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Posts posted by heiwa

  1. If we wish a secure safe future all over Thailand for tourists and locals alike people in the deep South should enjoy the fruits of their resources in these areas (rather than those just in Bangkok) - fishing rights and oil. Staying silent has already created 5,200 dead, 20,000 maimed and hundreds missing. And tourism industry for Hat Yai will be well down with loss of jobs. From what I have heard the Muslim religion has the protection of indigenous peoples as one of their goals - unlike the barbaric treatment and policy of assimilation of the American Indians, Austrlalian aborigines and New Zealand Maoris by the white man.

    The history of our world - one and one makes one. Everyone is too afraid to talk regards independence as it will look like cowering to demands. Then again, these people once had a homogenous population, ethnic Malay, so are they really asking for the Earth. Many died fighting for their homogenous ethnic populations in World War 2. Just because Western nations are now post World War 2 happy to create ethnic/muslim melting pots does that mean they are wrong to want to be homogenous like the Japanese, Chinese or Tibetans? However, do the few bombers represent the wishes of the majority? A referendum by an external country may make the bombing stop completely if it showed that very few wanted independent rule. Even talk of a referendum could halt the killings - and also it could teach the bombers that they don't represent the majority. This has yet to be ascertained. And who is currently representing the affairs of these people? Is it local community leaders or "outsiders"? Seems the waters are very murky. If anyone can shed some light on things much appreciated. It is interesting the show of strength of buddhist monks in central Yala over the last several days - if not provoking? We are not leaving I guess it is demonstrates very boldly. With buddhism being an extreme minority in this area is it really worth putting their lives, soldiers and all community members at risk and the risks of tourists all over the country and of course the economy and livelihoods that go with it? I think not. So much unnecessary bloodshed for egos to be stroked - for the sake of peace?

  2. Let's hope the security in the South will be matched in Bangkok and Phuket. Bombers have legs and cars and if it gets too difficult for them here they are likely to migrate to easier targets. I would prefer to see soldiers if it makes me feels safer. I know it won't look pretty but that is not important to me. Have seen them employ this in Laos and works very well. People tend to behave when they know they can be riddled with bullets any second. Also a no thoroughfare for motorbikes and cars would be helpful. After eating at Oishi Sushi Diana Shopping Complex Hat Yai today it was hard not to be reminded of the bombs almost constantly - took a bit of the joy out of eating thinking of the poor souls who perished or were burnt. However, the lovely Thai people were very happy to see me and their tip was very well deserved just for turning up - very brave indeed - after the horror of last week. I hope the soldiers secure Khao San Road in particular as these old style buildings would offer no chance in a similar explosion as Lee Gardens and with so many young foreign men and ladies it would be a tragedy indeed which their parents would most wish to avoid.

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  3. Cant see Malaysia wanting them back,autonomy and tightly controlled borders might be the way to go.

    No Malaysia does not want them. I don't think they ever were a part of Malaysia until the British took over.

    At any rate security is not going to stop the problem. The only real hope to solve the problem is to try t get enough Muslims together and say enough. We are going to put a end to it. As is all the support they get is from the Muslims who believe in them.

    The prime minister said Malaysia would continue to assist Thailand, its neighbour, in seeking a political solution in the interest of the well-being of the people in southern Thailand. In 2009 he said autonomy was the best bet. Over 3,000 more deaths and 9,000 more maimed and how many missing? perhaps he "was" right?
  4. The history of our world - one and one makes one. Everyone is too afraid to talk regards independence as it will look like cowering to demands. Then again, these people once had a homogenous population, ethnic Malay, so are they really asking for the Earth. Many died fighting for their homogenous ethnic populations in World War 2. Just because Western nations are now post World War 2 happy to create ethnic/muslim melting pots does that mean they are wrong to want to be homogenous like the Japanese, Chinese or Tibetans? However, do the few bombers represent the wishes of the majority? A referendum by an external country may make the bombing stop completely if it showed that very few wanted independent rule. Even talk of a referendum could halt the killings - and also it could teach the bombers that they don't represent the majority. This has yet to be ascertained. And who is currently representing the affairs of these people? Is it local community leaders or "outsiders"? Seems the waters are very murky. If anyone can shed some light on things much appreciated. It is interesting the show of strength of buddhist monks in central Yala over the last several days - if not provoking? We are not leaving I guess it is demonstrates very boldly. With buddhism being an extreme minority in this area is it really worth putting their lives, soldiers and all community members at risk and the risks of tourists all over the country and of course the economy and livelihoods that go with it? I think not. So much unnecessary bloodshed for egos to be stroked - for the sake of peace?

  5. Let's hope the security in the South will be matched in Bangkok and Phuket. Bombers have legs and cars and if it gets too difficult for them here they are likely to migrate to easier targets. I would prefer to see soldiers if it makes me feels safer. I know it won't look pretty but that is not important to me. Have seen them employ this in Laos and works very well. People tend to behave when they know they can be riddled with bullets any second. Also a no thoroughfare for motorbikes and cars would be helpful. After eating at Oishi Sushi Diana Shopping Complex Hat Yai today it was hard not to be reminded of the bombs almost constantly - took a bit of the joy out of eating thinking of the poor souls who perished or were burnt. However, the lovely Thai people were very happy to see me and their tip was very well deserved just for turning up - very brave indeed - after the horror of last week. I hope the soldiers secure Khao San Road in particular as these old style buildings would offer no chance in a similar explosion as Lee Gardens and with so many young foreign men and ladies it would be a tragedy indeed which their parents would most wish to avoid.

  6. I only wish that the TAT officials knew how moronic they sound regarding their press releases after these disasters. Time and time again, the bodies are scarcely pulled out before the TAT comes out and says tourism will not be affected. OF COURSE IT WILL BE !!!!! Best to simply keep quiet and try to improve the overall tourist experience. Another aspect that may be beyond the thinking processes of the TAT, is that the bombs are set off to create terror. If TAT keeps insisting that these bombs are not affecting anything, it may goad the terrorist to ever larger acts. As other people have noted , probably just a matter of time before the terrorists head up north. I am surprised they have not sent a list of demands to the Thai government, and if the demands are not met, time for a large bomb at Nana Plaza......And that would in fact be the end of Thai tourism........

    A taxi driver has told me they already have in Nana but they were able to get to them and stop them before they explode. He was adamant. He said this was at the same time as 911. However, it is only hearsay and perhaps not worth mentioning. But then again the mutiple bombs at about 7 areas in 2007 no one ever was found accountable. Luckily only a few of them actually detonated.
  7. Knew deep Southern Thai girl who worked in a coffee shop in Bangkok and her Bangkok boyfriend would beat her if she spoke Jawi (indigenous language) to her parents and friends when she phoned home. You must remember they had no South Afica. They had no Martin Luther King so I guess we can't really blame them. Sadly we as Westerners are so richly educated to a level that most Thais could only dream of and so this is why it is difficult to understand how they behave. And whose fault is it for this lack of education. Some of the Thais think these people must be terrorists if they speak Jawi like Westerners think all muslims are bent on world domination. There I go contradicting myself again.

  8. The PM dropping in for photo' calls and handing out baskets of fruit whilst chuntering 'We must hold hands to overcome the problems of the South' will not solve these problems. If the Thai Government does not try to solve the situation by sitting down with the 'other side' and thrashing out some kind of deal that suits all parties then a lot more innocent people are going to die. Wishful thinking no doubt.

    What if the other side is only a minority and is not representative of the community and their wishes? Does that mean we will need to call for elections? Forgive me. I am a genius.

    Knew deep Southern Thai girl who worked in a coffee shop in Bangkok and her Bangkok boyfriend would beat her if she spoke Jawi (indigenous language) to her parents and friends when she phoned home. You must remember they had no South Afica. They had no Martin Luther King so I guess we can't really blame them. Sadly we as Westerners are so richly educated to a level that most Thais could only dream of and so this is why it is difficult to understand how they behave. And whose fault is it for this lack of education. Some of the Thais think these people must be terrorists if they speak Jawi like Westerners think all muslims are bent on world domination. There I go contradicting myself again.
  9. The PM dropping in for photo' calls and handing out baskets of fruit whilst chuntering 'We must hold hands to overcome the problems of the South' will not solve these problems. If the Thai Government does not try to solve the situation by sitting down with the 'other side' and thrashing out some kind of deal that suits all parties then a lot more innocent people are going to die. Wishful thinking no doubt.

    What if the other side is only a minority and is not representative of the community and their wishes? Does that mean we will need to call for elections? Forgive me. I am a genius.
  10. Like a virus - things have spread. Lee Gardens for Hat Yai is the equivalent of the KL Towers for Kuala Lumper. What is stopping it spreading to Phuket or Bangkok. There are very few Muslims in the deep South compared to Phuket or Bangkok.

    I would say you are way off the mark, if anything it would be 50/50. Having said that, it is the Terrorists that are causing the problem, wether they be Thai, Muslems or Buddist.

    Muslims in Bangkok and Phuket have no interest in the deep South. Statistics show their numbers are bigger.
  11. On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

    Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

    Cease and desist with the false claim of exterminating ethnic Malay Thais. This is not occurring and there is no government policy to do so either. You have no evidence to support your claim. Your allegations and statements get more fantastic and lost in the mists of delusion each post.

    You can fool most of the people most of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

    Editorial Note: Cut and paste from Wikipedia referencing 78 prisoner deaths for the incident referred to as Tak Bai is deleted.

    Yes, we can all cut and past from Wikipedia. An incident involving a tragedy several years ago is not evidence of a genocide, real or attempted. The event was gross misconduct resulting in manslaughter due to the army's actions at worst or it was another example of the incompetence and lack of thought typical of Thai logistical practices. The event was not a genocide anymore than the Santika (sic) club fire on New Years Eve was, or the building fires in Bangkok that killed guests last month were genocides. These are all examples of Thai sloppiness, nothing more.

    I think we all agree Thai sloppiness is best avoided... 555
  12. How long do the authorities (TAT) think it is going to be until the terrorists in the South realize that the headlines are going to be from attacks in Bangkok and other tourist destinations

    Anyone remember Bali !!!!

    Exactly - but in the karmic circle whatever will be will be - Que sera sera. Everyone gets what they deserve. By making steps to prevent bombings would only delay the inevitable karmic punishment. And of of course they live in abject poverty for karmic debts of a former life so there is no need for the Bangkok government to share in the wealth of the region with the locals. Foreigners just remember to cross your fingers.

    Hmmm everyone gets what they deserve? So you are approving what is happening tand that innocent teachers and children get killed? They deserve that too? And if everyone gets what they deserve, the muslim who died... they deserved it as well? Thats what you are saying here? I really hope you are not condoning what is happening, violence will not resolve anything but only create more hatred and less understanding. I hardly believe that the outside world will feel much sympathy for the South if innocent people gets targeted, or worse, the violence is spreading to other parts. Fact is, and you are right there, compensation for the casualties are way off in the case of the red shirts, compared to those who suffer in the South.

    You seriously have no sense of sarcasm. Isn't it obvious to all but you that I abhor the killings of everyone down here including the soldiers, children, monks and teachers. Is English your second language?
  13. I apologise I guess only the British and its colonies understand sarcasm. I aplogise to all non-British. I just love sarcasm ; ) Yep, Communism did not work. But in Broken hill it did help in wage increase negotiations and better conditions. Obviously did not work in the Ukraine. Nothing is so black and white. Look at the socialist nordic countries. The truth is I am naive and I am going to stop my posting. Have realised very few possess humanity or the intelligence to make change. Stalin was not the man of course. And therefore the world will always be barbaric. We will never escape our gorilla shell. Very depressing to have to concede there is no hope for peace when it is always ends up a clash of egos. Over and out. No more posting. You guys have more chance of finding a solution to peace than any elected government. That's for sure. I guess the world will have to wait for Ghandi or Jesus.

  14. Let's follow Ghandi's lead. The only way to stop this if you have a conscience is for everyone to boycott Thailand's merchandise. Boycott their products. Boycott their holidays. Bring them to their knees economically to stop the massacres of ethnic Malay Thais. Our silence and lack of action will only protract this problem for decades to come. I suggest we also do this with Chinese products for the massacres of Tibetan people. You may save yourself becoming a charred remain in the process like the poor souls in Hat Yai by boycotting Thailand as a holiday destination. This is a peaceful way to achieve an end to the needless slaughter of ethnic Malays and Thai soldiers. Join the peace train. I am not hopeful that the Thai government will be able to bring an end to it.

    Please lead the way. Stay away from Thailand. Take your peace train back to Australia. Volunteer to assist the aborigines or something. I appreciate that you are a self proclaimed communist. However, despite the claims of your hero Stalin, collective punishment such as the forced famine in Ukraine do not work for these situations.

    I apologise I guess only the British and its colonies understand sarcasm. I aplogise to all non-British. I just love sarcasm ; ) Yep, Communism did not work. But in Broken hill it did help in wage increase negotiations and better conditions. Obviously did not work in the Ukraine. Nothing is so black and white. Look at the socialist nordic countries. The truth is I am naive and I am going to stop my posting. Have realised very few possess humanity or the intelligence to make change. Stalin was not the man of course. And therefore the world will always be barbaric. We will never escape our gorilla shell. Very depressing to have to concede there is no hope for peace when it is always ends up a clash of egos. Over and out. No more posting. You guys have more chance of finding a solution to peace than any elected government. That's for sure. I guess the world will have to wait for Ghandi or Jesus.
  15. Most important to Thailand is making money off the tourists.

    If the terrorists spend more per person per day who needs cheap tourists. rolleyes.gif

    The Thai locals down here - Muslim and Buddhists in the South say that the gun trade and drug trade is so big that self government would be the loss of so much money that peace will never happen. I guess its probably true. The root of all evil is money as my Grandma used to say. Time to move to Laos. I am sick of seeing all this needless murder on a daily basis.

    I think you have forgotten the innocents like the buddist monks, the school children that were beheaded the teachers that are murdered, the rubber tree workers murdered, the innocent people that are just shopping in the towns that are blown to pieces and maimed for life, what have they got to do with money and drugs?

    Your English is very good but I guess English is your second language. I do not say that in a disparaging tone. I said no one deserves to die. This covers everybody. So I did not forget these poor souls. How could anyone deserve to die. You would have to be insane to think that people deserved to die.
  16. On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

    Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

    Cease and desist with the false claim of exterminating ethnic Malay Thais. This is not occurring and there is no government policy to do so either. You have no evidence to support your claim. Your allegations and statements get more fantastic and lost in the mists of delusion each post.

    You can fool most of the people most of the time but not all of the people all of the time. Body counts don't lie. In October 2004 the town of Tak Bai in Narathiwat province saw the most publicized incident of the insurgency. Six local men were arrested for having supplied weapons to insurgents. A demonstration was organized to demand their release and the police called in army reinforcements. The army used tear gas and water cannons on the crowd, and shooting started in which seven men were killed.

    Hundreds of local people, mostly young men, were arrested. They were made to take off their shirts and lie on the ground. Their hands were tied behind their backs. Later that afternoon, they were thrown by soldiers into trucks to be taken to the Ingkayutthaboriharn army camp in the nearby province of Pattani. The prisoners were stacked five or six deep in the trucks, and by the time the trucks reached their destination five hours later, in the heat of the day, 78 men had suffocated to death.

    This incident sparked widespread protests across the south, and indeed across Thailand, since many non-Muslim Thais were appalled at the army's behaviour. Thaksin, however, gave the army his full support. Those responsible for the ill-treatment and death of the detainees received the most minor of non-custodial punishments. Thaksin's initial response was to defend the army's actions, saying that the 78 men died "because they were already weak from fasting during the month of Ramadan."

    Charges were filed against 58 suspects accused of participating in the demonstration. The trials went on at a slow place, and As of October 2006, the court had finished questioning of only two out of the 1,500 witnesses in the case. Police were also unable to find 32 Tak Bai protesters who were still at large after fleeing arrest.[40]

    Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont gave a formal apology for the incident on 2 November 2006.[41] The day afterwards, the number of violent acts increased fivefold, compared to the average in the preceding month.[42]

  17. Hat Yai And Yala Bombings Not A Long-Term Threat To Tourism: TAT

    Not even when occuring at regular intervals?

    It would be interesting to run the numbers on in-bound tourism to the UK and London in particular during the IRA bombing campaign (especially after they twigged that a bomb in London was worth 20 in Ulster in terms of coverage and publicity).

    For instance the Harrods bombing in 1983 that killed 6 including an American tourist. In total the IRA murdered 125 people in mainland Britain during their campaign and injured more than 2000 in some 500 separate attacks. The impact on tourism......

    These insurgents are fighting to the death. The Tak Bai reminds them of what will happen if they ever get into police custody = suffocation to death. There is no British style policing. They know if they get caught they get their balls cut off (as reported by human rights groups) literally. This is why the fighting and murdering is so much more ferocious and the numbers so much more deadly. Talk about fanning the flames.
  18. Most important to Thailand is making money off the tourists.

    If the terrorists spend more per person per day who needs cheap tourists. rolleyes.gif

    The Thai locals down here - Muslim and Buddhists in the South say that the gun trade and drug trade is so big that self government would be the loss of so much money that peace will never happen. I guess its probably true. The root of all evil is money as my Grandma used to say. Time to move to Laos. I am sick of seeing all this needless murder on a daily basis.
  19. How long do the authorities (TAT) think it is going to be until the terrorists in the South realize that the headlines are going to be from attacks in Bangkok and other tourist destinations

    Anyone remember Bali !!!!

    Exactly - but in the karmic circle whatever will be will be - Que sera sera. Everyone gets what they deserve. By making steps to prevent bombings would only delay the inevitable karmic punishment. And of of course they live in abject poverty for karmic debts of a former life so there is no need for the Bangkok government to share in the wealth of the region with the locals. Foreigners just remember to cross your fingers.

    Hmmm everyone gets what they deserve? So you are approving what is happening tand that innocent teachers and children get killed? They deserve that too? And if everyone gets what they deserve, the muslim who died... they deserved it as well? Thats what you are saying here? I really hope you are not condoning what is happening, violence will not resolve anything but only create more hatred and less understanding. I hardly believe that the outside world will feel much sympathy for the South if innocent people gets targeted, or worse, the violence is spreading to other parts. Fact is, and you are right there, compensation for the casualties are way off in the case of the red shirts, compared to those who suffer in the South.

    You must be American. Why do you Americans always fail to see British sarcasm. However, the teachers are brainwashing them to be Thai rather than Malay - this is why they are being killed from the research I have done. I do not agree that they should be killed. I myself am a teacher and I don' t deserve to die. And I have taught in the deep South. And I have seen the ridiculous stupid flag waving patriotism. Celebate differences like Great Britain does - Wales, Ireland, Scotland. Why turn it into monotone. Nazi style forcing everybody to being German in Europe and the world did not work either. It was defeated. Far more beautiful to enjoy the rich diversified flavours of culture. When I lived in Japan after seeing many John Wayne movies in my youth I told a Japanese that the Japanese soldiers deserved to die - she replied nobody deserved to die. I repeat nobody deserves to die, nobody. Soldiers are just doing their job down there. They don't deserve to die. Teachers are just doing their job down there - they don't deserve to die. However would it be fair for Jews in Israel to be forced to learn Arabic as their first language and adopt the Arabic Muslim culture through the barrel of a machine gun - I think not. Justice and freedom should apply to all indigenous people including the Jews. To me it the decimation of Maoris, aboriginines and the American Indian are a disgace to our barbaric civilisation. It is the belief of some religions that everyone gets what they deserve due to karma. This I belileve is why this problem will never go away and more teachers like myself sadly will be killed along with soldiers, innocent tourists, public officials - all who do not deserve to die. I think it is God's decision who's turn it is to die. Not mine.
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  20. Let's follow Ghandi's lead. The only way to stop this if you have a conscience is for everyone to boycott Thailand's merchandise. Boycott their products. Boycott their holidays. Bring them to their knees economically to stop the massacres of ethnic Malay Thais. Our silence and lack of action will only protract this problem for decades to come. I suggest we also do this with Chinese products for the massacres of Tibetan people. You may save yourself becoming a charred remain in the process like the poor souls in Hat Yai by boycotting Thailand as a holiday destination. This is a peaceful way to achieve an end to the needless slaughter of ethnic Malays and Thai soldiers. Join the peace train. I am not hopeful that the Thai government will be able to bring an end to it.

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  21. Let's follow Ghandi's lead. The only way to stop this if you have a conscience is for everyone to boycott Thailand's merchandise. Boycott their products. Boycott their holidays. Bring them to their knees economically to stop the massacres of ethnic Malay Thais. Our silence and lack of action will only protract this problem for decades to come. I suggest we also do this with Chinese products for the massacres of Tibetan people. You may save yourself becoming a charred remain in the process like the poor souls in Hat Yai by boycotting Thailand as a holiday destination. This is a peaceful way to achieve an end to the needless slaughter of ethnic Malays and Thai soldiers. Join the peace train. I am not hopeful that the Thai government will be able to bring an end to it.

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