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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. Trump said that he declassified everything the problem is how many occasions he was advised on the procedure to declassified files and he didn’t do it. He knew how to do it by because he’s Trump. If you didn’t apply to him another lie I listen to him the other day at the Townhall meeting and 99% of everything he said was a total lie. You guys a Big ConMan he’ll go down as the worst president in
  2. The taxi picked them up at the police station just went around the block, so yeah there’s no problem there. It was before they got there. There’s a big problem CIT.
  3. I read this right it said the bodies not discovered for a month TIT
  4. Go to windshield repair place. I’ll do it a lot cheaper while you wait. TIT
  5. I believe he really didn’t want to sell the land. Don’t worry too much into it like to shore look for another property TIT.
  6. Chiangmai, Ram, Hospital
  7. Or after serving in the army and his Prime Minister, he is set for life and for his kids, kids, life with all the corruption and all the money stashed away he doesn’t have to worry anymore about working TIT
  8. I totally agree. I’m gonna win this site. Had very few advertisements now every time on the bottom of my screen pops out ads. It gets very annoying. TIT
  9. Not necessarily toast if he has the money to buy his way out of it is not how things work here, TIT
  10. Obviously the police know who’s using his truck one of the biggest mafia’s in Thailand TIT
  11. I don’t feel sorry at all for the school directors. There’s so much corruption and the school Director can take home so much money you wouldn’t believe it. They got a cut of his school lunches they get a cut of any major big maintenance have to be done in the schools it goes on and on she probably makes two times what she reports as a member a few weeks ago to school Director where they laid down over a few hundred thousand on his desk in an envelope. Then they arrested him and his defense was I didn’t open the envelope TIT
  12. It seems quite obvious that the man who killed the British Thai young man knows exactly what happened to his girlfriend TIT
  13. Thank goodness he wasn’t holding any fish and they rescued him TIF
  14. Yeah, like I can’t figure out why the license plate number is so important in the article TIT
  15. I don’t get it he lives in Dubai like a king he can travel the world first class where do you think all his money came from? When he left Thailand he already had it figured out it was outside the country. He’s told billions of dollars from the Thai people in the country. His sister was voted in office and it turned out she was trying or did steal so much money from the race skiing to other things I just can’t put my head around it. TIT
  16. There are probably many Asian countries would love for you to teach you to check out other Asian countries TIT
  17. Can he bring back the money that he sold the billions I mean the money that he borrowed. TIT
  18. Yeah, when I invite somebody over to my house, I had my Rolex watch I hide everything of value. I don’t wanna say it on trust them but I guess I don’t trust them TIT
  19. Very sad news. When I first came to Thailand and had a question he always would have the answer you’ll be missed very much by many people. RIP. TIT
  20. Some of that so if this passes I have a big payday for sure. TIT
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