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Posts posted by heiwa

  1. On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

    Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

    • Like 2
  2. On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

    Perhaps they have come to the end of their tether with their sorrow and hold a grudge for the international community who remains silent about these massacres. Perhaps they feel it is their only way to stop these massacres. John Paul Satre would argue we are guilty by our silence. Martin Luther King has also said the same. We come here for holidays while ethnic minorities are being targeted and massacred. Isn't that a bit like sending postcards from the gas chambers of a german concentration camp? We are saying it is not OK to exterminate Jews but it is OK to exterminate ethnic Malay Thais. Is this not a double standard beyond unimaginable shame. Have we not learnt from the past. Where is our humanity in being the silent good people of the world.

  3. Security officials could not negotiate with armed insurgents if they were going to press for something illegal, such as demanding a special administrative zone or secession.

    Sowing the seeds of Bali style bombings of Phuket, Pattaya etc - My estimate forward 2030 - 150,000 maimed, 30,000 killed. This long-term will make Iraq look like a picnic.

    Reconciliation would avoid all of this. But of course the clash of egos are far more important than loss of life and a life frankly for many not worth living for - for the maimed.

  4. Over 15,000 maimed. Guess 17,000 by now. The numbers are increasing rapidly. Very costly for society another reason for it to end soonest. How does one eat maimed with no arms, no legs, no eyes unable to work. I see this all around me in the deep south. What do you do when the only bread winner your husband is killed by Thai soldiers. This is not the land of milk and honey. There is no social security. Money equals rice and shelter. If you find that appalling then you better return to your grande mansion. This also applies to soldiers maimed and killed of which there are many. How long could you eat and sleep on 400,000 baht with no chance to work. However you can see the maimed selling lottery tickets - this is a form of social security - Thai style.

  5. She pledged that her government would urgently approve compensation for the injured, families of those killed and the owners of damaged property.

    "We will provide assistance and we will return happiness to Hat Yai," she said. "The government will stand by you."

    I don't know...maybe it's just me but, giving these people money is not the answer. Or is that all they care about? Money for pain and suffering? Then again, that does seem to be what some people are complaining about... how the people in the north got more than they did. Sad...you would think people would care more about peace and safety than about how much I'm going to get for my dead relative.

    How does one eat maimed with no arms, no legs, no eyes unable to work. I see this all around me in the deep south. What do you do when the only bread winner your husband is killed by Thai soldiers. This is not the land of milk and honey. There is no social security. Money equals rice and shelter. If you find that appalling then you better return to your grande mansion. This also applies to soldiers maimed and killed of which there are many. How long could you eat and sleep on 400,000 baht with no chance to work. However you can see the maimed selling lottery tickets - this is a form of social security - Thai style.
  6. They are completely crazy if they thing this conflict can be solved by more security and pressure. Oppression is what made this whole situation sparked in the first place. You just cannot killing/oppressing people indiscriminately because of a minority as doing it makes the rest of the population aligning with them, everyone who has lived in a country with an armed conflict knows this very well.

    On the other way I don't understand why they set up the bombs against civilians instead of police, army or politicians; Probably easier but sucks.

    I have been to the Lee Gardens complex almost everyday for the last year. They have never failed to check a car from what I have seen. They were not lax about that. It seems that checking process was unable to detect the bomb. However impenetrable security would only lead to suicide bombing which would probably cause more fatalities.
  7. If I was one of those poor souls burnt like that I would not be happy any time soon. The seeds are being sown for further attacks by not addressing the causes. How I wish Shakespeare was here. There is a Muslim Buddhist dimension to this. Buddhists awarded 7.5 million baht compensation for red massacres in Bangkok. Muslims offered nothing for Tak Bai massacres and very little for other massacres. Only 400,000 baht given for the death of four Muslims coming home from prayer - shot by soldiers. I guess they don't feel a Muslim life is worth very much. Injustice begets violence. Obviously those in the Thai government would do well to read Shakespeare and take concrete measures to put a stop to the needless slaughter - It needs someone in government with intelligence - not someone hell bent on revenge wanting to go into deep South villages firing at random like has been done now and in the past. Real reconciliation for the deep South would go a long way to stopping innocents killed, maimed and receiving burns to 90% of their bodies. Bali revisited.

    I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

  8. How I wish Shakespeare was here. There is a Muslim Buddhist dimension to this. Buddhists awarded 7.5 million baht compensation for red massacres in Bangkok. Muslims offered nothing for Tak Bai massacres and very little for other massacres. Only 400,000 baht given for the death of four Muslims coming home from prayer - shot by soldiers. I guess they don't feel a Muslim life is worth very much. Injustice begets violence. Obviously those in the Thai government would do well to read Shakespeare and take concrete measures to put a stop to the needless slaughter - It needs someone in government with intelligence. Real reconciliation for the deep South would go a long way to stopping innocents killed, maimed and receiving burns to 90% of their bodies. Bali revisited.

    I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

    • Like 1
  9. How long do the authorities (TAT) think it is going to be until the terrorists in the South realize that the headlines are going to be from attacks in Bangkok and other tourist destinations

    Anyone remember Bali !!!!

    Exactly - but in the karmic circle whatever will be will be - Que sera sera. Everyone gets what they deserve. By making steps to prevent bombings would only delay the inevitable karmic punishment. And of of course they live in abject poverty for karmic debts of a former life so there is no need for the Bangkok government to share in the wealth of the region with the locals. Foreigners just remember to cross your fingers.
  10. Problem I have now is I don't feel safe to sit anywhere. I like in Songkhla and go to Hat Yai everyday. Afraid a bomb is going to blow up my arse. Perhaps it is time for me to leave Songkhla. And there is no way I am heading for prime tourist spots in Thailand. I missed parking my motorbike in the car-park of Lee Gardens by five minutes because I took a wrong turn so I am very happy to be alive. I would have been incinerated along with my bike. There is no stopping this. Vengeance is running very deep here. The best advice to all farang is to avoid tourist places. Bali style bombings of Phuket or Pattaya could well be on the agenda if reconciliation fails.

    The problem is you are noid and your paranoiais driven even further by your extreme views. I feel perfectly safe in the same world. When it's your time, it's your time. I simply refuse to allow the few crazies in the world dictate what I do, how I live or where I go. I have died and been brought back to life as the result if a drunk driver hitting me and killing my friend. Lot closer call than almost going to a parking garage yet I harbor no resentments against driver who hit us nor am I afraid to drive on roads anywhere in the world. Sheez, I have almost drown surfing large waves and hurricanes so many times I have lost count.

    Tak Bai was sad, but nothing ever good comes from mass protest, especially when protestors start getting aggressive, throwing rocks and etc. Even protestors in US have been recently getting the shut kicked out of them. People responsible for holding protestors at bay get extremely frightened and their adrenal gets pumping when they are out numbered and in fear for their own lives. Same thing happens when you see cops here kicking the shut out of someone after a high speed chase. Adrenal gets pumping and they are out of control and exact revenge so to speak considtent with the level of fear or threat they perceived.

    You can either move on or not. The choice is yours, but why live in fear, anger and resentment. BTW, sorry to tell you this, but Europe and England are not going to destabilize and deteriorate like you say. Dude, build a bunker, hoard food and weapons if it makes you happy, but don't be disappointed if you dint need any if that stuff for the rest of your life.

    Problem I have now is I don't feel safe to sit anywhere. I like in Songkhla and go to Hat Yai everyday. Afraid a bomb is going to blow up my arse. Perhaps it is time for me to leave Songkhla. And there is no way I am heading for prime tourist spots in Thailand. I missed parking my motorbike in the car-park of Lee Gardens by five minutes because I took a wrong turn so I am very happy to be alive. I would have been incinerated along with my bike. There is no stopping this. Vengeance is running very deep here. The best advice to all farang is to avoid tourist places. Bali style bombings of Phuket or Pattaya could well be on the agenda if reconciliation fails.

    The problem is you are noid and your paranoiais driven even further by your extreme views. I feel perfectly safe in the same world. When it's your time, it's your time. I simply refuse to allow the few crazies in the world dictate what I do, how I live or where I go. I have died and been brought back to life as the result if a drunk driver hitting me and killing my friend. Lot closer call than almost going to a parking garage yet I harbor no resentments against driver who hit us nor am I afraid to drive on roads anywhere in the world. Sheez, I have almost drown surfing large waves and hurricanes so many times I have lost count.

    Tak Bai was sad, but nothing ever good comes from mass protest, especially when protestors start getting aggressive, throwing rocks and etc. Even protestors in US have been recently getting the shut kicked out of them. People responsible for holding protestors at bay get extremely frightened and their adrenal gets pumping when they are out numbered and in fear for their own lives. Same thing happens when you see cops here kicking the shut out of someone after a high speed chase. Adrenal gets pumping and they are out of control and exact revenge so to speak considtent with the level of fear or threat they perceived.

    You can either move on or not. The choice is yours, but why live in fear, anger and resentment. BTW, sorry to tell you this, but Europe and England are not going to destabilize and deteriorate like you say. Dude, build a bunker, hoard food and weapons if it makes you happy, but don't be disappointed if you dint need any if that stuff for the rest of your life.

    You Americans just don't get British sarcasm
  11. heiwa

    here was my post


    Have a conscience.

    Temperature in the high 30's and Muslim women dressed in black from heat to foot with only their eyes and hands showing while their husbands dress in white and many of them here in Chiang Mai dress in shorts. Honor killings because a women is raped they feel it is OK to kill her.

    My sister went to a talk by a Catholic priest on Islam. He was raised in a Islamic country and it was all around him. Three Imam came to make sure he did not say any thing wrong. They said nothing it was OK with them.

    After the talk the priest asked if there was any questions. One person stuck up their hand and said what about the way they treat their women. The Priest said I was hoping you wouldn't ask that question. The Imam kept their mouth shut. They didn't want to answer it either.

    My conscience includes women equally. It doe's not allow me to plant bombs where innocent people can be killed and injured. It doe's not allow me to strap bombs on my self and blow up innocent people around me.

    Yes have a conscience. Where is theirs. They say well those terrorists are extremists yet they do nothing about them just stand by and watch. In fact I am quite sure some of the money comes from these devout Muslims.

    And if they would tell all they know the terrorism would end. Your response was

    Your reply

    Where was the conscience when the Tak Bai massacre occured? Two wrongs don't make a right but Taksin was not even arrested. No one was held accountable. What if it was your son or your daughter. You seem to regard killings by armies as not terror. Doesn't make much difference to the dead. You can't have situations where armies go into villages and end up suffocating hundreds of people to death and expect everything to be peachy keen even in Amazing Thailand. But your points noted religion can be a bit like fascism stifling creativity and ideas but that does not allow people to be murdered and not held accountable. I view all religions as a form of fascism. Sadly not much respect for women here either. Daughters sold into prostitution. So can we conclude that killings of innocents is OK if it is done by armies but is not OK if it is done by private citizens. Point taken. I guess that pretty much reflects reality and I am delusional to think that killing is not a good idea either way. But you are right. If have never studied the Koran but would find it hard to believe they would condone an honour killing. Is this not something that is pre-Islam? Something tribal? I believe also the Hindus do honour killings. I believe it is Western interests to have a severe form of Islam and no democracy to safeguard our oil. I don't believe the West wants or has ever wanted democracy for the Middle East. It would not be in our financial interests.

    My reply

    If two wrongs don't make a right I guess you are saying that what the Terrorists in the south are doing is OK. You have not answered any of the points I brought up just tried to justify them.

    This issues on thread are thread not on my beliefs it is a thread on what is going on in the deep south of Thailand.

    You seem unable to reconcile to the facts.

    Their are many injustices in the world but none of them justify the actions being taken by the Terrorists in the south of Thailand.

    You it would seem think they do.

    I fully agree with you. The Tak Bai massacre was an act of terror in the South of Thailand and no one was held accountable for this terroism.
  12. "Muslims value life."

    Unfortunately, there have been too many terrorist attacks throughout the world in recent years or that one to be true.

    You don't get it do you. A muslim sees another muslim killed in Iraq so he blows up the London Underground. Death stinks as much by any other name. That's how they see it. And that's why we have these problems. A Westerner sees killing as OK if done by the army - Tak Bai massacre. A muslim sees this killing as wrong. Different view point. Bali bombings seekiing revenge for Western nations starting war with Iraq etc etc. We may not agree with it but this is their reasoning. So conclusion - don't go to Phuket, don't go to Pattaya, don't go to Bali. Go anywhere where there are very few tourists, Satun, Trang, Ranong etc. I was nearly blown to smitherines, missed by 5 minutes, I would be charred remains now. Feel like an imbecile to think I was hanging around prime tourist spots when over 5 thousand killed and 15,000 maimed. Farang - stay away from prime tourist spots until the South finds peace.

    You still don't get it do you. If you want to travel and be safe don't go where there are Muslims.

    Why you continue to back them so vehemently tells me you are in all lily hood a extremist.

    Where are there not Muslims? There are Muslims all over Thailand. 60% of the people on Phuket are Muslim. Just keep away from tourist spots and the deep South. That is the recipe for safety here. No I am a communist from Broken Hill Australia where you are brought up to believe any killing is wrong. It is Western nations that justify their killings in the name of the civilized. Where in fact they are savages. It's something you mister will have to live with the rest of your life by condoning these murders of Muslims. To quote Shakespeare, "You have blood on your hands"
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  13. In Aceh Banda two Christian girls were beheaded. A note was left - a life for a life - an eye for an eye - a tooth for a tooth. What this means is that you killed two of our Muslim brothers or sisters so we have a right to kill two of yours. This is the cause for why we have to worry about getting a bomb up our arse when we eat our sushi in Hat Yai. Which means I will have to wait until I get to Bangkok to eat sushi again. Is it worth the risk of becoming charcoal remains. Obviously not - keep away from major tourists spots in Thailand until the killings stop in the deep South as the bombing of Lee Gardens clearly shows we are in danger.

  14. "Muslims value life."

    Unfortunately, there have been too many terrorist attacks throughout the world in recent years or that one to be true.

    You don't get it do you. A muslim sees another muslim killed in Iraq so he blows up the London Underground. Death stinks as much by any other name. That's how they see it. And that's why we have these problems. A Westerner sees killing as OK if done by the army - Tak Bai massacre. A muslim sees this killing as wrong. Different view point. Bali bombings seekiing revenge for Western nations starting war with Iraq etc etc. We may not agree with it but this is their reasoning. So conclusion - don't go to Phuket, don't go to Pattaya, don't go to Bali. Go anywhere where there are very few tourists, Satun, Trang, Ranong etc. I was nearly blown to smitherines, missed by 5 minutes, I would be charred remains now. Feel like an imbecile to think I was hanging around prime tourist spots when over 5 thousand killed and 15,000 maimed. Farang - stay away from prime tourist spots until the South finds peace.
  15. You go there matey, and get in the thick of it. Saw the general in the tank with his binoculars - he didn't want to be there 555. No one relishes machine gun fire. Who fires first and most accurately - there is no come back for the other side.

    Must remember what was done to the American Indians, New Zealand maoris and Austrlalian aboriginies. We can't be too hard on the Thais exterminating the ethnic Malays. We civilised nations have done all this extermination gig before. Just took the Thais a bit longer to catch up.

  16. Taking over the world because countries like England, France and Europe allow them. You can' t blame them. Your governments open the door and say welcome. They blow up stuff. Yes, but we blow them up on a grander scale. They are amateurs. They can not match our supremacy in bombing Iraq. What you should worry about is the melting pot exploding in England and Europe. This is inevitable. Everything would be fine with segregation. Saddam Hussein did a dam_n good job with this. Problem in the South is you have buddhists and muslims living together - asking for trouble. Like saying everything is going to be OK with a million Muslims living in London. Let's see what happens come the Olympic Games in London.

    Ok, your comments are really over the top.This isn't a national front rally, ok. Yes, there is a problem with some ethnic groups, but instead of blaming and offering segregation as a response, try to think in practical terms. The majority of muslims are integrated into society. under your solution, every muslim gets blamed. what do you propose to do, make them wear gold crescents and put them in concentration camps? The last time that was attempted it didn;t work out too well.

    They sorta did this in Thailand once before- they death-marched them up from the south to Bangkok, then forced them to build the Sang-Saeb canal up to Minburi- that's where that community comes from.

    Ahhhhhhhhhh I used to live there. Poor Muslims have and are really pushed too far it seems. Might is right. And Buddhism is might in Thailand. Wondered why there were so many Muslims there. In my experience have found the Muslims have far more warmth than the buddhists. There's a more of a meeting of the minds - mutual respect. With Thai buddhists I always feel they are looking down on me or sniggering at me. Problem with the Muslims I think is that they are just too sweet and warm and so when they get trod on it creates a very explosive outcome. Something that sweet and warm just should not be allowed - just too dangerous.
  17. Problem I have now is I don't feel safe to sit anywhere. I like in Songkhla and go to Hat Yai everyday. Afraid a bomb is going to blow up my arse. Perhaps it is time for me to leave Songkhla. And there is no way I am heading for prime tourist spots in Thailand. I missed parking my motorbike in the car-park of Lee Gardens by five minutes because I took a wrong turn so I am very happy to be alive. I would have been incinerated along with my bike. There is no stopping this. Vengeance is running very deep here. The best advice to all farang is to avoid tourist places. Bali style bombings of Phuket or Pattaya could well be on the agenda if reconciliation fails.

  18. ]Have Christians ever been pushed far enough to do so? The Japanese were. The Muslims are weak. They need to resort to suicide bombing like the Japanese because they can not match our military supremacy.

    The Japanese were not Christian. Your attempt to compare Kamikazes and suicide bombers is inappropriate. Kamikazes were used against military targets. I am not going to defend the Japanese war strategy as my family suffered under Japanese occupation, but I do know the motives were very different.

    There is absolutely no need for any muslim to engage in suicide bombing. Look at where they are primarily used now; Iraq Shiite vs Sunni, Pakistan- funamentalists vs those that want to advance the society, Afganistan- muslim vs. muslim, Israel: Fundamentalists vs those that the Koran says should be exterminated. etc. You do understand that the Koran considers Buddhists even lower than jews and subject to the same treatment don't you? It is attributable the role of Buddha and core Buddhist beliefs. Hindus are in the same class as well.

    And the buddhists consider everyone lower than them 555. We truly live in an insane world. Could it be the guys blowing up the bombs have questionable mental stability and it is nothing to do with Islam.
  19. Taking over the world because countries like England, France and Europe allow them. You can' t blame them. Your governments open the door and say welcome. They blow up stuff. Yes, but we blow them up on a grander scale. They are amateurs. They can not match our supremacy in bombing Iraq. What you should worry about is the melting pot exploding in England and Europe. This is inevitable. Everything would be fine with segregation. Saddam Hussein did a dam_n good job with this. Problem in the South is you have buddhists and muslims living together - asking for trouble. Like saying everything is going to be OK with a million Muslims living in London. Let's see what happens come the Olympic Games in London.

    Ok, your comments are really over the top.This isn't a national front rally, ok. Yes, there is a problem with some ethnic groups, but instead of blaming and offering segregation as a response, try to think in practical terms. The majority of muslims are integrated into society. under your solution, every muslim gets blamed. what do you propose to do, make them wear gold crescents and put them in concentration camps? The last time that was attempted it didn;t work out too well.

    It's too late now to do anything now I agree. Just make allowances for the occassional bomb like the London Underground. Perhaps its worth living with to get a good Muslim curry. I never blame every Muslim. I happily live with Muslims in Thailand but I know from foreigners I speak to here, many English, they tell me they can not live happily with Muslims so this is why I feel it is inevitable for trouble. What I mean is I don't like them being racially attacked and killed. Its these too gooders making a melting point when you have imbeciles who can't accept them - which is many. Good example is Iraq. Relatively good harmony by segregation. Post Saddam the melting pot exploded. I conclude there are very few humans who have any sense of humanity so you are going to get racial attacks etc etc.
  20. Sadly wherever you get Muslims in great numbers you get war and oppression.

    I feel for the good Thai people in the south.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    The muslims are on a mission for world domination, sadly they are so far advanced that not even James Bond can save us!

    ...and here I was thinking it was the Christian fundamentalists trying to take over, you live and learn.

    Christian fundamentalists do not set off car bombs in Thailand. They also do not strap on explosive vests and go kaboom as do some religious zealots elsewhere.

    Have Christians ever been pushed far enough to do so? The Japanese were. The Muslims are weak. They need to resort to suicide bombing like the Japanese because they can not match our military supremacy. I believe if you push anyone far enough - wipe out everyone in their village - they will don a suicide vest and attack the perpetrators. Don't believe it has happened in the South of Thailand yet so obviously they have not been pushed so far by the army. Perhaps coming soon after the Lee Gardens bombings. In may be no quarter given now. Saw songthaews in Hat Yai today with soldiers in the back with machine guns. Looks like they are in shoot to kill mode. Would be delicious if they could catch them alive and give the reasons for the bombing??? I concur "the white man really don't want to die". But remember in Japan the sister of the kamikaze pilot said they only gave them enough gas to get to the war ship and they all screamed "okasan" (Mama) before they died. From this I concluded no-one is really enthusiastic about dying. It wasn't fanatical patriotism and the emperor on top of their shopping list before they died. Perhaps its the same with muslims???
  21. Taking over the world because countries like England, France and Europe allow them. You can' t blame them. Your governments open the door and say welcome. They blow up stuff. Yes, but we blow them up on a grander scale. They are amateurs. They can not match our supremacy in bombing Iraq. What you should worry about is the melting pot exploding in England and Europe. This is inevitable. Everything would be fine with segregation. Saddam Hussein did a dam_n good job with this. Problem in the South is you have buddhists and muslims living together - asking for trouble. Like saying everything is going to be OK with a million Muslims living in London. Let's see what happens come the Olympic Games in London.

  22. Muslims value life. A life for a life as it also says in our good book the Bible. They have been killed by the government and now the battle is turning to innocent tourists now that the 5,000 death milestone has been reached. It is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a teeth. Read Tak Bai massacre etc. There are still many more deaths to make the score even they will believe. If there is no reconciliation this I have no doubt will end in Phuket and Pattaya Bali style bombings which we can all do without. Comments about napalm will not help the situation. If the security improves they will turn to suicide bombings. Not music to the ears for tourists but I believe it describes the situation accurately. The first step should be to arrest Taksin for the Tak Bai massacre. I live in Songkhla and have been to the deep South many times. I have been in the middle of battles with insurgents and soldiers - caught in the middle. I have had machine guns pointed on me with the trigger squeezed. I have an interest in peace like the holiday makers in Phuket do.

    The good book you quote from says nothing about take over the government and force laws on it that treat women like they were trade goods. It says nothing about kill the infidels.

    You are truly delusional if you think the terrorism staged by Muslims will end when they have killed as many people as their enemy has killled.

    Show me one country in the world with a 5% Muslim population that doe's not have a problem with them. Look at the middle east where they are predominantly Muslim.

    In reference to women are you referring to Phuket and Pattaya 555? This is buddhism and the Thai boyfriend hiring out his girl - the pimp. Bush and Blair started the killing. I will take responsibility for our irresponsible governments. Please have a conscience.


    Have a conscience.

    Temperature in the high 30's and Muslim women dressed in black from heat to foot with only their eyes and hands showing while their husbands dress in white and many of them here in Chiang Mai dress in shorts. Honor killings because a women is raped they feel it is OK to kill her.

    My sister went to a talk by a Catholic priest on Islam. He was raised in a Islamic country and it was all around him. Three Imam came to make sure he did not say any thing wrong. They said nothing it was OK with them.

    After the talk the priest asked if there was any questions. One person stuck up their hand and said what about the way they treat their women. The Priest said I was hoping you wouldn't ask that question. The Imam kept their mouth shut. They didn't want to answer it either.

    My conscience includes women equally. It doe's not allow me to plant bombs where innocent people can be killed and injured. It doe's not allow me to strap bombs on my self and blow up innocent people around me.

    Yes have a conscience. Where is theirs. They say well those terrorists are extremists yet they do nothing about them just stand by and watch. In fact I am quite sure some of the money comes from these devout Muslims.

    And if they would tell all they know the terrorism would end.

    Where was the conscience when the Tak Bai massacre occured? Two wrongs don't make a right but Taksin was not even arrested. No one was held accountable. What if it was your son or your daughter. You seem to regard killings by armies as not terror. Doesn't make much difference to the dead. You can't have situations where armies go into villages and end up suffocating hundreds of people to death and expect everything to be peachy keen even in Amazing Thailand. But your points noted religion can be a bit like fascism stifling creativity and ideas but that does not allow people to be murdered and not held accountable. I view all religions as a form of fascism. Sadly not much respect for women here either. Daughters sold into prostitution. So can we conclude that killings of innocents is OK if it is done by armies but is not OK if it is done by private citizens. Point taken. I guess that pretty much reflects reality and I am delusional to think that killing is not a good idea either way. But you are right. If have never studied the Koran but would find it hard to believe they would condone an honour killing. Is this not something that is pre-Islam? Something tribal? I believe also the Hindus do honour killings. I believe it is Western interests to have a severe form of Islam and no democracy to safeguard our oil. I don't believe the West wants or has ever wanted democracy for the Middle East. It would not be in our financial interests.
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