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Posts posted by saengsureeya

  1. First of all, the THB 1000 fine was totally out of order and more or less a hidden request for tea-money. Next time pay the BiB THB 100 and that's it.

    Second, in one way or the other there is some kind of police computer network, but it is more based on Thai and their ways of identifications.

    Getting a new driver-license for a motorbike will cost you THB 100 max, but the hustle is worse.

    Getting your license back from the BiB; you need to know where the BiB is based; Soi 9 or Banglamung or maybe even Na-Jomtien.

  2. You should have taken it back to where you bought it to have it exchanged for a new one before call Dell support. You have seven ( 7 ) days to exchange most electrical / electronic products for a new one unless stated otherwise at the time of purchase. I exchanged my current Compaq for a new one at Data IT a couple of days after purchase because of noise from the hard drive ( I had a terrible experience from a faulty hard drive with the Acer I had previously ).

    The problem with the OP occurred after one month.

  3. Most, if not all, emulsion paint you can buy are being tinted in the store with a base-coat (in probably 3 or 4 different shades): white, somewhat light grey, grey and dark grey.

    There could be the first mistake: they took the wrong base.

    Another problem could be: the tinting machine adds a color-pigment according to a formula, which is in the software of the tinting-machine. This is NO problem, but if one of the 16 or 24 nozzles of the pigments is obstructed, you get a different outcome. Since your paint has a brown and a dark red outlook, I suppose that the black pigment is the problem.

    It's a typical problem in Thailand: maintenance of equipment. They keep on running the equipment until there's a failure.

    This kind of equipment should be cleaned and checked on a daily bases.

  4. rocky123 what you will learn over time that there are a lot of people here expressing there opinion and many times they are misinformed or just wrong. The moderators here are very well informed and if you get your question answered by one of these visa gurus just move on because after that who knows

    Don't forget: Rocky's experience is Rocky's experience. If someone else will go to Jomtien Immigration, same age, dressed properly, same circumstances, same all over and takes the paperwork that Rocky produced there may be huge problems for whatever reason.

  5. I don't know what Thai families are thinking when driving a motorbike, but I think that they are absolutely out of their mind:

    Yesterday, Sunset Pattaya, sprinkles of rain.

    Me, driving along Sukhumvit, southwards and just passed the junction with Central Pattaya Road.

    I'm driving on the 2nd lane from right and a motorbike with papa, mama and in between a (maybe) 2 year old boy standing on the seat comes from the left......slowly but steady and I move up to the utmost right lane, because the mb is almost in front of me..........<deleted>, the bloody thing is moving on to the right lane and now I have to throw out my anchors.............I nearly hit them and he moves back to the left........and keeps moving.......until he is utmost left and makes a turn into Soi Khao Noi.

    Still have no f*cking clue about what they were up to.

  6. What I not really understand is, and I web-checked in last July, that I had to que up for a counter-check-in anyway.

    Took as long as a normal check in even with no check-in luggage.

    Anyway, on the 28-9 I'll fly to KL, let's see what happens. I'll web-check in again.

  7. Thanks all for your answer.

    So, it seems to be corruption/bad practice.

    Yes, 20 bahts is NOTHING.

    But anyway, I don't like that at all, I want to report it. Sorry.

    So, I saw a TV ad like "join facebook thaianticorruption", something like this.

    Please, help me to report it. Where should I go.

    I understand some people will say "come on !!!!!!!", but I prefer to pay 100 bahts if it is officialy due, instead of 20 bahts, sorry for those who disagree.

    I think you're right........and yes, it's "only" THB 20.

    The government has some kind of Anti-Corruption thing, but I doubt whether they will sit upright over your THB 20.

    For me; I never pay a BiB for doing his job unless it is stated clearly in the police-office or if I get a receipt. Don't forget that it will be THB 20 today, THB 50 next week and THB 100 next month.

    It's a matter of principle and it's not a matter of being "kee niaw"

  8. AFAIK you should leave the country on the date that is stamped in your passport: "admitted until xx-xx-xxxx"

    Usually, the date of entry and the date of departure are included in the period of permission of stay.

    Beware: Some airliners depart at 3 a.m. in the morning. You are required to check in approx. 3 hours prior to the departure.

    Some Immigration officers will see the day of actual departure as your last day in Thailand, although you pass immigration and customs a day prior to that.

    Play it safe.

  9. What me kept out of there, was the simple fact, that Thai don't have to pay admission and farang/tourists have to pay admission.

    The people who will pay for the bills anyway, have to pay, and the people, who won't spend a single baht (exceptions state the rule) can enter freely.

  10. Rocket, check your PM.

    It's not easy to base an estimate purely on a description.

    What's the state of the property, are there major repairs necessary.

    Are there garden ornaments, trees or plants to work around, is there a lot of wood work, should the gate and the outer-wall be included, etc. etc.

    Interiors is the same story: is the home (condo, house) furnished, are the walls old or new cement, do the ceiling need to be repaired (mostly they need), does the paint job include door-posts, doors, window-frames, etc, etc.

    Our price for small projects eg. condo's and or houses (bungalows) is THB 1000 per day for one person or THB 1500 for 2 people (this doesn't mean that the job will be finished at 50% of the time, but it will go faster). Add the sealer, putty, paint, coating, tape, rollers, brushes, etc. (we can take care of this or you buy it yourself).

    Just an estimate for a 35m2 condo (no furniture, small cracks in the walls and ceilings to be repaired), door post, door: THB 5000 labor and THB 5000/THB 6000 material.

    As a bonus, we will check the technical part of the condo (or home) on leaking taps, running of the water-pump, functioning of ceiling-fans, light-bulbs, ALL windows and doors will be checked and repaired at cost price.

    As an example: We did a 45m2 ground floor condo, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room incl/ kitchen; FULLY furnished; changed curtain rail in living room, lots of wooden-accents, we washed the curtains, checked all the aluminum sliding windows and balcony doors (incl repairs); we used Beger emulsion for interior - semi gloss and matt for the ceilings.

    It took us 8 days with 1,5 guy and the customer paid THB 15,000; all in.

    Another example: We did a 60m2 (2 storey house = 120m2); 3 bedrooms; 3 bathrooms; kitchen; living room; stairway; all walls and ceilings; 1 outer door and 7 inner doors; door posts; minor repair in the kitchen; walls were cracked; check and repairs of aluminum sliding windows; new locks on outer door. We used Nippon Healthy Emulsion (don't drink it). The project took us nearly 3 weeks with 2 people (yes, a bit slow), but the customer finally paid THB 20,000 all in.

    What we 'll usually do is:

    - check the property with a check list, so that nothing will be forgotten.

    - you will choose the paint and the shades

    - we'll take the measurements as accurate as possible

    - we'll make you an offer (which includes all the work to be done, paints that will be used [brands, colors and shades] , start date, end date, price to be paid.

    This sounds rather normal and maybe you think: Isn't it done always like that?

    Not always..........in most cases, a lot of surprises will finally be added up.

  11. Home Pro carries several differnt brands of paint. I use TOA and all the numbers are the same and the colors come out the same.

    I also wonder wht kind of quality paint are your getting ? Af for mine cost 900 Bt a gallon as any decent paint would

    all the brands we are useing are toa supershield,you buy the base then give them the code and they enter it into the mixing machine and out comes the right colour which mixes with the base,but home pro did not tell us that from june 24th they changed the colours but still useing the same codes,the staff had not been told to ask the customers is it the old colour you want,eg.we were useing s612 the code for coastal biege which is a dark brown used to paint around the facias and gable ends,so when we bought another lot 26th july the colour ended up a brick red,they tried to blame my wife but she stuck to her guns,even some stupid bird tried to say my mrs.had added water to the paint even after showing a sample of both colours,what worries me i need another 3ltrs.i think we will try and get in touch with toa and try and find out whats happening,i doubt if we will get a comment off home pro they are never wrong.

    Believe me: TOA didn't change anything. These codes are linked, not only to your eeny-teeny-weeny home-project, but also to huge projects like condominiums, shopping-malls, high-rise office buildings, etc. Changing a color code, just like that may cost TOA a fortune on possible future claims.

    The HomePRO store made the mistake and hide behind TOA.

    Unfortunately, there is only one HomePRO kind of store in your neighborhood, but isn't there a hard ware store which sells TOA? You could ask them what's happened or contact the TOA customer service: http://www.toahomeguide.com/contactus/

    IF, just IF TOA actually changed the codes, they also had to change the software in the tinting-machine; software which automatically chooses for the new code after entering the old code. However, the old code S612 will never be used for any other color in the future.

    Beger.....the #2 in Thailand, keeps the old color-codes for at least 10 years in the software of their tinting-equipment.

  12. As far as I know, there is no Labor Office in Pattaya. The Provincial Labor Office is located in Muang Chonburi.

    From Pattaya - Ao Udom - Sri Racha - Bang Saen - to Chonburi. (just follow Sukhumvit or #3)

    Pass the Makro in Chonburi and turn left at the traffic lights.

    Follow this road until you come at traffic light (approx. 4 km)

    Go straight at the traffic lights.

    After approx. 1 km you'll get at a roundabout

    Turn left.

    You'll find the labor department after approx. 1 km on your right. (pretty busy with food stalls all over)

    Take care that you don't forget your passport and the receipt from your employer (notification of application) and of course the fee.

    If there IS a labor office in Pattaya please let us know.

  13. What Lopburi quotes from the MFA website is HOW it SHOULD be and HOW it COULD be.

    Some Thai Embassies and/or Consulates are very soft on the requirements, others are very strict.

    In many cases a letter of intent from a future employer, the school registration and a copy of the ID of the person mentioned on the school-registration is enough.

    In some cases, they require all documents as mentioned on the MFA website, including police check.

    The teacher's visa is in fact a non-immigrant 'B' visa.

    Obtained in Laos, Cambodia or Malaysia will get you a 3 month, single entry.

    Obtained in your home-country (in Western Countries) will get you a one year, multiple entry.

    Once you obtained your visa and back in Thailand you'll have to deal with 3 stations:

    - Ministry of Education for a permit to teach in Thailand (that can be a teacher's license).

    - Ministry of Labor for your work permit

    - Immigration (once you are going to connect your visa to your work permit or if you would like to extend your stay based on your work permit)

    Take care that you never go on your own to MoE, MoL or Immigration, but take someone from the school!!

    I know, great answer, but there is still the question, what documents?

    Therefore I suggest to contact the Consulate of Embassy where you would like to obtain your visa and ask them for the documents and amount of copies and if original documents should be translated into Thai.

    Don't forget to take the original documents with you for visual check. Never hand them over, but sometimes they would like to see them.

    The response from others than Lopburi and Mario are understandable.........too many teachers are working without a work permit or even without a proper visa.

    This is illegal and the consequences of being caught may be catastrophic.

  14. Thanks all. I sounds like I will be able to get all these documents without being employed by an established school so I will just have to go back as a tourist and sort it out from there.

    Thanks J


    - a letter of intend from your future employer stating that he will hire you OR a labor contract

    - school registration + signature registree + company/school-stamp

    - copy ID or passport of the school registration holder

    - + all the personal documents required

    At some point, a letter from the Ministry of Education was also required, but that might have been changed.

    With those documents, you will get a one year non-B - multiple entry IN YOUR HOME COUNTRY.

    That's how it worked when we assisted with visa for our students.

    BUT, what I personally did prior to my move to Thailand was:

    Contact a lawyer/visa agent in Pattaya, or wherever.

    Ask them to assist you in obtaining a non-B, one year, m.e. visa.

    They will send you the necessary paperwork, and you add your part to it.

    Either you pay this service in advance, or you'll be trusted and pay right after your arrival in Thailand.

    I was assisted by a lawyer in Jomtien and it cost me THB 2000 (2003).

  15. Not really on-topic, but connected because of the fuel-story:

    Every time I have to fill up my car's belly, I open my window........."Gasohol 91..........tem-kang khrub!" and the answer is always: "Gasohol 91.........full!"

    and when I say: "Gasohol 91..........full, please!" the answer is always: "Gasohol 91.........tem-kang!"

    Is it me or what?

  16. Example

    Mr Old age pensioner moves to Thailand and gets a leather sofa made for his teenage teerak in Isaan.....is he working ?......this is no different from what the OP intends

    Soutpeel, it's just a grey area with a disputable activity; if the retired guy buys the sofa for his teerak to put it in her bar............is he working? not sure.

    If he gives his teerak the money and she buys the sofa...........is he working? Definitely not.

  17. AFAIK:

    - a letter of intend from your future employer stating that he will hire you OR a labor contract

    - school registration + signature registree + company/school-stamp

    - copy ID or passport of the school registration holder

    - + all the personal documents required

    At some point, a letter from the Ministry of Education was also required, but that might have been changed.

    With those documents, you will get a one year non-B - multiple entry IN YOUR HOME COUNTRY.

    That's how it worked when we assisted with visa for our students.

  18. :blink: Rayong and Chonburi same province for work permit????

    Anyways please reply if you can help.

    PS check your provinces


    Soutpeel thinks that Pattaya and Rayong are part of Chonburi Province. I hope indeed that Soutpeel isn't teaching Social Studies or Geography.

    Going back to your OP, moving from Rayong province to Bangkok means a complete new work permit. There's not such a thing as a transfer. As an initial work permit for teachers might take at least 7 to 14 days, it's not doable within the 7 days extension of temporary you can buy after finishing the previous job.

    Best thing to do is apply for a new non-immigrant B or Tourist Visa abroad.

    Great advise, but not really.

    If your new employer is willing to start with the application for a work permit immediately, you might be lucky.

    As soon as the application has started you will get a receipt from Labor Department.

    Try to get a copy of the receipt of the cancellation from your former employer and add this too to the documents.

    Add a copy (and keep the original for visitation purposes) to the rest of the documents and head for immigration.

    In my own experience, they start with an extension of 3 months, pending the submission of the new work permit.

    Of course, everybody will tell you to ho abroad and get a new non-B........that's the easiest thing to do........for them.

    I changed jobs 2 times (one time between provinces) and I never had to leave the country.

    I think, but that's just a thought, that immigration might give you 3 months (or 119 days) while you are in probation of contract.

    Anyway, don't contact Immigration and/or Labor Department on your own. They prefer it when the person in charge (eg HR) is joining you.

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