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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. Best to go by plane and take the train and that you can’t see anything it’s not all that comfortable and it’s a long trip by plane you’re here in an hour and 10 minutes a no-brainer THT
  2. It’s so annoying this pop-up advertisements to come on the right side bottom of the phone every time you can delete it another one pops right up. His new visa form is so involved advertisement it’s almost taking the enjoyment of reading it to a different level. I don’t enjoy every five seconds having to delete a pop-up can’t they do something about this you gotta be a better waited for them to revenue that have his little annoying pop-ups just my two
  3. Who can really believe these numbers they’re telling me that the Chinese tourist arriving at such a low percent of the virus for when I don’t believe any of that. I don’t think you’re testing properly and I think you’re just playing with numbers like usual TIT
  4. I almost spit out my coffee reading this please here just like the mafia. It’s all corruption come on TIT
  5. What happened to the cop with all the cars in his garage? I think you killed the guy by putting a plastic bag over his head in the police station
  6. If you leave a tip in your country and you know the service people here get paid less. Of course you should leave a tip. I am leaving surprised that you would ask this type of question. I always leave tips OK TIT
  7. For those Chinese embassy people really protect their people in Thailand. I wonder if it would’ve been an American or an English Tourist would they have the same effect probably not china. has big big influences here in Thailand. They won’t put up with this type of stuff.TIT
  8. So did the mayor welcome the new police chief with some big brown envelope? I wonder how long this guy will last TIT
  9. So the minister excepted free travel expenses from China what do you think this government politicians received from China big brown envelopes for money or extorting the tourist TIT
  10. Every day you read about corruption here, but they don’t wanna do anything about it. This is how the country operates just money TIT.
  11. Like to know your age, how old are you?
  12. Yeah, these corrupt cops they should be fired and said they go and get full pay tit
  13. Sure sounds like it will be an everlasting marriage,TIT
  14. The bribes in the payoff happening every single immigration office saying is 100 150 people that’s a very low figure they collected at the end of the month. They all divided in life goes on TIT
  15. They wanted to clean up the area here they can do it very easy but they choose not to TIT
  16. Yeah, how these Republicans come back this guy God only knows I win a minute tilted back Trump
  17. Holy guacamoles a big fat envelope with these purchases you’re talking about holy guacamole’s. These guys can invest more ways to get money for themselves, mafia strikes again, TIT. And whatever happened with those Rolls-Royce engines for Thai airways bought how many millions to daycare for themselves?
  18. Yeah, I think the first thing that happened with the engine. Maybe it hurts right when you hit the emergency brake at that the one speed could easily cause of law in the fire
  19. The guy told his girlfriend many years ago that he was probably like 20 years younger so I have to say is 58 now it’s probably like 78 but you know to Thai women white guys all looked at the same age right TIT
  20. Yeah, I don’t know about that. It’s one of the moneymaking campaigns they have here TIT
  21. Yeah, that banana lady was probably really hot that day which sounds like you’re really cheap Charlie give the lady a few extra coins
  22. Guys it’s been 100% and everything he says so I’m sure what do you say now is probably true tit
  23. I will check with the police department first they probably stole it and resold it. TIT
  24. Sure, quiet all the people make it illegal to even be a journalist, and then the government could just put out their own news TAT
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