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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. 1. Always find ways to mention how long you've been in Thailand for, the more the better.

    7 years keeps me humble

    2. Actively seek white skin chicks to impress the Thais. Equally, regard all dark skin chicks as ugly, scoff at them and call them whores.

    Shacked up with a dark-skinned guy

    3. Take great pride in that fact that your wife is not an ex-prostitute.

    Ex hotel manager

    4. Prance around like a big shot because you have a normal / semi-decent job / business in Thailand by western standards.

    I don't prance well at all

    5. Make sure to play down your Thai language skills in a way that comes across as humble but fluent, even if you can't speak shit compared to time spent.

    Illiterate in Thai

    6. Be sure to use your most impressive memorized Thai phrases as often as possible with complete disregard for context.

    Mai bpen rai is always in context.

    7. Make as many chicks as uncomfortable as possible with your poorly pronounced pidgin Thai that is only understood by other up standing expats that you smugly speak (bad) Thai with. Combine this with your overbearing body language that you still thinks flys here after all this time.

    When you're illiterate and not trying to impress chicks - my pen writes.

    8. Apply the Thai sadika system to the expat / tourist community - look down on all who backpack, TELF etc. whilst prostrating before your wealthier, longer in Thailand expat mates.

    You misspelt TEFL and I misspelt misspelt

    9. Whenever someone informs you of a purchase, be sure to tell them that they could have got a better deal if they had your expertise.

    Yes, they could have bargained in batsi-kop.

    10. Most important, be condescending, cynical and patronizingly accepting of Thailand and the Thais. Like you understand everything but are way above it all.

    Mai kojai. My pen writes.

  2. Agreed, fundamentalist Christians are fundamentally Christians, so that it reflects on everything they do. As for the cost of buying land legally, and starting a 13-year campus, it might cost far more than US$5 million. How much did Prem and APIS cost? Former students at Lanna complained of leaking roofs.

  3. I see hatred against anything spiritual in this thread...

    I am all for spiritual connections and enlightenment if we can find it, but what that has to do with Bible-thumpers is beyond me. Red-neck values do not strike me as spiritual in any way. In their own religion, Jesus said the meek will inherit the earth. A little true humility and caring for the real poor would go a long way. The Koreans are at every international school in Chiang Mai because it is a much cheaper alternative to the price such an education would cost in South Korea -- so that's basically meaningless in ministering to the needy.

    My post was not directed at yours, ferd. Not all 'Bible-thumpers' are red-necks; many have doctorates. Yes, Jesus was an outspoken champion of the poor, hookers, half-breeds, etc. His opening sermon about jubilee for the oppressed nearly got Him stoned. I helped a student transfer to Grace; her father ministered to Hill Tribes. Another lived in Koolpunt, barely able to pay reduced tuition. Another 's father ran an orphanage. Many students aren't missionary kids; one's father ran a diamond mine. Have a good day.
  4. World Club is a huge place filled with everything from mansions to modest rented two-bedrooms. I see hatred against anything spiritual in this thread, so I won't moderate. I sat beside Grace staff recently - at a Mike's burger bar. Nice folks, doing education for Americans, Koreans on scholarships, poor missionary families ministering to hill tribes, etc. Bright students, well trained staff, etc.

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