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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. the German said they have a much better security system than Fukushima but they admitted that they are vulnerable to any attack from the sky such as an air plane. They are now reviewing the nuclear power program and the Spanish. These nuclear power plants are off for 3 months for inspection of 17 reactors.

    In the near future, they might see alternatives for long sustainable energy sources.

    The European made plans to test all 143 nuclear power plants.

  2. Aung San Suu Kyi -- Greatly admired in the Red Shirt movement

    Corazon Aquino -- Was a housewife, when a great outrage resulted in her becoming a leader, ultimately of the country. (As president, not PM of course)

    K. Khwai - Red likes Suu Kyi?

    I talked to a Burmese lady and she said we cannot trust Suu Kyi.. She also added that "She is a snake". but

    I have very good point of view for Suu Kyi.

  3. What is it with technical colleges, does anyone know?

    This has been going on as long as I have lived in Thailand.

    School rivals--it's past a joke, have these got any parents?????:lol: Home made bombs powerful to blow a hand off.

    I agree with you, unless someone( teacher) in the know we have to assume many things Jealousy =upmanship =lower and upper class schools-state or private?- this cannot fall back on education-only............To my mind the biggest problem starts at home, discipline, knowing right from wrong, these spoilt brats want more than a ticking off, and parents have to take the blame for


    HURT---one lost his hand--maimed should have read.

    station 'em in those 3 southern provinces.

    my suggestion...........

  4. An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

    A lot of what he says is very true! you only have to read the pattaya mail or the bangkok post. In the SIXTH paragraph he makes the distinction of an Ex pat and a Sex Pat! and as for Thaksin, I believe it was him that started the thirty baht hospital plan for the poor folks, he also gave a buffalo to every farmer, a hundred thousand baht to every village. AND he was elected by the majority of the Thai people!

    additional info. for ya.

    1.Placed the anti-drug war which killed thousands of innocent farmers plus one old fridge got hit.

    2.Tax avoidance,Temasex from Singapore

    3. Dishonestly purchased piece of land in Ratchada (now on the run) cos' this charge.

    4. Killed 80 + in southern riot

    5. Attempted to buy judges

    6. Swap benefits between the Aussie for Free trade agreement and the use of his Sat. in Australian Regional areas

    many more please do some research then.

    Thaksin to be Indicted in the Internatioanl Criminal Court, the


    ( Last edit 2010-06-12 )

    There have been plenty of rumours of Panthongtae Shinawatra

    What happened to" just say no"?

    cos' his son IS/was a junkie?....... so he made the anti-drug war on the innocents.

    dub him again "UNFORGIVEN".

  5. Thaivisa syndicates many different types of articles, mostly a selection of mainstream media articles, but from time to time we also publish opinion articles and blogs from less mainstream media in the mix.

    We do this to make the news selection less boring and more wide, especially in election times like now.

    Sometimes we syndicate articles critizicing Thaivisa for our members to discuss. So long as the articles are not in violation of Thai laws, of course.

    This article is but one example.

    hi George

    i thought you were Dan for a while

    it has your mark all over it after the April fool success

    its certainly proved to be as controversial............

    that's why?.....

    cos' many of us don't like Politics.

    Since last week you put too many election related topics. Dunno know much how to participate.....

    Sure you got slightly lower hits on the counter. election is Boring..!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. An incompetent article by an incompetent writer. All expats are sex deviates and here for only one thing.....insipid beyond belief. Go back to where you left Dan and dig a hole.....and do your research rather than putting all your apples in one barrel.

    A lot of what he says is very true! you only have to read the pattaya mail or the bangkok post. In the SIXTH paragraph he makes the distinction of an Ex pat and a Sex Pat! and as for Thaksin, I believe it was him that started the thirty baht hospital plan for the poor folks, he also gave a buffalo to every farmer, a hundred thousand baht to every village. AND he was elected by the majority of the Thai people!

    additional info. for ya.

    1.Placed the anti-drug war which killed thousands of innocent farmers plus one old fridge got hit.

    2.Tax avoidance,Temasex from Singapore

    3. Dishonestly purchased piece of land in Ratchada (now on the run) cos' this charge.

    4. Killed 80 + in southern riot

    5. Attempted to buy judges

    6. Swap benefits between the Aussie for Free trade agreement and the use of his Sat. in Australian Regional areas

    many more please do some research then.

  7. "Thai Mussing" seemed to have died a well deserved death so ThaiVisa forum is trying a new tack, seems to be working, but its high hits with angry responses so in the long run TV will suffer from this kind of "trick". I wonder how many members are considering cancelling the email notifications already?

    Anyway on a much more serious note... must go...im' off to the "sexpot pussy club bar" to find some cheap sex, after a hard day chasing my underage pupils around the classroom at shool ware i teech inglesh. Oh,oh, just got a good idea!... i got no money techin, so I think i will buy a big sex bar and have all the staff every day for free, hu hu ha ha.

    very funny...........

    and self-concentrated though.

    havin' all bar girls for only yourself......

    huh.........pedofile sexpat!!!!

  8. Absolutely a terrible, inflammatory article, apparently allowed just to get hits on this site. Where did this guy learn to put together a written argument? And why would TV give him the platform to express his ignorance? Today isn't April 1.

    it's a long article/post i ever read on the forum. wonder how much time you spend composing it.

    but good taste though.

    So we will be expecting some more of Dan's writing to show up here?

    Next crappy piece of writing will be??????????????????????

  9. there are plenty of valid reasons to disdain Thaksin. The war on drugs

    Are you serious? After midnight it is easier to get a Gramm of Cocaine than a bottle of Beer.

    Taksin should return a.s.a.p. Night Clubs should close at 2am and Africa should...well...return to Africa.

    Without Thaksin none of this will be done by Yellow High-So as they enjoy this kind of lifestyle.



    And what does Africa have to do here? Thaksin? Sexpats? tasteless Article?

    again another racist ............

    and wrong stereotypes that African people are drug dealers. A number of them are physicians, scientists, athletes and businessmen.

    what is the connection between Africa and the news article?

    they are black but not stupid.....dude

    ************************* Please re-program yours

  10. Who would give up a good job in the middle east to work in thailand ??? Only three weeks to meet and get married ??? Hmmmm

    :unsure: Youve obviously never lived in the Middle east - i worked at Kuwait University for 12 years It is the most repulsive area of the globe i have ever visited - the salary was slightly less than UK - but being tax free helped!! I cringe when I think of ever going back to the Middle east again - not even on a plane stop on the way back to UK!!

    As for the "only three weeks to meet and get married???????" thats NOT what I said - I suggest you read my post again and youll see that what I actually said was "MET after three weeks".

    Try to read peoples posts before commenting on them in future - it might help prevent you from getting stereotyped in future postings!!

    again retrospective ................. stick to the topic then.

  11. Bob Sexers?

    I like that.


    I had my anti Thaksin posts deleted from there when he was in power so I don't want to address all the erroneous mistakes in this article. The writer is also waving stereotypes around freely while unaware of the massive gay sexpat demographic (Those guys get free/paid asian cock multiple times a day. It's truly eye popping)

    But the largest error is one of logic. The article ignores that the lowest priced prostitutes are from Thaksin country so it's just plain wrong on its central premise. Play it safe arse lickers. Very few exceptions.

  12. There are believed to be about 3,200 tigers left in the wild and more than 13,000 in captivity

    more tigers in captivity than in the wild. It's sad, isn't it?

    Only one bad thing 'bout The national Park is:

    The road,3077 built straight in the middle of Kao Yai National Park has huge impact on these animals.

    wouldn't it be a better alternative to build a road such as below ?


    Hey Dunkin how ya doin? Good Idea-apart from your photo's of the wildlife.:rolleyes:

    I wonder how many of the 13,000 thousand have been bred in captivity ??? Some zoos are good for breeding programs,

    most of the others are an income-money only- We are giving the poachers easy access with main roads cutting across the parks. But as I said before, trying to prevent the poachers going in, rather than a big news like (poachers have been arrested) its the majority that are NOT caught.

    it's never been better , thanks.... How have ya been doin'? good to see ya here....though...

    I know Siracha Tiger Zoo is one of 'em. Though, I've not been there yet. Guess they make huge profits. I hope they can protect tigers from extinction.

    have you heard of the tigers in Tara of the Dudhwa National Park on the border between India and Nepal?

    They kill people as the food chain. I wonder if they tigers in Kao Yai National park can behave in such a way. So deadly!!!! It's the only place on earth that has man-eater tigers.

    most of the time, we hear China about the environment destruction. Contrary in the NE, they have the biggest Siberian tiger breeding center, that is a nice program.

    These poachers are around they live near its, the park vicinity. Not sure if some of the park rangers are some the local living near by too. That means they are the same set of people who know one another.

    The park is so big its area stretches across 3 Provinces. I can imagine that it's pretty hard to be fully controlled. These poachers have no idea if the tigers are in danger of extinct. it doesn't make any different for them. Poor and under-educated. And then feel disgusting with those idiots that are wrongly in practice of eating their male organs and think that can make them feel tougher while in action......

    Huh....Whatta fool!....

    correct! Mrs, J should be closely monitored.

    Really I prefer seein' them in the wild , not a zoo. But not from Dubhawa Park...

  13. There are believed to be about 3,200 tigers left in the wild and more than 13,000 in captivity

    more tigers in captivity than in the wild. It's sad, isn't it?

    Only one bad thing 'bout The national Park is:

    The road,3077 built straight in the middle of Kao Yai National Park has huge impact on these animals.

    wouldn't it be a better alternative to build a road such as below ?


  14. Hard workin' people!!!!!

    you guys don't see Pattaya has been improved tremendously.....

    Drug syndicates, German + Russian Mafia gangsters , Prostitution, Jet Ski Scams, BS taxi drivers and gambling dens all have been under control of our dedicated :cheesy::cheesy: police.

    Now Pattaya is as clean as a spotless sheep.

    Don't they deserve that?

    Saying anything against this is subject to be "Sour Grapes" though.

    tell me if you need one similar to them......... We r gonna arrange it......Huh...

    :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::burp: Innit?

  15. Was told being nonsensical resulted from some folks didn't get to understand what I suggested in a post

    plus some nasty guys try to show off their superiority over other members and try to find out others' mistakes especially in writing. Some can be very stubborn arguing over tinpot bits. on the other hand, some are very helpful and informative. The Savior and his enemies here!!!!!!!!

    That was your post that was removed for being 'nonsensical' ?? Wow. I think some people are so far detached from opinions outside of a particular segment (roughly defined as the segment that thinks The Nation is fair and balanced) that they genuinely can't imagine any other / differing viewpoints, and label them trolls or label them as being nonsensical.. Some recognition of the big divide in viewpoints that currently exists not only in Thai society but also among foreign residents would be very good, with equal amounts of respect and support being shown to all sides / all viewpoints.

    yep...........they should take that in consideration. Sometimes, they can just ask before making a decision.

    But Roo and Boo,from the moderator team once used to send me a message after removing a post and fixed it back later with a minor rectification.

    That was because of my late-at-night quality of writing. well, many times make typos too. In Overall and general, the team has been OK so far.:D

    BTW, almost forget!

    "many or them, forum members make comments without reading /skimming through the articles." is the fact...

    some just read only the headings. So separate fact from fiction then. haha.:guitar:

  16. The heavy concentration of Bangkok and Pattaya residents explains the views on Thaksin. Maybe one will say I am generalizing, but a guy living in Issan with his Thai family or a young guy starting his family or an expat woman, isn't going to express the same strident views. They may not like Thaksin, but they'll just say that in a polite non confrontational way and move on. They have better things to do than launch a tirade. It's not just politics.

    Yes, I noticed the same. The Bangkok concentration was particularly surprising but indeed explains a lot. I have a young family and live in Chiang Mai and see things differently. Then I get accused even of trolling just because my opinion is different from some bitter Bangkok / Pattaya person.

    Was told being nonsensical resulted from some folks didn't get to understand what I suggested in a post

    plus some nasty guys try to show off their superiority over other members and try to find out others' mistakes especially in writing. Some can be very stubborn arguing over tinpot bits. on the other hand, some are very helpful and informative. The Savior and his enemies here!!!!!!!!

  17. English lesson for the Terminally European: 'bathroom' is a polite word for 'toilet'. [ Also: 'wash room', 'rest room'. ]

    If bathroom is the polite term for toilet then that makes toilet impolite.....INCORRECT...nothing wrong or impolite with the use of toilet...you'll see thousands of signs saying "toilet" all over UK ...unless you're implying that the British are impolite in which case (deleted expletive).

    My Collins dictionary:

    Toilet = a small room with a bowl-shaped fixture for the purpose of discharging wastes from the body

    Bathroom = a room with a bathtub

    So on Thailand's buses we see Toilets NOT Bathrooms.....

    most of the time, they gave me a seat at the back where these toilets usually are.......

    the smell's like hell ..........

    Need to improve that too.

  18. the topic heading = Taksin not popular(The majority)

    Means We are educated?

    OK then... I can keep pissin' him off in this forum and won't be tellin' off. G0000000dy

    Good things on Thaivisa

    additional info. from other members helped me understand all the topics of discussion in-depth. Sure!!!!

    I'm developing more and more my knowledge.

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