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Everything posted by Card

  1. Coz he's honest. Honesty is never cheap. Unlike fraud
  2. Your fantasy of blaming the victims for the crime
  3. I doubt the ring got any smaller.
  4. Not if you see the person who is committing your suicide
  5. "Ambassador Sagiv expressed dismay over signs excluding Israelis from certain places, likening it to the historical trauma of the Holocaust." Nothing to do with the Holocaust, nor anti semitism so stop using them as an excuse. Its shameful to compare louts with the real victims of the Holocaust. It's due to bad behaviour on the part of Israelis. Full stop.
  6. Use of the words 'incident' and 'misstep' says it all.
  7. The link is made by people like Netanyahu and his cabal of nationalist Jewish bigots. Anti semitism is rightly outlawed in many countries and these people want the link so as to make anti Israeli sentiment less acceptable and maybe even eventually sanctionable. It's already happened in the UK.
  8. Agree. Anti-israeli does not equate with anti-semitic. One is anti-national, the other is racist. There are many non-jewish Israelis in Israel.
  9. I wonder how far the UK is in the rankings? Certainly not in the top 3 anyway.
  10. I understand that there is a difference between having an income below the personal allowance and having an income that is not taxable per se according to a DTA. For example if u are single and transfer all your dta exempt income and nothing else then there is no need to file for tax. Also applies to 120000 thb of any other income. But the single allowance is 160000 thb so if u transfer say 150000 thb then it won't be assessable due to it being below the personal allowance but still has to be filed.
  11. My MRI showed various anomalies but the computer program (PI-RADS) that analyses the scans gives a score from 1-5 as to the probability of cancer, 1= very low, 2=low,3=intermediate,4=high and 5=very high. In all cases my score was 2 and since 2 docs did not recommend about a biopsy I assume they are clear. They were done on a 3T machine which I think means from 3 different angles. What was your score?
  12. Why did u have a biopsy after your MRI? Was the MRI inconclusive. I've had 3 prostate MRI and none gave rise to a biopsy recommendation.
  13. Equating anti-Israeli sentiment is NOT the same as being anti-semitic, despite some Zionists and Netanyahu trying to equate the two. After the recent release of Thai hostages from the hands of Hamas, there is more reason for Thais to be pro Israeli but some Israeli tourists in Thailand completely negate that opportunity with their oaffish behaviour.
  14. You had to copy a TM6 entry card? How come when they stopped using them years ago? I don't have one anymore as the last one was removed by immigration some tome ago.
  15. Arrogant Israelis behaving as if they are in the West Bank or Gaza. Everybody hates them.
  16. "his case underscores the importance of international cooperation in tackling transnational crimes and bringing long- standing fugitives to justice." Nice. Now for the Red Bull villain. Sure.
  17. I absolutely take your point but remember the reports include details of the following for every individual account you have in both participant countries of the DTA, including credit card accounts. This means the Thai authorities can query us on any payments into the cc accounts to pay off the loan if they suspect the loan involved payment in Thailand. What information will be reported to tax authorities? The information reported to tax authorities will have been provided in the self-certification form, and details about the accounts and products you have, including: the balance or value the total amounts of interest or payments credited
  18. So as its not happened yet, how can you claim it can be gotten around. Durgggh!
  19. You don't understand common reporting standards do you? All your financial dealings are recorded. You bring in foreign currency in your baggage? Where will u exchange it in thailand? Forex dealings require your passport. Where will you get Thai baht to bring into the country? In a foreign bank, of course and your foreign bank is obligated to transfer all your financial dealings with the thai tax authorities! Tax evasion is a serious crime in thailand involving enormous fines and imprisonment and exile. Is tax evasion really worth it?
  20. And that will come. A direct link will arrive when they start taxing global income and that is likely this year or next. There is already a proposal.put forward to the thai parliament by the Thai revenue dept. The next step is to put it into law
  21. You don't understand. Foreign Credit card use to buy goods abd services in thailabd is assessable fir tax in thailand if you pay off the card debt using assessable income. All you card transactions involving what you buy and how you pay off the debt is recorded and accessible by the Thai tax authorities. If u pay fir example the card debt with savings from before 1 Jan 2024 then the card debt is not taxable in thailand.
  22. Google 'Common reporting standard'. The dtas require full disclosure by participating states to prevent tax evasion
  23. They just want to get rid of you. Answering questions just gives them a headache. To be certain you need ti get something in writing and officially stamped just as they do.
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