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Posts posted by heiwa

  1. business turf war in a nutshell - that about sums it up. But on a far grander scale than how they vie for the stalls outside the 711s all over Thailand. The Reds or Yellows are not mere amateurs. Yep, the 300 baht wage promise is like the election bribe to secure the turf. Only the 300 baht offer is legal. The Yellows will offer 400 baht at the next election. Nice to be able to pin-point a structure of a society and how it works. Sounds scary and ominous. Let's hope Thailand does not disintergrate in a mad lustful greed punch up for the business turf (well that's already happened - with the 100 odd dead) And its far from over. Have seen this get very nasty in Klong Toey when they moved the turf holders out - guys in black masks visited the stall holders and what they did wasn't pretty. I guess the Red and Yellows is just the alleged hi so civilised way of doing the same thing.

  2. As long as Thai politicians/government employees (hospital drug dealers) bank accounts and those of their friends and family and associates can not be monitored and judges can be bought Thailand will always be held to ransom for by Thaksin and any elite - whether that be the Red or Yellow elite. Just a difference in colour - not rank - and the rank of privilege$$$. Thai rak Thai - myth. Every pig first to the troth gets the lions share of the pizza. That's the culture around here.wai.gif They could also start banning those secret meetings (or not so secret) in hotels with billionaire businessmen. This red revolution, although I feel the supporters hearts were in the right place, as we all probably know is a lost cause. It's a case of who-ever is new will be the clone of Taksin - a red clone or a yellow clone - it don't make any difference.

    At the moment, I don't disagree with any of your sentiments. Both sides of the political spectrum are far too allied to far too narrow business interests. So the little guy gets a bit more tomorrow, but the reality is that he will get screwed by both sides eventually. Red or Yellow, Dem or PTP, they all stink to high heaven.

    Public service, my account number is ........

    This is a business turf war to secure business for the next couple of decades.

    I think the "little guy gets a bit more tomorrow, but the reality is that he will get screwed by both sides eventually" should be something like "little guy gets a bit more tomorrow, but the reality is that he continues to get screwed by both sides". Personally I think that to be more accurate.

    Very well said - you are a genius - business turf war in a nutshell - that about sums it up. But on a far grander scale than how they vie for the stalls outside the 711s all over Thailand. The Reds or Yellows are not mere amateurs. Yep, the 300 baht wage promise is like the election bribe to secure the turf. Only the 300 baht offer is legal. The Yellows will offer 400 baht at the next election. Nice to be able to pin-point a structure of a society and how it works. Sounds scary and ominous. Let's hope Thailand does not disintergrate in a mad lustful greed punch up for the business turf (well that's already happened - with the 100 odd dead) And its far from over. Have seen this get very nasty in Klong Toey when they moved the turf holders out - guys in black masks visited the stall holders and what they did wasn't pretty. I guess the Red and Yellows is just the alleged hi so civilised way of doing the same thing.
  3. Isn't this going to be a never ending pantomine as long as the situation is like this - does anyone really think there are no more culprits? Or people can ever stop from being culprits. If you think suddenly they all became angels think again>

    As long as Thai politicians/government employees (hospital drug dealers) bank accounts and those of their friends and family and associates can not be monitored and judges can be bought Thailand will always be held to ransom for by Thaksin and any elite - whether that be the Red or Yellow elite. Just a difference in colour - not rank - and the rank of privilege$$$. Thai rak Thai - myth. Every pig first to the troth gets the lions share of the pizza. That's the culture around here.wai.gif They could also start banning those secret meetings (or not so secret) in hotels with billionaire businessmen. This red revolution, although I feel the supporters hearts were in the right place, as we all probably know is a lost cause. It's a case of who-ever is new will be the taking financial advantage over the massess - red or yellow - it don't make any difference. Unless they go green... They are all the same! But the red is a little better with 300 baht salary coming soon.

  4. As long as Thai politicians/government employees (hospital drug dealers) bank accounts and those of their friends and family and associates can not be monitored and judges can be bought Thailand will always be held to ransom for by Thaksin and any elite - whether that be the Red or Yellow elite. Just a difference in colour - not rank - and the rank of privilege$$$. Thai rak Thai - myth. Every pig first to the troth gets the lions share of the pizza. That's the culture around here.wai.gif They could also start banning those secret meetings (or not so secret) in hotels with billionaire businessmen. This red revolution, although I feel the supporters hearts were in the right place, as we all probably know is a lost cause. It's a case of who-ever is new will be the clone of Taksin - a red clone or a yellow clone - it don't make any difference.

  5. As long as Thai politicians/government employees (hospital drug dealers) bank accounts and those of their friends and family and associates can not be monitored and judges can be bought Thailand will always be held to ransom for by Thaksin and any elite - whether that be the Red or Yellow elite. Just a difference in colour - not rank - and the rank of privilege$$$. Thai rak Thai - myth. Every pig first to the troth gets the lions share of the pizza. That's the culture around here.wai.gif They could also start banning those secret meetings (or not so secret) in hotels with billionaire businessmen. This red revolution, although I feel the supporters hearts were in the right place, as we all probably know is a lost cause. It's a case of who-ever is new will be the clone of Taksin - a red clone or a yellow clone - it don't make any difference.

  6. I am of the belief that Taksin could never make it back here without being assassinated and he would know that. He will not be coming back to Thailand. Impossible. Do you think any Thai politician is not taking money under the table? Thai voters say they can accept this kind of corruption. Why bother trying to stop something if you can't? Perhaps they should have a rule for all Thai politicians that they can not accept more than 100 million in bribes a year. I know it would not work in reality - but there should be a way so as not to let it get out of hand and drive up prices for household goods. Perhaps it is not out of hand. Same with company donations to politicians in the West. Corruption is the natural state of the World. Corruption is everywhere. Do we protest that it should not exist when it is obvious that it does and is impossible to stop. Western corruption exists due to inflated government employee salaries - an official form of corruption. Here they pay the government employees very little and they make it up to the Western level in bribes. So equates to the same thing - people being paid more than they are worth due to their privileged position.

    Cynical, but probably overwhelmingly true.....

    I am of the belief that Taksin could never make it back here without being assassinated and he would know that. He will not be coming back to Thailand. Impossible. Do you think any Thai politician is not taking money under the table? Thai voters say they can accept this kind of corruption. Why bother trying to stop something if you can't? Perhaps they should have a rule for all Thai politicians that they can not accept more than 100 million in bribes a year. I know it would not work in reality - but there should be a way so as not to let it get out of hand and drive up prices for household goods. Perhaps it is not out of hand. Same with company donations to politicians in the West. Corruption is the natural state of the World. Corruption is everywhere. Do we protest that it should not exist when it is obvious that it does and is impossible to stop. Western corruption exists due to inflated government employee salaries - an official form of corruption. Here they pay the government employees very little and they make it up to the Western level in bribes. So equates to the same thing - people being paid more than they are worth due to their privileged position.

    Cynical, but probably overwhelmingly true.....

    The West and Thailand are exactly the same. Things are just arranged a little differently. It's just a matter of looking a little more closely at the structure. When you analyse it piece by piece it is the same. Perhaps Taksin got a bit carried away with corruption. Yet! I have heard that supermarkets in England with House of Lords privileges are able to influence retail policy and this is in part why there are very few small retailers left in England. Also in the USA big corporations able to influence government with corporate donations to cut out the small retail opposition. Perhaps not the same - just different styles of corruption. Makes me wonder why Taksin was impeached? Corruption is normal standard practice of all governments worldwide. Taksin did not play it smart. That was his mistake. He made it too obvious. In the West they make all the fabulous loop holes with no apparent connection to those who benefit. The 1% in the West know how to camoflauge. Taksin should have learnt a lesson from the West and he would never have been impeached.
  7. I am of the belief that Taksin could never make it back here without being assassinated and he would know that. He will not be coming back to Thailand. Impossible. Do you think any Thai politician is not taking money under the table? Thai voters say they can accept this kind of corruption. Why bother trying to stop something if you can't? Perhaps they should have a rule for all Thai politicians that they can not accept more than 100 million in bribes a year. I know it would not work in reality - but there should be a way so as not to let it get out of hand and drive up prices for household goods. Perhaps it is not out of hand. Same with company donations to politicians in the West. Corruption is the natural state of the World. Corruption is everywhere. Do we protest that it should not exist when it is obvious that it does and is impossible to stop. Western corruption exists due to inflated government employee salaries - an official form of corruption. Here they pay the government employees very little and they make it up to the Western level in bribes. So equates to the same thing - people being paid more than they are worth due to their privileged position.

  8. Perhaps different areas to where I have been.

    So, please tell us where you have been and how much time did you spend there? ..... the truth now mind.

    Is this I contest? Grow up brother! Pretty hard to beat 25 years 555. My God man just look at where Thailand is having drought and go there. You obviously are living in the fertile plains. From what I saw was very opposite. The people became very mean spirited and would not share. Also saw this in Laos. Just human nature. When the going gets tough - it does not pay to be too generous - least you go hungry once in a while. People think people are nice because they are good hosts - truth is some can not afford to be good hosts. The world is not ideal. Some people were just born in bad agricultural areas.
  9. You go out there in the land man - some people are suffering. Do your research. Go to rural areas and find it for yourself. I am not someone who tells lies. From what I saw they looked extremely destitute. Sure they would not starve - but is chewing on sticky rice living? You see how they leave the old people almost to die. They just chew on the betel nuts. They really did not seem to care about the oldest people at all. They left them with the worst options for eating. Remember their red teeth. Not a pretty sight. I would die of boredom eating sticky rice and looking at a hot arid dust bowl. No wonder the farang husband is such a good catch. Answer to their prayers. Can not blame them for thinking Taksin their saviour and hero even if he does not live their harsh realilty. They accept him and his wealth. Surely gave them hope. Gave them a 300 baht wage. My god - that must have put a smile on their faces. You go out in the land man - many of these woman have several husbands - probably is whatever money they get - they spend so dam_n quick. 20,000 baht can go in several days. It's like they are burning cash. One farang husband has sent an SMS that they could not read. God knows why he sent it in English. Said - honey I just sent you 20,000 baht last week. Why do you need money so soon again. I had to explain in Laos language what her husband's sms said. She was a Thai Laos but she told me her Thai was not so good so we agreed to speak in Laos.

    Promising them a 300 baht wage did put a smile on their faces...you are not listening, they have not got it yet and I bet you a pound to a pinch of rocking horse doo dah they won't have it in the next 18 months, but prices will go up. Yes they are poverty stricken, that is why Thaksin can buy their vote for 500 baht and get them to attend protests for 300 baht per day, Thaksin MUST keep them poor to assure himself of continued success, you really cannot smell the coffee. I am all for wealth distribution and that is what you want, well the reds have it already, only 1 year ago Thaksin promised them they 'would all be rich in 6 months'!! Really! how has that happened? The poor are all supporting some misguided cause (primarily through brainwashing propaganda, and Thaksin sponsored TV and radio) to ensure poor old Thaksin gets his 200 billion in confiscated money back while they have absolutely cock all! Don't you feel a sense of outrage here?

    A government is only as good as its people in government. This is the sad fact about a lot of revolutions. The whole infrastructure collapses because the new crew are inept. Their hearts are in the right place - or well should be - but they don't have the education or experience - in this case to make Thailand the dream investment destination. And corruption increases investment costs. You know a corrupt country when prices are rising rapidly my Indonesian friend told me once. In Taksin's time cost of living was pretty good. Of course there are other factors like increase in current commodity prices - oil and food etc.
  10. You go out there in the land man - some people are suffering. Do your research. Go to rural areas and find it for yourself. I am not someone who tells lies. From what I saw they looked extremely destitute. Sure they would not starve - but is chewing on sticky rice living? You see how they leave the old people almost to die. They just chew on the betel nuts. They really did not seem to care about the oldest people at all. They left them with the worst options for eating. Remember their red teeth. Not a pretty sight.

    I was going to reply to your first post at the top of this page when I first read it, but then I carried on reading.

    You haven't got a fuc_king clue have you (sorry about the expletive, but it needed emphasising about the amount of clue this particular poster has)

    I live with these people 24/7/365 and have done for a quarter of my adult life, I don't need to research this topic, I am surrounded by it.

    One of the first things that attracted me to this area was the resilience of the people who live here and their pulling together for family first and then the community as a whole, no one starves here, no one, absolutely no one.

    And then you paint that picture because you have done some research and visited a couple of times, you know nothing.

    Personally I would rather starve and die than live on sticky rice for a life-time. Did I say starve and did I visit your area where you live. is your area suffering from drought? You are talking about one area. Perhaps different areas to where I have been. Expletives fine. No worries matey.
  11. This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

    Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

    He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

    I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad.

    I honestly can't tell if this is a troll to make red shirts look ridiculous or not. If this is real you must be getting conned big time in Thailand, if you're so naive as to believe a woman who tells you they have 3 husbands, two of them foreigners, and is looking for ANOTHER foreign husband because she is on the verge of starving to death.

    You go out there in the land man - some people are suffering. Do your research. Go to rural areas and find it for yourself. I am not someone who tells lies. From what I saw they looked extremely destitute. Sure they would not starve - but is chewing on sticky rice living? You see how they leave the old people almost to die. They just chew on the betel nuts. They really did not seem to care about the oldest people at all. They left them with the worst options for eating. Remember their red teeth. Not a pretty sight. I would die of boredom eating sticky rice and looking at a hot arid dust bowl. No wonder the farang husband is such a good catch. Answer to their prayers. Can not blame them for thinking Taksin their saviour and hero even if he does not live their harsh realilty. They accept him and his wealth. Surely gave them hope. Gave them a 300 baht wage. My god - that must have put a smile on their faces. You go out in the land man - many of these woman have several husbands - problem is whatever money they get - they spend so dam_n quick - big parties - and they like beer more than cheap whiskey. 20,000 baht can go in several days. It's like they are burning cash. One farang husband had sent an SMS that the Thai wife and Thai husband could not read. God knows why he sent it in English. Said - honey I just sent you 20,000 baht last week. Why do you need money so soon again. I had to explain in Laos language what her husband's sms said. She was a Thai Laos but she told me her Thai was not so good so we agreed to speak in Laos. Yes, Thai literacy would be a good start.
  12. This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

    Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

    He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

    I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad.

    Please tell me you're having a laugh, Heiwa.

    No actually true story Thai husband was with her and said in front of me - I have two farang husbands, and begged me to find her a third one. She was most overly desperate. They had mud floors in their shacks - and a lot of the surrounding land was no longer farmable. There is poverty in thailand if farang would care to look - and while they are looking they can easily find themselves a wife - no need to go to go to red light districts like Nana to find a wife. Go upcountry and you will be besieged with offers of marriage. Also many a woman would grab me by the arm and say to me find me a farang husband - extremely old and ugly OK. It was hard to beat them off. Yes, I have been amongst Thai people - in the rural areas - not sitting in 5 star hotels.
  13. This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

    Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

    He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

    I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad.

    Rearrange these words if you can:

    Land, Living, Cuckoo, Cloud, In

    I believe in better wealth distribution to the masses. This was never going to happen without this protest - 300 baht minimum wage NEVER EVER without this merciless protest crushed and many lives lost. Just like in Europe and the USA the masses have been stopped protesting. The 1% will possess most of the wealth. Let's agree to differ. Obviously you prefer the 1% of Thailand having most of the wealth and I don't. Really enough said. It is obvious to everyone but you that the Red Shirt movement was about better social equality. As far as corruption - well that's de-riguer in any Thai government. It's the culture. The West does it but in a more disguised manner with legal loop-holes. Taksin and the Reds have brought Thailand light years ahead of Laos, Cambodia and Burma regards working conditions which yes - puts found on the table and for some families. For those who have never known poverty it would not be something they would care about. You are telling me the elite in the USA and Europe did not make their fortunes by corrupting governments with donations? Of course they did - and they were never impeached. It sickens me that Western people have the gall to come here and accuse an Asian country of what exactly happens in your countries. And what about high public salaries - isn't this just an official form of corruption funded by tax-payers. Pays to put your thinking cap on.
  14. This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

    Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

    He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

    I have been to villages and the land is arid, very arid, almost desert like in some places. No Social Security system here. They rely on their children for income to eat - a son or daughter in Bangkok with a 300 baht wage may go some way to alleviate hunger. These people have it tough. One lady said to me in front of her Thai husband. We need money to live. I have one Thai husband and two farang husbands. Can you please find me another farang husband. This conflicts with how you say they have enough food on the table. The fact is large parts of Thailand is no longer farmable. With the 300 baht minimum wage perhaps this will mean the third farang husband does not have to be found. This 300 baht wage was definitely due to Taksin - this was the fruit of the many poor souls who were mercilessly massacred because they wouldn't move. Because they wanted to exercise their right to protest for years of being denied their election votes through military coups. The truth is very sad.
  15. This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk with minimum wage increase admittedly at least in theory - if it means fewer jobs. For his mistakes residing over killings this is repugnant and evil. Condoning death should not be allowed. Whether a peasant democracy works remains to be seen. The heart of voters is in the right place - let's hope it is so with the politicians. And also how can a North and North East majority represent the South of Thailand?

  16. The fact of the matter is even if you don't like Taksin those who voted for "his party" again and again should not have had their voting rights rendered meaningless. This should have not have resorted to a coup.

    And as PM he should not have been corrupt and abused his power.....he got all that he deserves except the prison sentance which still, although I have to say it's unlikely, may happen....

    Indeed. And as far as voters not having their voting rights rendered meaningless, this is precisely what happens in working Western democracies when politicians are tried and found guilty, and when politicians are impeached.

    Heiwa, do you think Western democracies, to avoid ever rendering voting rights meaningless, should not allow politicians to be tried, and should do away with impeachment?

    My God man do you really think Western leaders are doing what their elected majority want them to do. London has become Londinstan. Changing financial laws to cause collapse. Western world is only allegedly civilised. I guess in conclusion the law of the jungle applies anywhere we are and DEMOCRACY IS A FICTION. Ever heard of the 1%. On your reasoning every government in the world would have to be impeached. In summary the Thais understand the world is a savage world fighting over money. Westerners delude themselves that it is not. We pretend our governments are not corrupt while they are more realistic in knowing that their governments are corrupt. Look in USA and Europe the police being paid to beat the crap out of protestors in the name of the rich wall street guys who fleeced everyone. Oh - but we are all angels in the West and have perfect democracies. Spare us the holier than thou attitude.
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  17. Western thinking - black and white, good and bad. And so it goes..... The fact of the matter is even if you don't like Taksin those who voted for "his party" again and again should not have had their voting rights rendered meaningless. This should have not have resorted to a coup. He certainly did err; tax laws to his advantage, Tak Bai, drug war and Somchai etc. Makes religion rather defunct when people kill like that. Would prefer to take my chances with an atheist. However, it is rather monumental for a country like this to have democracy in this region of this world and that is due to Taksin and his red shirt followers. Perhaps the need for change needed a man like Taksin. Will have to monitor the performance of incumbent government to see if the change was for the better.

  18. Sadly Thailand's end to a long legacy of coups to crush democracies and subsequent dictatorships had to be paid in blood. 100 lives for decades of barbaric dictatorships to end and people secretly going missing. Do you want to live your life like a dog on your knees or live like a man? The reds chose to live like men. They will forever be remembered as lion hearted heroes. Hats of to them. Not for the faint of hearted - that' s for sure.

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  19. If he were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as this selfish egotistical maniac cares only for his money and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

    Let's have a look at your statement in an alternative context shall we?

    If some foreign guests were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as these selfish egotistical maniacs care only for theirmoney and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

    What do you think of the slight change in your statement? Do you think it is appropriate?

    I think your pathetic attempt to twist the post is bizzarre. It's a fact that failing to bring Thaksin to justice has already cost many lives. Anyone who can't see that is just flat out stupid.

    Some of the most corrupt Roman emperors were the greatest. The Western way is to think in absolute terms black/white and good/bad. It is better to look at the sum total of deeds and then judge his life. He most certainly did err. One must look at the big picture and see what he and his red shirt supporters achieved. A real democracy immune from coups but not without great loss of life. Sadly the rich elite (Yellow dictatorship brigade) do not hand social equality and rights on a silver platter. History has shown this again and again. Only time will tell if the incumbent government delivers a better society as sadly so many revolutions end up with people living with lower standards of living in contrast to what was promised. Fairer wealth distribution should be the aim. Better lives and enough food on the table for families. Seems like the elite were taking to much of the pie which was why this revolution came about. But if we compare it to Laos, Cambodia or Burma Thailand was light years ahead before Taksin.
  20. It is not unusual for important people to use a private aircraft when they have to attend a meeting at specific time.

    It is also not unusual that people will notice and comment on the contradiction, when the "important person" travelling in a luxurious manner is the same person making the claim of being at one with the poor. Of course those blinded by adoration, may fail to see any contradiction.

    Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane. Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated. He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.
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  21. Taksin - the world has not see a hero like this in a long time. They should roll out the red carpet in Nong Khai. Of course he was not without faults but these faults are largely tolerated in Thailand. Again and again the majority North East and North majority of Thailand were granted election victories through democracy only for these votes to mean nothing due to coups supported by the Yellow Brigade dictatorship supporters. The only way to get these voting rights enforced was to protest. And in doing this they were attacked by the army. The army perpetrated the violence, not the reds, the army were the thugs for the elite yellow brigade. Tell it like it is. It astounds me how Westerners have lost the capacity to think. There is no need to be deluded. In many countries in the world the army is paid to kill the poor by the rich (think of Chile) when the peasants demand better standards of living through the electoral systems. This is what is known as dictatorship - Mussolini, Hitler and the Yellow Brigade. The Yellows resorted to a style of totaltarian dictatorship by supporting the loss of the majority's voting rights and by supporting murderous coups. <snip> Or is it just that Westerners politically correct bubble they live in no longer allows the brain to say things how they really are anymore - one must say what is palatable and nice rather than face the truth. Reconciliation? What a joke. The Yellows clearly perverted the course of voting rights through support of murderous coups for their preferred form of government - facist dictatorship. Well done heroic lion heart Reds for standing up to the Kow Tow elite, showing that your birth was equal to all, like the French did in the French revolution. Thailand is the greatest because Thai people have heart. Thailand sees injustice and does something about. They protest AND ARE ALLOWED TO PROTEST because they stood up to the army and did not move. They have the heart of lions whereas in the West we no longer have the right to protest injustices - we have chosen to live in dictatorship - to accept anything the elite finance bankers get up to - we are even giving them big bonuses again. The people of Western democracies when their morally bankrupt leaders crush them through bank collapses - the indifference of the people in Western nations is astounding. The great Red victory could never happen in Cambodia, Laos or Burma or the allegedly civilised West.

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  22. The victorious Reds brought about the 300 baht wage for the downtrodden peasants. This came about with blood. A better life rarely arrives without violence as history has shown. Better working conditions are rarely served on a platter by the rich especially in a Kow Tow society. They should make this day of blood a national holiday. So many times the Reds were denied their votes by coups. The Yellows were the real trouble makers. Isn't that obvious to everyone? Hijacking an airport and supporting coups. The Yellow shirts should have moved to Burma years ago if they like military dictatorships. I do not see a need for reconciliation. The Yellow was clearly in the wrong. Democracy is the vehicle to fight the Kow Tow society. That's what upset the Yellow elite so much. As Marx said power to the people. You must also remember corruption and mis-governance is tolerated in Thailand - well it's expected. Surveys of the Thai population have shown this. So there's no need to point the finger at Taksin. Some of the most corrupt emperors in Roman times were the best. Don't follow the herd. And they brought down the price of gasoline/petrol if only momentarily - this is kind of a half promise I guess. Sneaky buggers! Politicians - they will win no popularity contests. Taksin's biggest failure as admitted by him was the Deep South.

    Do you live in Thailand, heiwa? If so, you along with your fellow Red shirt thugs should have moved to North Korea years ago IMHO. Democracy as you seem to know and love it is certainly alive and kicking there (its official misnomer of a title is, of course, the Democratic People`s Republic of Korea).

    And Thaksin`s biggest failure to Mancunian football fans of a sky-blue persuasion at least was, of course, owning Manchester City......

    In reply to all posts. Come on! What planet are you on misters? Again and again the majority North East and North majority of Thailand were granted election victories through democracy only for these votes to mean nothing due to coups supported by the Yellow Brigade dictatorship supporters. The only way to get these voting rights enforced was to protest. And in doing this they were attacked by the army. The army perpetrated the violence, not the reds, the army were the thugs for the elite yellow brigade. Tell it like it is. It astounds me how Westerners have lost the capacity to think. There is no need to be deluded. In many countries in the world the army is paid to kill the poor by the rich (think of Chile) when the peasants demand better standards of living through the electoral systems. This is what is known as dictatorship - Mussolini, Hitler and the Yellow Brigade. The Yellows resorted to a style of totaltarian dictatorship by supporting the loss of the majority's voting rights and by supporting murderous coups. Could it be that some foreigners are being paid to write on behalf of the Yelllow brigade fascist dictatorship? Or is it just that Westerners politically correct bubble they live in no longer allows the brain to say things how they really are anymore - one must say what is palatable and nice rather than face the truth. Reconciliation? What a joke. The Yellows clearly perverted the course of voting rights through support of murderous coups for their preferred form of government - facist dictatorship. Well done heroic lion heart Reds for standing up to the Kow Tow elite, showing that your birth was equal to all, like the French did in the French revolution. Thailand is the greatest because Thai people have heart. Thailand sees injustice and does something about. They protest AND ARE ALLOWED TO PROTEST because they stood up to the army and did not move. They have the heart of lions whereas in the West we no longer have the right to protest injustices - we have chosen to live in dictatorship - to accept anything the elite finance bankers get up to - we are even giving them big bonuses again. The people of Western democracies when their morally bankrupt leaders crush them through bank collapses - the indifference of the people in Western nations is astounding. The great Red victory could never happen in Cambodia, Laos or Burma or the allegedly civilised West.
  23. When i read about this I think of what would have happened in Canada, if he didnot comply with a quards request. Here is what I think would have happened especially if he tried to force his way through with the balloons. He would have probably been tasered. Then balloons and him taken to local police station and his wife and child would have had to arrange bail. He would have had to go to court and probably have a criminal record at the end of it all. He and his family should apologize to the quard, the BTS and pay the quard for lost wages , pain and suffering.

    A public apology would help alot.

    I have to agree with this - try and barge your way through protesting staff in the 'first world', and you will summarily restrained, arrested, charged, convicted, fined, and banned from Public transport for a period, just for good measure. This guy wouldn't think twice about doing this in Dublin, so WFT is he doing it in BKK for?

    Balloons on a crowded BTS carriage? Anything that can be seen as a threat to public safety - explosive balloons - should be dealt with accordingly for the sake of public safety.
  24. The victorious Reds brought about the 300 baht wage for the downtrodden peasants. This came about with blood. A better life rarely arrives without violence as history has shown. Better working conditions are rarely served on a platter by the rich especially in a Kow Tow society. They should make this day of blood a national holiday. So many times the Reds were denied their votes by coups. The Yellows were the real trouble makers. Isn't that obvious to everyone? Hijacking an airport and supporting coups. The Yellow shirts should have moved to Burma years ago if they like military dictatorships. I do not see a need for reconciliation. The Yellow was clearly in the wrong. Democracy is the vehicle to fight the Kow Tow society. That's what upset the Yellow elite so much. As Marx said power to the people. You must also remember corruption and mis-governance is tolerated in Thailand - well it's expected. Surveys of the Thai population have shown this. So there's no need to point the finger at Taksin. Some of the most corrupt emperors in Roman times were the best. Don't follow the herd. And they brought down the price of gasoline/petrol if only momentarily - this is kind of a half promise I guess. Sneaky buggers! Politicians - they will win no popularity contests. Taksin's biggest failure as admitted by him was the Deep South.

  25. Calgaryll does not need support as he eloquently states his case.

    He eloquently writes rubbish. "R'song was not an anti-govt. protest"? They were protesting against the Democrat-led government. Who else thinks that they were not?

    I guess it was for both reasons. The majority were denied their voting rights many times with coups. So you are both right. So you both deserve a pat on the back. Comments comparing the Reds to Hitler? Please explain? History shows violence is the only way forward and sometimes backward. The elite rarely hand a better life to the peasants without a kind of Oliver Twist rendition on over-drive. One must fight for their rights to escape oppression of the elite. Now they have the 300 baht wages - which will be good news for some and bad news for others who lose their jobs. Hard to know what the winning formula is. Higher wages and less jobs or Lower wages and more jobs as investment goes to Burma and Indonesia.
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