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Posts posted by saengsureeya

  1. "You'll be taken to Pattaya and shot."

    Gee, I wonder why Pattaya?

    Same here! Obviously some Pattaya cockroaches couldn't wait for their victims to settle down in Pattaya for the weekend, so decided to search them elsewhere.

    Maybe the same low-life people who are robbing people's houses.

    Only one thins comes to mind: "Shoot to kill!"

  2. <<< But the Dutch have controlled water,especially sea water for hundreds of years >>>

    This year, staying with Dutch friends and travelling around with them up and down their country, I learned a lot about how the Dutch cope with surges of rain or sea water. The canals and other stretches of water are deliberately interconnected so that a surge anywhere spreads around the whole country immediately and raises water levels by centimetres as opposed to metres.

    Not SO relevant to a huge country like Thailand and the vast city of Bangkok, I admit. But I have family in Bangkok and am following the information with great concern. I hope the worst does not happen over the next few days or weeks.

    You may be right and the /dutch may be experts on dykes, protecting the country against the North Sea, but some years ago major parts of the Netherlands were flooded due to heavy rainfall and overflowing rivers like the Rhine and the Maas. At some point, the sea-dykes were an obstacle in draining the floods into the sea.

    At the same time, Germany was suffering from major floods.

    I know, all extremes but that's nature. No expert is enough expert to deal with extremes.

  3. How is it that the hotels were working on flood plans weeks ago and the flooding comes as a surprise to many foreigners in bangkok. I note that many of the hotels have foreign personnel. Why is it that these foreigners are able to manage the risk, and yet other foreigners cannot? Even more odd is that the foreigners at the hotels cited are not pointing fingers and whining, while the foreigners with minimal assets at risk are scurrying about in an agitated panic posting spiteful claims on websites? The take away lesson, is that there are many Thais and foreigners prepared and capable of responding to the floods.

    The (foreign) managers of the big international hotels didn't know more than the average Bangkokian.

    It's just their duty to be prepared for the worst.

    That's why foreigners often get remark: "Farang think too much!"

  4. So atms working or not? Not really a place for more rumours, there is enough wrong info around as it is. ;)

    I withdrew cash this afternoon at Kasikorn ATM - using my Aussie visa card

    May I issue a word of caution? ATM's might soon stop working or being stopped working

    a) The need energy and as a bank, I would not keep my ATM's turned on when the water is coming... ATM could think he get's attacked and the alarm system would spray colour over all money inside... and of course, the electronic inside is not really waterproof...

    B) The need for cash to leave BKK is so high that ATM's will soon be empty anyway and no bank will put their employees in danger and send them in flooded areas to refill ATM's...

    so take out what you can as long as you can!

    Then individual ATM's will be shut off......dam_n.....stop panicking!!

    ATM's may be empty at some point......OK

  5. There is Liberty Mansion in S Pattaya Soi 17, its an older place but under new ownership, the rooms have just recently been re done, its part of a new sports bar (Lion Pub). I have not stayed there as I live round the corner but looks OK, also about 100m from this is Caddy Shack that also has rooms. Link for Liberty Mansions as it is a new web site My link .

    Slightly off-topic, but what happened to the Indian guy and his wife? (the former owner)

  6. Guys please!

    There will be no flooding in Pattaya, at least no flooding connected to the flooding that hits/will hit Bangkok.

    The only flooding in Pattaya is the flooding during/after severe rainfall and that's "just" a very short-term flooding.

    So, no sweat! Pattaya is bone-dry! (flood-wise)

    The remark about supplies is correct; more and more supplies are running out of stock.

  7. And on a side note Yingluck's english is absoulutely horrible and embarrassing - I suggest she speak in Thai and use an interpreter... which of you english teacher's here are responsible?:P

    Uhm........Why should she be bothered to speak English? She Thailand's PM and addressing the Thai.Just be thankful that she's doing her best. Maybe you should put some effort in learning Thai instead?

  8. I'm sorry, I didn't read all the posts regarding helping farangs.

    The main concern seems to be a work permit, which is needed if you perform (paid) labor.

    Assisting or aiding in a catastrophe like this is country wide "allowed". In other words: Nobody will enforce the labor law in combination with the immigration law regarding visa and work permits.

    Calling the foreigner, who refuses to help because he doesn't have a WP, arrogant is overdone; it's his good right. It may be ignorant, that's all.

    Being paranoia of having no or no correct WP is a bit overdone; there will be no government-official who will check foreigners on having a WP.

    However, some foreigners will continue performing labor after the ordeal has been solved claiming that they didn't need a WP during the floods, and that they won't need a WP after the floods.

  9. Deleted duplicate entry (dtac airtime up country feels like dial up!)

    2 more posts to delete whistling.gif

    I don't understand why people keep asking about a certain situation at a certain location in 2 or 3 days.

    Nobody and I mean nobody is able to predict what the situation will be in 2 or 3 days and the only reports you can trust are the reports posted by people who are standing knee-deep in the flood with their iPad + WiFi posting their misery.

    As soon as flying in or out from Swampy airport isn't possible anymore, you'll know.....I'm certain.

  10. ...today the US help you, tomorrow they'll be ready to reclaim the favor and put it in your a**...

    and don't tell me it never happened before

    Yeah..........yippie. Finally someone who hits the nail on the head.

    US starts moving 3 battle ships into the Thai Gulf.......offer their help which is declined and then they start to moan that their help is declined.

    Please US, stay out of this and solve your own shit first. (Oh and please do not refer to the Marshall plan, that was more than 60 years ago and Europe is still suffering.)

    Help should come from UN and Red Cross. US is represented in both organisation and that should do it.

  11. I don't know how it is in the West, but here in Thailand an email is hardly ever answered.

    One of the reasons is most of the time the use of public and free email-addresses e.g. hotmail, gmail, mail.com, live,com, msn.com

    Big companies qualify those addresses as spam and won't be opened.

  12. I find the mentality of some posters truly amazing, I'm sure if a meteor were to strike Bangkok they would blame it on Yingluck's government. Opening the gates and letting the water through is the most sensible thing to do to avert a worse disaster. Why it was not done sooner was because too many self interested people in expensive areas of Bangkok wanted to keep their feet dry at the expense of everyone else. It is these people who control governments, any government. Thailand is not a democracy, it is a plutocracy pretending to be a democracy.

    clap2.gif + maybe it is possible to avoid un-necessary and not relevant posts

  13. 21 oktober 2011

    Dit bericht is bestemd voor geregistreerde Nederlandersin Thailand

    Wateroverlast Thailand

    Zware regenval in september en oktober veroorzaakt groteoverlast in noord, noord oost en centraal Thailand.

    Wij gaan ervan uit dat de situatie in de komende drie wekenniet wezenlijk zal veranderen en omdat de watermassa zich langzaamstroomafwaarts begeeft, concentreert de overlast zich de komende periode vanAyutthaya tot en met Bangkok.

    De ernst en omvang is afhankelijk van verdere regenval en demate waarin men erin slaagt het overtollige water al dan niet via de reguliereafwateringssystemen af te laten voeren. Dit weekend en het weekend erna (28/30oktober) zal ook een deel door de stad Bangkok afgevoerd worden hetgeen kanleiden tot extra overlast, ook in de binnenstad.

    Het weekend van 28/30 oktober is bovendien sprake vanspringtij waardoor het water opgestuwd wordt vanuit zee en er dus minder kanworden afgevoerd.

    Het vliegveld Suvarnabhumi is vooralsnog normaal bereikbaaren ook de toegangswegen vanaf het vliegveld naar de stad.

    Wij raden u echter aan de situatie ook daar nauwlettend tebljiven volgen.

    Telefoonnummer van het Suvarnabhumi call center is: 02-1321888. Suvarnabhumi Airport: 02-535-1111.

    De zwaarst getroffen gebieden staan aangegeven op devolgende website: http://www.thaiflood.com/en/

    Waterstanden in bepaalde gebieden staan aangegeven op: http://dds.bangkok.go.th/scada/

    In Thailand kan men de telefonische informatielijn van deThai Tourist Authority bereiken op het nummer 1672 om de laatste stand vanzaken te vernemen.

    De traditionele toeristische trekpleisters zijn momenteelbereikbaar en open voor publiek, uitgezonder het gebied rond Ayuthhaya.


    Voor specifieke informatie over de overstromingen kunt uterecht op de volgende websites:






    en wij raden u aan het reisadvies voor Thailand te lezen:


    Nuttige telefoonnummers:

    Flood Information Line : 02 - 35 65 51

    Floodresponse centre: 02- 248 85115 http://www.minbuza.nl/reizen-en-landen/reisadviezen/t/thailand.html

    BangkokMetropolitan Administration (BMA) Flood Line: 1555

    TourisPolice: 1155

    DisasterPrevention and Mitigation Department Hotline: 1784

    RoyalIrrigation Department Hotline (water situation update): 1460

    EmergencyMedical Institute Hotline: 1669

    BMA’s FloodResponse Centre: 02-248-5115

    HighwayHotline: 1586

    HighwayPolice: 1193

    TrafficControl Center: 1197

    StateRailway of Thailand Hotline: 1690

    TransportCo Hotline (inter-provincial bus service): 1490

    Engelstalige informatie via Twitter: #ThaiFloodEng.

    Met de aanhoudende overstromingen suggereren we datNederlanders die woonachtig zijn in Thailand en in de kwetsbare gebiedenverblijven, een paar minuten de tijd te nemen om na te gaan of men voldoendevoorbereid is.

    Op onze website staat een handige check list: http://thailand.nlambassade.org/Nieuws/WATEROVERLAST_IN_THAILAND

    Als u nog niet geregistreerd bent bij deze ambassade, radenwe u aan dit via deze website te doen.

    Direct naar registratie: http://thailand.nlambassade.org/Producten_en_Diensten/Burgerzaken/Registratie_Nederlanders

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