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Posts posted by heiwa

  1. Prayuth should be unceremoniously fired. He was far too busy telling the world that the terrorists could be found in Bangkok, demonstrating and singing, while refusing to call muslim insurgents "terrorists" 6500 people have been killed, 30,000 plus wounded and now Praytuth is waking up. It is as with the Thai newspapers, everything to burry the truth. Each and every bombing was either ignored or buried in the middle of the newspaper so nobody would notice.

    The real trouble is that it worked. CNN was far more occupied reporting on a attack from a lone gunman in Africa that killed a handful than even mentioning Thailand. CNN works with the army TV that says it all. BBC showed happily pictures from a HatYai hotel and told the world that it was Yala.

    The army should be purged of there in tire top and senior officers they have failed the people for almost 2 decades when i comes down to Southern terrorism.

    The Thai Government is in Pickle indeed, What is need is a small force of private military in the Southern region- They were approached last year by such a group and they were turned away. Look at the success of Executive Outcomes in Africa.

    Thailand has a large army and more generals than any other in the world and you want to bring in mercenaries?

    It did not stop the Vietnamese kicking American ass. Victory goes to the bold and the daring - not to the man with the most guns or napalm gas. I've seen these soldiers fighting the insurgents - and I can tell you they didn't want to be there - would you??? The noble war hero from what I saw is myth consigned to movies. I saw plenty of fear. The faces were like blocks of ice with no emotion whatsoever which scared the hell out of me. I thought I was going to be fired on by the soldiers as I rode my motorbike machine gun pointed at my head. If foreigners posting here, who are so critical of the young Thai soldiers who would prefer to live, and think it is such a doddle to fight a few insurgents and you want to fight why not ask the army if you can replace one of their soldiers - plain cowardice to mention napalm and lacking in humanity. Napalm did not stop the Vietnamese.
  2. You must be Thai. Everyone must be Thai. If you have ever taught in a Thai school you would know this. I think they should force the Israelis to use Arabic as their first language and change their religion from Jewish to buddhist. What is good for one is good for all. By the way the way Thailand is made up of about 60% ethnic Laos and 20% Cambodian by my guess. I have been to villages in Esan and people there have told me, "Let's speak Laos as my Thai is not very good." I speak Thai and Laos.

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  3. Muslims value life. A life for a life as it also says in our good book the Bible. They have been killed by the government and now the battle is turning to innocent tourists now that the 5,000 death milestone has been reached. It is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a teeth. Read Tak Bai massacre etc. There are still many more deaths to make the score even they will believe. If there is no reconciliation this I have no doubt will end in Phuket and Pattaya Bali style bombings which we can all do without. Comments about napalm will not help the situation. If the security improves they will turn to suicide bombings. Not music to the ears for tourists but I believe it describes the situation accurately. The first step should be to arrest Taksin for the Tak Bai massacre. I live in Songkhla and have been to the deep South many times. I have been in the middle of battles with insurgents and soldiers - caught in the middle. I have had machine guns pointed on me with the trigger squeezed. I have an interest in peace like the holiday makers in Phuket do.

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  4. YAY!!! Now: let's try to "capture" the criminals IN PERSON and not merely on a videotape (this should be interesting).

    Yes, it would be delicious to know why they did it? Would be fascinating if they had any relatives killed in former massacres. Could it be because of the Taksin Takbai massacre and many similar events? Why not have some real reconciliation and stop this forever. The vicious circle does not have to continue if we have like minded intelligent people on both sides to reach a peaceful solution. It does not have to escalate to a Bali style bombing if there is meaningful reconciliation. Bringing Taksin to justice for the massacre of innocent ethnic Malays would go a long way to reconciliation and stop the vicious circle of revenge.
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  5. OK arrest these guys but to be fair arrest Mr. Taksin at the same time. Mrs Yingluck prepare that international arrest warrant now.

    What would Shakespeare have to say:

    "If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?". - ( Quote Act III, scene I).

    In October 2004 the town of Tak Bai in Narathiwat province saw the most publicized incident of the insurgency. Six local men were arrested for having supplied weapons to insurgents. A demonstration was organized to demand their release and the police called in army reinforcements. The army used tear gas and water cannons on the crowd, and shooting started in which seven men were killed.

    Hundreds of local people, mostly young men, were arrested. They were made to take off their shirts and lie on the ground. Their hands were tied behind their backs (Sounds very similar to the way many foreign tourists die in Thailand). Later that afternoon, they were thrown by soldiers into trucks to be taken to the Ingkayutthaboriharn army camp in the nearby province of Pattani. The prisoners were stacked five or six deep in the trucks, and by the time the trucks reached their destination five hours later, in the heat of the day, 78 men had suffocated to death.

    This incident sparked widespread protests across the south, and indeed across Thailand, since many non-Muslim Thais were appalled at the army's behaviour. Thaksin, however, gave the army his full support. Those responsible for the ill-treatment and death of the detainees received the most minor of non-custodial punishments. Thaksin's initial response was to defend the army's actions, saying that the 78 men died "because they were already weak from fasting during the month of Ramadan."

    Charges were filed against 58 suspects accused of participating in the demonstration. The trials went on at a slow place, and As of October 2006, the court had finished questioning of only two out of the 1,500 witnesses in the case. Police were also unable to find 32 Tak Bai protesters who were still at large after fleeing arrest.[40]

    Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont gave a formal apology for the incident on 2 November 2006.[41] The day afterwards, the number of violent acts increased fivefold, compared to the average in the preceding month.[42]

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  6. ... oh, soooo sorry, chrisinth ... there exist no word equivalents in the Thai language for 'prevention' ... nor, 'planning' ... nor, 'responsibility' ... nor, 'anticipate' ... nor, 'pre-empt' ... nor, 'pro-active'.

    ... these are unneeded concepts in a passified society, taught through Thai Theravada Buddhism that they cannot influence their destinies, which are predestined by what they did in their last lives ... (what a remarkable stroke of luck, this pervasive socio-religious programming, if you are an entitled Thai elite determined to maintain for generations your dominion above the unwashed masses).

    ... many other important things missing here that relate to human values, many of which are fundamental human values and are notably missing from the lexicon of Thailand's cultural values, over which I will not rant here this morning.

    That is of course true, but it is not the Thai's destinies that we are talking about. I would have big doubts if tourism was taught through Thai Theravada Buddhism, but it exists.

    Tourism is a money cow for Thailand, protect it. Or was that not taught either?

    You are not going to stop this. Where there is cruel injustice like perpetrated by Mr. Taksin (Takbai massacre) there will be revenge especially with Muslims who put prime importance in life and do not believe in karma. The security did their job. They never missed a car. They checked every car without fail. So it appears there was a failure in the checking process. However, it would only turn to suicide bombing if they made it too difficult. My concern is that to internationalize this further they could turn to Phuket with a Bali style bombing. It is time for an international arrest warrant for Mr. Taksin for the Tak Bai massacre. Action like this will stop an inevitable Bali style bombing.
  7. I wonder if the TAT knows the TukTuk drivers on Silom and Sukhumvit tell tourists to stay away from the Grand Palace because of bombs going off?

    Yes. They tell this to tourists so they can be diverted into a scam operation.

    Thousands of tourist then go home and tell everybody that it's too dangerous to visit the main attractions.

    22 years ago they told me it was closed because of a public holiday and got me in a gem scam. Of course I deserved to be ripped off. I had bad karma from a past life and that's why I was born a lowly farang/foreigner/cockroach easy prey for the rural folk.
  8. And sadly so many young innocent Thai Buddhist and Thai Muslim soldiers dying and maimed (the poor guys selling lottery tickets all over Thailand) for this lunacy because the government sees that to appear to be in control the necessity to dilute the homogeneous Thai Muslim ethnic Malay culture just as the murderous Chinese regime sees fit to dilute the Tibetan culture. And the international community stays silent. Why can't Thais accept and celebrate the diversity of their ethnic minorities. It would be wonderful for tourism. Foreigners visiting the ethnic sea gypsies of the deep South. The Chinese attempt to destroy the Tibetan culture does not help tourism.

  9. If you would read Shakespeare and Hegel you would understand it is impossible to stop this. A community wronged leads to revenge. When your whole family has been wiped out by the national army and to add insult to injury they go unpunished some don't mind becoming a suicide bomber. Perhaps sadly we must just accept this is the way the world is and innocent tourists get unfairly caught up in it. I guess if the 3 provinces of the deep South went the way of Aceh it could not be worse than it is now. With over 5,000 dead, 15,000 maimed (=very unhappy existence= burns to 90% of their body = lost eyesight=no legs etc etc) I see it so often down here. Is it really worth it? What is wrong with homogenous societies? It works for Japan? It used to work for England and France. Look at England and France and the tension they are having with Muslims. Melting pots sooner or later explode. Good for the arms dealers. The ethic Malays just want to be left alone. Let them rest like you and I and I am sure there will be peace and innocent tourists like you and I will not have to die. There must be a better way!

    “If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that”

  10. “If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that”

    Bring former murderer Prime Minisiter Taskin back. Why is there not outrage at him? Why is he not doing 500 years in a Thai jail? Get him to do another Tak Bai Massacre on a grander scale. That will shut the terroists up. Where there is injustice there will be revenge according to Shakespeare above. From a Thai buddhist view point ethnic Malay Muslims in the deep South are sub human like farang in the re-incarnation cycle. Buddhism gives license for the most brutal treatment of people they feel under them. Look at how many farang are murdered in Thailand by Thai buddhists (including policemen) and scammed by Thai buddhists and their brothers = husbands 555 - dear country folk.

    In October 2004 the town of Tak Bai in Narathiwat province saw the most publicized incident of the insurgency. Six local men were arrested for having supplied weapons to insurgents. A demonstration was organized to demand their release and the police called in army reinforcements. The army used tear gas and water cannons on the crowd, and shooting started in which seven men were killed.

    Hundreds of local people, mostly young men, were arrested. They were made to take off their shirts and lie on the ground. Their hands were tied behind their backs. Later that afternoon, they were thrown by soldiers into trucks to be taken to the Ingkayutthaboriharn army camp in the nearby province of Pattani. The prisoners were stacked five or six deep in the trucks, and by the time the trucks reached their destination five hours later, in the heat of the day, 78 men had suffocated to death.

    This incident sparked widespread protests across the south, and indeed across Thailand, since many non-Muslim Thais were appalled at the army's behaviour. Thaksin, however, gave the army his full support. Those responsible for the ill-treatment and death of the detainees received the most minor of non-custodial punishments. Thaksin's initial response was to defend the army's actions, saying that the 78 men died "because they were already weak from fasting during the month of Ramadan."

    Charges were filed against 58 suspects accused of participating in the demonstration. The trials went on at a slow place, and As of October 2006, the court had finished questioning of only two out of the 1,500 witnesses in the case. Police were also unable to find 32 Tak Bai protesters who were still at large after fleeing arrest.[40]

    Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont gave a formal apology for the incident on 2 November 2006.[41] The day afterwards, the number of violent acts increased fivefold, compared to the average in the preceding month.[42]

  11. Could there be a cause and effect? No of course not. Everything happens for no reason. We live in a chaotic random world.

    The Asian Human Rights Commission accused the military of beating and torturing suspected insurgents by burning their genitals with cigarettes, smashing beer bottles over their knees, and chaining them to dogs. Such abuses were alleged to have occurred in October 2006, after the military seized power.[196]

    In December 2006, a group of 20 Muslims, 9 men and 11 women aged between 2 and 55, sought political asylum in Malaysia. They claimed that the post-coup regime was more aggressive against civilians and that they were continuously harassed by the Army. The Army admitted that the group sought refuge in Malaysia out of fear for their lives - but that the threat was from forces.[197]

    A group of Muslims from Narathiwat that fled to Malaysia in March 2007 claimed that they were escaping intimidation and brutality by the military. The group complained that they have been beaten and that their sons have been missing or detained since 2005. It also claimed that some youths had died after they were poisoned during detention.[198]

    In late January, 2012, an unknown number of insurgents ambushed a thahan pran base before retreating. The rangers chased the insurgents and were fired upon from a pick up truck. The rangers fired back in self defence resulting for dead civilians in the truck with others wounded. The rangers found AK-47 assault rifles but also claimed that the four dead civilians were not affiliated with insurgents in anyway. Soldiers from the 4th army regiment are investigating.This killing has angered many Thai Muslims as the four dead persons are mosque leaders (an imam, a moulana,a khatib, and a bilai).[199]

    In early February, the ministry of interior porposed a 7.5 million baht to all victims of the insurgency including those from the Tak Bai Massacre and the Kru Se Mosque Incident. [200]

  12. Only a man as evil as Mr. Taksin could ruin a town as beautiful as Tak Bai. When will more charges be laid against this man.

    In October 2004 the town of Tak Bai in Narathiwat province saw the most publicized incident of the insurgency. Six local men were arrested for having supplied weapons to insurgents. A demonstration was organized to demand their release and the police called in army reinforcements. The army used tear gas and water cannons on the crowd, and shooting started in which seven men were killed.

    Hundreds of local people, mostly young men, were arrested. They were made to take off their shirts and lie on the ground. Their hands were tied behind their backs. Later that afternoon, they were thrown by soldiers into trucks to be taken to the Ingkayutthaboriharn army camp in the nearby province of Pattani. The prisoners were stacked five or six deep in the trucks, and by the time the trucks reached their destination five hours later, in the heat of the day, 78 men had suffocated to death.

    This incident sparked widespread protests across the south, and indeed across Thailand, since many non-Muslim Thais were appalled at the army's behaviour. Thaksin, however, gave the army his full support. Those responsible for the ill-treatment and death of the detainees received the most minor of non-custodial punishments. Thaksin's initial response was to defend the army's actions, saying that the 78 men died "because they were already weak from fasting during the month of Ramadan."

    Charges were filed against 58 suspects accused of participating in the demonstration. The trials went on at a slow place, and As of October 2006, the court had finished questioning of only two out of the 1,500 witnesses in the case. Police were also unable to find 32 Tak Bai protesters who were still at large after fleeing arrest.[40]

    Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont gave a formal apology for the incident on 2 November 2006.[41] The day afterwards, the number of violent acts increased fivefold, compared to the average in the preceding month.[42]

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  13. Mr. Taksin - trouble maker. It is a cliche to blame Muslims.

    The insurgency is probably not caused by the lack of political representation among the Muslim population. By the late 1990s, Muslims were holding unprecedentedly senior posts in Thai politics, for example with Wan Muhammad Nor Matha (a Malay Muslim from Yala) serving as Chairman of Parliament from 1996 to 2001 and later Interior Minister during the first Thaksin government. Thaksin's first government (2001–2005) also saw 14 Muslim MPs and several Muslim senators. Muslims dominated provincial legislative assemblies in the border provinces, and several southern municipalities had Muslim mayors. Muslims were able to voice their political grievances more openly and enjoy a much greater degree of religious freedom. However, the Thaksin regime began to dismantle the southern administration organization and replaced it with a notoriously corrupt police force which immediately began widespread crackdowns; consultation with local community leaders were also abolished. Discontent over the abuses led to growing violence during 2004 and 2005. Muslim politicians and leaders remained silent out of fear of repression, thus eroding their political legitimacy and support. This cost them dearly. In the 2005 general election, all but one of the eleven incumbent Muslim MPs who stood for election were voted out of office

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  14. Sad but true. The only way this is going to be resolved is if Muslims or ethnic Malays (whichever term you like to use) are segregated from buddhists (Esan imports I have heard mostly). The vicious cycle has started and it will not end. Irrelevant who started it. But the fact is there are two sides killing each other and it won't ever stop - 5,000 dead, 10,000 coming soon. Muslims won't kill Muslims and Budhists won't kill Budhists unless they are seen as collaborators. Clearly the melting pot is not working. And remember the buddhists were sent to the far South to dilute the Malay population like the Chinese are sent to Tibet to dilute the Tibetan culture. Perhaps it is time the buddhists went back to Esan in the name of peace even though of course many were born here now. The Muslims say every man is my brother or sister like Christians. The buddhists say everyone else is below or under me. The Muslims or Malays, whatever you call them, will never accept this thinking and the war will never end. The Thai government should swallow their pride and send the Buddhists back and admit the dilution problem was wrong. I am agnostic but I am a realist and I want peace. I hope the Chinese will do the same with Tibet.

    Your naive -but well meant- suggestion won't happen in our lifetime.

    Granted I am naive, this not about what is right, this is about who holds on to power and therefore ethics and body count is irrelevant. What matters is who is on top - killings of Southerners - both Thai (ethnic Laos) buddhists and ethnic Malays/Muslims and tourists = farang/Malays/Singaporeans a secondary importance where the pretence of concern should fool most of the people

    Very true segregate the different groups of Islam. The need to do that in Iraq NOW! The idea of the beautiful melting pot is a very nice dream 555. Luckily Thailand is 99.9% Sunni so this should stop them killing each other.

  15. Sad but true. The only way this is going to be resolved is if Muslims or ethnic Malays (whichever term you like to use) are segregated from buddhists (Esan imports I have heard mostly). The vicious cycle has started and it will not end. Irrelevant who started it. But the fact is there are two sides killing each other and it won't ever stop - 5,000 dead, 10,000 coming soon. Muslims won't kill Muslims and Budhists won't kill Budhists unless they are seen as collaborators. Clearly the melting pot is not working. And remember the buddhists were sent to the far South to dilute the Malay population like the Chinese are sent to Tibet to dilute the Tibetan culture. Perhaps it is time the buddhists went back to Esan in the name of peace even though of course many were born here now. The Muslims say every man is my brother or sister like Christians. The buddhists say everyone else is below or under me. The Muslims or Malays, whatever you call them, will never accept this thinking and the war will never end. The Thai government should swallow their pride and send the Buddhists back and admit the dilution problem was wrong. I am agnostic but I am a realist and I want peace. I hope the Chinese will do the same with Tibet.

    Your naive -but well meant- suggestion won't happen in our lifetime.

    Or for that matter work. Muslims have no problems killing each other in the name of Allah.

    Very true segregate the different groups of Islam. The need to do that in Iraq NOW! The idea of the beautiful melting pot is a very nice dream 555. Luckily Thailand is 99.9% Sunni so this should stop them killing each other.
  16. Sad but true. The only way this is going to be resolved is if Muslims or ethnic Malays (whichever term you like to use) are segregated from buddhists (Esan imports I have heard mostly). The vicious cycle has started and it will not end. Irrelevant who started it. But the fact is there are two sides killing each other and it won't ever stop - 5,000 dead, 10,000 coming soon. Muslims won't kill Muslims and Budhists won't kill Budhists unless they are seen as collaborators. Clearly the melting pot is not working. And remember the buddhists were sent to the far South to dilute the Malay population like the Chinese are sent to Tibet to dilute the Tibetan culture. Perhaps it is time the buddhists went back to Esan in the name of peace even though of course many were born here now. The Muslims say every man is my brother or sister like Christians. The buddhists say everyone else is below or under me. The Muslims or Malays, whatever you call them, will never accept this thinking and the war will never end. The Thai government should swallow their pride and send the Buddhists back and admit the dilution problem was wrong. I am agnostic but I am a realist and I want peace. I hope the Chinese will do the same with Tibet.

    Your naive -but well meant- suggestion won't happen in our lifetime.

    Granted I am naive, this not about what is right, this is about who holds on to power and therefore ethics and body count is irrelevant. What matters is who is on top - killings of Southerners - both Thai (ethnic Laos) buddhists and ethnic Malays/Muslims and tourists = farang/Malays/Singaporeans a secondary importance where the pretence of concern should fool most of the people
  17. Sad but true. The only way this is going to be resolved is if Muslims or ethnic Malays (whichever term you like to use) are segregated from buddhists (Esan imports I have heard mostly). The vicious cycle has started and it will not end. Irrelevant who started it but some would say it started of with the Thai government killing innocent Muslims - hundreds of them. But the fact is there are two sides killing each other and it won't ever stop - 5,000 dead, 10,000 coming soon. Muslims won't kill Muslims and Budhists won't kill Budhists unless they are seen as collaborators. Clearly the melting pot is not working. And remember the buddhists were sent to the far South to dilute the Malay population like the Chinese are sent to Tibet to dilute the Tibetan culture. Perhaps it is time the buddhists went back to Esan in the name of peace even though of course many were born here now. The Muslims say every Muslim is my brother or sister like Christians. The buddhists say everyone else is below or above me regarding re-incarnation. The Muslims or Malays, whatever you call them, are incompatible with the Buddhists. The Thai government should swallow their pride and send the Buddhists back and admit the dilution problem was wrong. I am agnostic but I am a realist and I want peace. I hope the Chinese will do the same with Tibet. What kicked this off it seems was the 4 innocents coming home from prayers killed by soldiers which spiked the killed in February to 39. It is a no brainer - segregation. Again, the melting pot is not working.

  18. Confirmed by Police. Car bomb explosion caused the fire. Now 5 dead and counting. Cars can easily be parked outside Mac Donalds. Have often said to my friends why they would allow any traffic in this street as it is the prime target for terroists .This did not need to happen. They made it too easy to park a car right next to the side of Mac Donalds as you exit the car park.

  19. Reports on other sites says Sizzlers which is above Mac Donalds was severely shaken but windows not broken so it appears that Mac Donalds took the brunt of the blast and the shattered windows are in fact those of Mac Donalds. And in that Mac Donalds there is easily 1,000 people at that time every Saturday. This could sadly mean many dead.

  20. Yep hats go off to the firemen. They did not think twice about a second blast. Really heroes. They were blasting their horns non stop. Never saw such determination that's why I concluded it had to be bomb. I am agnostic. But I believe if there was more respect for the Jawi culture and not for it to be buried by Thai culture (as these so called extremists see it) there would be a chance of peace. Thailand is many countries and it should be embraced - not destroyed. In Esan are the Laos people. In Buriram we have the Cambodian people. I the South we have Malay people. Why not rejoice at this fact rather than say everyone is Thai. Celebrate diversity.

  21. Riding on my motorbike I turned left to soon at the first ODEON corner (needed to go to next ODEON corner) which meant I had to do another loop of one way streets - silly me (was annoyed with myself at the time).

    As I was nearly approaching Lee Gardens on another one way street I noticed all the ambulances with the wheels skidding and rubber burning.

    Did a U turn and road into the one way traffic not worrying about traffic infringments or an accident - adrenalain pumping - felt like I was being hunted. Nobody followed my lead. I guessed it had to be a bomb and that another one was coming.

    That is how the Canadian teacher died six years ago having a look at the 1st bomb and had the 2nd bomb detonate near him.

    Very happy to be alive. I always curse my absent mindedness (turning left at one intersection too soon). But never again. It saved my life.

    And I am very happy that I ate Sushi at Diana instead of Mac Donalds. I go there about 5 days a week. On my way back to Songkhla ambulances were still being dispatched from there to Hat Yai. Looks like massive carnage. Life is fickle - enjoy.

  22. wow. you don't need to pay 12,000 baht in Hat Yai. 12,000 baht a month, you would pay off a house soon enough. That's Central Sukhumvit. I am looking for condo in Hat Yai City or Songkhla City preferably with lane swimming pool or close to 25 metre pool.

  23. Many thanks. Do you know of any condos in Hat Yai City or Songkhla City with their own lane swimming pool. In Bangkok the condo I used to live in had a 16 metre lane swimming pool. It was OK for lane swimming. Thinking it may be more peaceful to live nearer to Songkhla City but appears to be no swimming pools there. I like to swim twice a day every day so it is a necessity. Anyway know of any fully furnished condos / apartments anywhere between Songkhla City and Hat Yai City please drop us a line.

    When I left Hat Yai, there was a 25m swimming pool at the "Hat Yai Sport Club", situated on Phetkasem Road, between soi 5 and 7 !

    Hope it's still there ...


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