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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. some people would do anything to attain their goal.... including....

    wonder how would that poor black lady feel.... toward another chinese male or female person....?

    well, i surely won't be able to feel too good and too proud about this sort of thing in life.... perhaps, i am just too shallow....

    My best friend is a clever gay Chinese. He married a black American, divorced her, and is now a US citizen.
    She was paid very well for the marriage; agreed up front. She wanted sex and fell in love with him, but no go. I used it in my novel.

    18) Not to discuss the specifics of prostitution.

    Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgment of that fact is not forbidden. However ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.

    You can discuss sex.

    8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

    Thread closed for cooling down period

  3. What is the compulsion to have morning sickness, to throw your spine out of whack, go though child-birth, post-partum, stinky diapers, toilet training, choosing all the right schools, etc.? Finding Mr. Half-Right is difficult enough.

    Neither marriage nor child-bearing and raising is mandatory. Welcome to the 2010's. Enjoy.

  4. :D Hi guys, just would like to relay my experience with my CBR 150. ... Found a used CBR on the internet and bought it. It had 18,500 miles on the clock. Knowing nothing about the bike except it ran good and looked nice. .... I can say that this bike is all it is ment to be. Very reliable, and a nice ride. In the 4 years I have had her, she is like a good girl friend, treat her right, change oil every 2000 KM, if she acts funny get to a shop and ask questions. .. I am not a speed man so I am comfortable at 80KMPH. I did take her up to 120 a few times but got chicken at that speed, the bike was no problem only my balls, I am 67 years old :D . She is a sweet and reliable machine. Ride safe and wear a good brain bucket. Never use your middle finger to a thai :) . Happy trails mates.
    I turned 67 in August. Exceed 125 kph often. Big balls...
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