumptions you're a sex tourist?" First of all – from my experience and view – it's a question of age difference; you didn't state your own age in the opening post. Secondly it's about behaviour from both the young lady and you. And for the third, where you find the girl; if she originates from a bar or the nightlife and is well known by other foreigners, it's hard to avoid the assumptions. If your are around middle age – you said that you sold your business, so you're probably not early or mid twenties – and you are walking hand in hand with a teen-girl, then the "assumptions you're a sex tourist" would easily be regarded so by many Westerners. If the young girl is sexy dressed – which many a young girl's fashion can be – the base for that kind of assumptions is even stronger. I replied in another of your threads where you asked about "how to start a conversation", and some of what I mentioned there, also applies here. A nice Thai lady don't hold hand with someone of opposite sex, it's bar-girls that does that, so holding hand can be a clear indication of sex tourism; any physical contact will be so. Don't forget that Thais gives a wai, they don't shake hands. It on the other hand it's accepted to walk hand in hand with someone of the same sex – mainly seen among young people – so if you two teen boys or young men holding hand, it's not an indication of being gay, but rather being good friends; the same for two girls. I remember my first time as single in Thailand; and I admit that I hoped to meet a girl, not especially for a long romantic relation, but I was open. One of the first days at a tourist beach destination I saw a middle aged man walking hand in hand with a young girl – at least so she looked very young, many Thai ladies looks younger than they are – in a (very) short skirt. I was outraged – i.e., he must be an assumed sex tourists. But at the same time I actually wished it was me walking hand in hand with that young girl; I was actually looking for a little holiday-romance after being single for some years. I think it's a reaction from our Western Christian home countries culture and media-stories about sex tourism. If you meet a girl you like from somewhere in the nightlife – dating a nice girl often takes long time, and it might be difficult to just meet one and invite her out for a date if you don't mingle in the right cirkles, like around a university if your target is teenagers – and her dress is too young fashion-style with sexy look, you can offer to buy her some more grown-up style; but not too hi-so, then she might be assumed to be a VIP-class professional. If you make her act like a more mature lady – if you also yourself have a decent dress code – you eliminate some, if not many, "assumptions you're a sex tourist". And furthermore don't walk hand in hand, but like you already have a long lasting relationship behind the two of you. I was lucky first time as single in Thailand to meet a young lady – she said she was 22, but it showed up that she was 19 – but she was good in learning me about behaviour, so she didn't looked like an easy bird from the nightlife; even that she was a so-called freelancer. On the other hand, it is not so difficult in a tourist area; you're not alone, there are plenty of sex tourists, so just don't care about what others might think, mainly care about that you are having a good time together with a young lady. However, be aware that 18-20 years old girls might not be looking for the same lifelong romantic relationship as you, they are rather looking for a solid extended-family provider, or just some quick funds, even the girl is not a pro from the nightlife. My first Thai girlfriend didn't last, but she was an excellent gold digger, which I luckily was prepared for, and also aware of that a middle aged man might merely be on sugar dad-level together with a teen. It's not impossible – history shows so – but rather rare that a teen falls in love with a middle aged or elder man. My friends advised me to rather look for someone little older, which I later did and found in Hua Hin – so there a chances where you're staying, based on my experience – early twenties worked pretty well. And I even avoided too many others looking at me – or us – as "a sex tourist", now I already had learned a little about right behaviour. But most long-stay foreigners would still know, what it's all about: A man is a provider; and if he cannot provide, a girl don't needs him.
  9. My dream for when I would reach 70, was to be like other 70-years old men that you often hear about from Pattaya with their 18 years and one day old new girlfriend...😍 – but when I finally reached this amazing age Covid came, closed Pattaya's nightlife, and spoiled the whole dream-scenario...☹️
  10. Fill in the TM30 form – you can download it – and mail it to your local immigration office. Needs to be done within 24 hours from arrival to the reported address. Returning to a n earlier registered address might depend of the rules at your local immigration office. Some places – for example where I live – the office insists on a new TM30 registration after travelling abroad. And also if one has been registered in another address outside of the province, for example in a hotel. You need to check with your local immigration office about what they demands.
  11. Same phrases might work very well with the bar-ladies – however, she might start before you with "Hey, handsome man"... More seriously, first thing to know is that in general a Thai lady sees a man as a provider; as I'm often told: "If a man cannot provide, who do I need him?" Young Thai ladies are common with elder men. Many Thai men have a young "mia noi" (little wife), even when still having his "older" wife at home. Of course, if he can afford it; young Thai ladies are often expensive company, but you can make face having one, showing that you can afford it. Good conversation starters are always first a kind of contact and note if there is any mutual interest; eye contact or a smile. To become interesting you shall first of all follow a decent dress code – yes, there are dress code in Thailand, even you might not see it that much on tourist beach areas – and act polite; i.e., be a gentleman or at least a nice guy. Speak polite; however, don't expect young Thai ladies can speak much English, apart from those you meet in the nightlife. You Aussie-suggestion for starting a conversation might not work at all with nice ladies, rather the opposite. There are many potential birds in the nightlife – and many other places in tourists areas – that are interested in foreign company, and eventual a lifelong romance. Nice ladies that are interested in foreign company also attends the night life at parties or in trendy pubs or clubs, because they are places where you can meet foreigners. A good conversation starter is always a compliment like "Swy mak khrap" (very beautiful). If she answers with a thank you (kop khun ka) you can a change to continue by asking name – always a polite start – and offer her a drink, if she don't stand/sit with a full glass. She may ask you , where you come from and then you can ask her the same – often the ladies at tourist destination are not local, but domestic migrant workers – and there you are: you have started a polite conversation, and it you keep it polite from your side; you might end up with a date for dinner. If she is a professional bird, she might turn the conversation in another way. Don't expect nice Thai ladies to be a quick catch, it can take (long) time. And don't be surprised if your date brings a chaperone for your romantic candlelight dinner invitation, it just shows that she indeed is a nice lady..👍 It might be good for you to get hand on the book "Thailand Fever", which you can buy in bookstores selling English books, it will tell you a lot more about dating Thai ladies, and what you shall expect for having "a lifelong romance"... PS: I've found a young Thai romance in Hua Hin – she is almost 32 years younger than me – so far it has lasted nearly 20 years – and we still enjoys our dinner together in the glow of candles...😊
  12. Anybody that knows why handcuffs are pixelated in Thai news-photos..? (Might have been asked before, but then I've missed it.)
  13. June 29th, Tourism Association of Koh Samui advises that you shall plan your journey according to the Pride Parade between 5pm and 7pm...
  14. I make the house's gourmet food almost daily – except when I ask my Thai girlfriend to cook Thai food – an excellent dish with no meat could be salad, with much of everything but salad leaves, and with feta-style cheese and your preferred dressing on top, served with fresh baked, or oven warmed, multigrain bread... I normally make a dressing with yoghurt and just a bit of mayonnaise, added the preferred choice of taste. A simple Thousand Island-dressing is just to ad a little bit tomato ketchup (taste, what is the right level for you) and preferably a spoonful or two of sundried tomatoes (Pesto). You asked for one dish, but I have many favourites – Western and Mediterranean food is easy and simple to cook – and just little chicken meat can make many a delicious dish when served with a variety of vegetables and a good sauce...😋
  15. Sun-dried beef cut from meat with no fat...👍
  16. I've always been shy with girls; however, if you are attractive enough – which you OP claimed that you are in a previous thread – the girls cannot resists handsome you and your body. When a girl starts to kiss you, it's fully acceptable to kiss her back – I'm talking from multiple experiences from both my shy teenage era, my rock-musician era, and my grown up-era here with both Thai and Western girls...🥰 The best way to get over shyness with girl is that when a girl – or attractive lady of interest – begins to signal that she is interested or approach you with questions, signal back, which can be a smile and just eye contact, and polite answer to her questions, to begin a conversation. Yes, I talk from experience; when I was teen I lost some probably sexy dates by being to short in my replies when girls were interested...😭 However, be aware of bar girls and their typical questions – name (they don't care), where are you from (what currency we talk) and where you stay (how rich you are and if it's a place I want to sleep) – it's just to set a price for their service. But if you are interested in dating her, or just spend the night together, then use her approach to answer question and start a conversation about asking about her name, where she comes from, etc. – and most important, politely offer her a drink at an early stage in the conversation... Approaching a Thai lady, apart from the available birds in the nightlife, one shall be be (very) polite – and not to forget dress code – if she reacts positive, one can begin a more serious conversation. But be patient; it may take (very) long time before she is prepared for a kiss from you, and if you get her to accept an invitation for a dinner-date, she will often also bring a chaperone... Thai girls will normally not hold hand or show close body-contact – except bar-girls, whom might even offer you a lap-dance, and other loose birds from the nightlife – it's not appropriate for a nice girl; at least not before the relationship is serious enough to be on engagement level. If she begins to hold your hand, it's of course okay. Dress code and being like a gentleman is often a very good starting signal in Thailand. My best experience is to let the girls – who can't resist my behaviour and sexy body... – come to me and begin both conversation and kissing; so far it has worked extremely well...👍😎
  17. Full body oil-massage for two hours...
  18. The islands in the southern part of the Gulf...
  19. "In the year 2525" was a hit in the "summer of '69"...😎 – when I was playing both in band and as DJ – and 2525 was 1982 in Thailand, so I was still around at that time, and probably also still "quite handsome" that long ago...
  20. 75, it's a recent up-to-date photo in my profile...😎
  21. The same-same, as some men wants women for: Fun... I know a great looking younger single Thai-lady – loaded enough from her busy fashion shop – who some nights enters a beachparty or a club to find a really handsome young Western man. If there is someone outstanding enough for her desire, he will be allowed to invite her to his hotel room; for some fun. When she leaves, she always throw five 1000-baht notes on the bed, so he is aware of that it was her, buying him...
  22. 10, as you can see, and I have an excellent good life... –now let's see your photo... PS: The younger girls seems quite crazy with me – it's still just like during my late 60s and early 70s happy hippie rockstar-era – and I'm of course talking about the younger Western ladies, not the local birds in the nightlife; however, they also say that I'm "handsum", but that might be cause by a different reason...
  23. If Thailand – and prime minister Srettha – wish to do something positive for tourism, they should first of all do something with the overcharged taxis – however Suvarnabhumi (BKK) seems to work well in arrival section – they are the first you meet after arriving in an airport; and a pain for many every time you need transportation during the vacation; and the last you experience before checking in for your return flight...
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