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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. The brother sister team made more money for sure. TIT
  2. They did not say what the blood alcohol was in the driver but driving at 2 AM TIT
  3. The guy stole billions make himself very very wealthy and now he wants to get back in and his sister got caught with that race scam and who knows what else just corruption TIT
  4. I’ve been using Bangkok Bank for over 10 years now and the day before I applied for my extension to stay I go into the bank to deposit like 100 bht the account I use for immigration. And then I sit down and it takes less than five minutes to take me out one piece of paper that says I’ve had the money in the bank for the search. And I have to type another letter. It takes about a minute or two is now in Chiangmai migration of prior to that from the bank. I’ve never heard of any frozen accounts that won’t happen. It’s a very simple procedure. TIT
  5. What I really don’t get is anybody that acts badly in Thailand they blame it on weed how naïve and stupid our people believe this in Holland they very close shops there for over 43 years that sell weed. The government gets tax money and you never hear of any of this nonsense that is reported in Thailand the cause of people acting crazy is because of the weed you out maybe there’s a bottle of whiskey in there any alcohol made him act this way TIT
  6. It’s amazing to me in Holland. I’ve been to Amsterdam many times they have coffee shops that sell marijuana and they get the government gets paid tax and you never hear any negative about this in Thailand anytime somebody acts bad the first thing they’re saying is oh he must’ve been high on marijuana marijuana does not make you violent like alcoholic people who drink alcohol it’s more relaxing feeling so I don’t think you want to go out and start a fight. The other thing is where it is in Holland prostitution is legalized the government gets paid tax money. The doctors go around and inspect the girls that are in many venereal diseases. It’s all good in Thailand. They say there’s no prostitution very naïve at best. They don’t get any tax money from it. The girls do not check my doctors, so basically they just spread the diseases I guess. You’re just in self denial legalize it. Tax it have a doctors check monthly that the girls are clean it just seems to me every time Thailand takes one step forward they’re taking two steps backwards. The corruption in Thailand is from the top to the bottom, and every aspect of the government and the government officials I read all the time about these people being returned to the country with the red notice by the Interpol. And Tyler and he’s making excuses and never put a notice in the airport about the Red Bull kid. He’ll be back as soon as the last charge against the. Runs out due to the statute of limitation that this government has imposed. TIT.
  7. Somebody in the Navy is getting a big payday TIT
  8. More than half of the replies I read were totally incorrect. I’ve had Botox treatments in Chiangmai. They lasted 67 months and it was 2000.Bht she usually takes a week and a half to two weeks to see the results. You’re thinking about it in your 50 after two weeks of getting the Botox you probably look like you’re 40 TIT.
  9. Yeah they’ve never asked me to show the 800,000 in the bank money tomorrow night that reports
  10. After reading the whole story, I am very confused is the car was it 2019 and I was registered a year or two later and the parts are from 2020 and all sounds a bit fishy to me but TIT
  11. Many years ago, they did recommend breaking in an engine, but now with modern technology and synthetic oil, there really is no braking. And how fast or slow you can go. I do believe though when it comes to brakes, you should not slam on your brakes real hard for maybe the first thousand kilometers this way everything ends up sitting Better
  12. Trump strategy to delay to deny to obstruct and lie, and think he’s above all legal authority will be coming to an end sooner than later. Thank God he’ll go down as the worst president, who ever lived he’s just a one-way con guy I remember him complaining about Obama, playing golf Obama’s, never played as much golf as Trump. Trump spent more money and wasted more of the taxpayers money, he got the national debt the highest it’s ever been in such a short time his way of managing the White House was disgusting despicable, and totally inappropriate what he tried to do to Ukraine him having talks with that Russian president or dictator with no witnesses around who is disgusting Trump did you go eat more hamburgers or McDonald’s?
  13. I kind of enjoyed reading your stuff. You should skip around a lot from one thing to another from one subject to another and I’m figuring you you’re bored or very lonely there where you live. Anyways, I wish you all the best living up there with your children and wife TIT.
  14. I think the best job in Thailand would be like a high-ranking policeman. These guys seem to have a Lotta nice cars big houses sure they get a small salary but think of all the big huge brown envelopes to get each month TIT
  15. I’m sure the Police here not cover up anything and it will show that he hung him self. TIT
  16. It just shows you how powerful the beer monopoly is in Thailand, TIT
  17. I checked to see how many plastic bags are missing TIT
  18. So they know how to issue red notices, so why is the Red Bull kid still on the loose?
  19. Do you have a day? There’s an article about a medicine and the first initial of the medicine started with an M I must’ve deleted it does anybody remember that and if so, can you please send me a message with the name of the medicine wise thank you very much.
  20. I think a lot of the monks in Thailand, are like other goods sold in Thailand sake TIT
  21. Sounds about right three on one TIT
  22. Where the hell are they coming up with these numbers TIT
  23. He forgot to mention if you live in Chiangmai, you may have a lung infection due to the pollution in the air hair. It’s terrible TIT.
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