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Everything posted by Card

  1. Using a foreign credit card from your home country fir goods and services in thailabd is treated the same as paying fir them with remitted funds. If the credit card us paid with funds in your home country and those funds are taxable in thailand then they are assessable. If not then they are not assessable. Do Some people really think the Thai tax dept like others that di the same around the workd haven't thought of such a potential.loophole?
  2. That will apply to retirement visa extensions when they bring in global earnings tax this year ir next in my opinion.
  3. Haha nice one. YOU have to prove it. You should not mix your earnings with your pre 1 Jan 2024 savings and have statements to prove it. No.mixing. otherwise it's too complicated to bother trying to prove it
  4. Exactly. The dinosaurs who reject anything that takes them out of their Thailand comfort zone are in for a rude awakening.
  5. Immigration will only need a letter from the Thai tax authorities to confirm that you have filed a tax return and it is in order. Immigration will use it like any other document u need for extension as long as it is validated by the relevant authority. Same with your bank statement and letter. But this is only likely when they bring in global earnings tax which is inevitable. The current remittance tax, which is now law, is just to warm us up.
  6. The regs have already been implemented for tax on remitted earnings abroad. Any taxable income remitted to thailand from 1 Jan 2024 have to be assessed by March this year at the latest. What's in the pipeline is global tax on earnings!
  7. If only if that was wholly true. Paying taxes in uk on income there does not mean u don't have to file a tax return when u remit it to thailand. Taxation in uk only provides CREDITS fir tax already paid in uk. It dies not mean that it is not liable for filing or tax liability in thailand.
  8. It does. UK govt pensions, not state pensions, are nit taxable in thailabd due to the dta. If only they are remitted they Di not have to be filed
  9. If u remit earnings that are assessable in thailand above 120000 baht per year irrespective of their tax status in uk then u need to file a tax return in thailabd
  10. Correct. Except u don't need to obtain a TIN or file a tax return if u only remit non taxable income to thailand from abroad
  11. There is a legal requirement in the uk to report taxable earnings above tax free limits annually. Just because you have not signed up fir self assessment dioes not mean you do not have to file fir tax if you have taxable income.
  12. It's not correct. You do not have to get a TIN or file a tax return in thailand if you only transfer funds that are not taxable in thailand and I stress 'only'
  13. I have already stood corrected on that issue. Look at my correction. But I would take advice if u intend to flit to the philippines
  14. You can go via the tax evasion path if u like but then u could be looking over your shoulder fir the rest if your life esp when u pass through immigration.
  15. ALL your financial records anywhere where thailand has a dta are sent ti the Thai is. They just need to key in your details. If your bank is in a state with a Thai dta then your credit card details abd transactions are available under common reporting standards. They know if u have used it in thailabd or your home country abd they know if u transfer funds to your wife adter using it abd they know if u are a resudent in thailabd
  16. Except that is not adding to the discussion in any way
  17. Correct. A 'government pension' is one resulting from employment by the govt. Different from a state pension.
  18. 1. I don't think you can avoid tax just by flitting around the workd staying less than 180 days in 1 place. Tax authorities are aware of that ruse. I think if u do that then your income will just be taxed fully in your home country as if u are a tax resudent there. 2. Yes I agree that if u pay tax like a citizen resident then u should receive the same benefits but life is a beach in thailabd sometimes. Global assets tax is imminent in thailand just like in other oecd countries. The shift in demographics to an elderly population is part of the reason why it's happening everywhere now.
  19. If they are drumming up business then why don't they also post their contact details at the sane time. Durggh. They don't coz they ain't.
  20. They won't knock on your door or speak in fireign languages. Eventually you will be scurrying fir a TIN and filing for tax because you will.need a global tax return reply from the tax office maybe going back 5 years before they will extend your visa just like they do with your bank balance now. It'll be simple for them
  21. I went to the trouble of sharing my source with you and all you give in return is a sneering remark about parroting. Don't ask me again.
  22. I stand corrected: https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/philippines/individual/taxes-on-personal-income#:~:text=The Philippines taxes its resident citizens on their worldwide income.
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