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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. I could see if it was a razor blade cutting knife, who would gain by this man’s death TIT
  2. If I were you instead of moving to Chiang right, I would move somewhere outside of Chiang Mai Dave Menne, good hospitals are you check my Ram hospital’s and they have a specialist in almost every area and a lot of them have been trained in America TIT
  3. If the restaurant nearby where you live, have no customers and why are they stay open maybe it’s the way they launder their money TIT
  4. He has a lot of money from weed, and he probably has a lot of money from the back of interest here in Thailand, TAT
  5. My thoughts, how many people who sent money to a thia woman ever ever gets her money back, I don’t know of any. Actually, this lady could drag out the court case for years and years she has no money to get back. My prediction is the Hollyn man lost some money TIT
  6. You have to believe the lady there’s corruption hard every level will always be real, never change the rich, get richer, the poor get poorer TIT
  7. Wow, two foreigners against three thia I would’ve had thought it would’ve been to a gas for five Thais TIT
  8. Yes, the tax was it to support the foreign people who skipped out on medical bills by delaying it till now they were hoping that everybody forgot about what they were planning to do with the money. Originally now the plans are for a select few to divide it it’s just all about money, TIT
  9. It’s just amazing how the ex massage king of Thailand has all this information about the corruption of the upper levels of the police department and he’s telling all and nobody has even whacked the guy yet he’s a brave guy. As far as corruption in Thailand it’s just part of the make up. CR Tit
  10. So who gets this extra money they’re gonna be collecting for every single passenger jet 6 foot in the country
  11. Thank you very much for that information. If you park on the second floor right by the doors there I think those are the doors that open right to the immigration.
  12. Somebody in the government will have a nice pay raise when the tax starts I think it’s around just thinking how can they pocket and keep more money cause you got 300 or whatever and price will be per person entering wind up going into somebody’s pocket or two pockets, TIT
  13. Does anybody know what time that opens on Thursday?
  14. Maybe he saw them and thought somebody forgot them and was gonna go the next day to the police station and turn them in ha TIT
  15. This Hass to be the only country in the world has legalized weed that he’s blaming everything on weed is many reasons why a heart stops the guy robs. I tried to rob a girl from a motorcycle and now he blames on with this thia people blame everything. Nobody takes responsibility here, TT.
  16. If the average person knew the amount of corruption, and how much money, these guys are making, if they mind boggling TIT
  17. Yeah, that guy should definitely be the p.m.
  18. Does anybody know where I can get this product i
  19. On the subject of eyes as you get older, if you get old enough eventually you’re from Cataracs in your eyes I just spoke to a good friend of mine in America said if you get these drops, it will not prevent Cataracs, but it prevents them from getting worse so now trying to find this product here in Thailand it’s actually vitamins for your eyes the kind that makes it so the Cataracs will never get to the point of what you need operation
  20. I just don’t know why they started all these pop-ups. It’s really annoying.
  21. You should do a poll and see how many people enjoy these pop-ups. I keep annoying everybody think of another way to collector advertising budget. These properties are just too annoying. You trying to read it all of a sudden every second it pops up. I don’t think the rear Factive and I think that’s turning off a lot of your readers rethink this policy. Thank you very much. Have a great day.
  22. I was walking not on the street yet, but I want to cross the street a truck backed over me. I fell down the people got out of the truck. I asked for help it looked around and nobody saw that they hit me. They jumped in the truck and took off fast. TIT.
  23. These pop-ups that occur on the right bottom, but I’m trying to read his articles of the most annoying thing ever why do they have to have stuff like that it’s getting worse TIT
  24. yeah, they should notice these problems are just annoying Macedonia enjoyable that
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