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Posts posted by heiwa

  1. Are you okay h90? Kept up with those prescription drugs I hope. A coup will not only bring Thailands reputation into disrepute but may trigger a civil war, at the least a guerrilla war.

    Nothing the people with power will not do to keep it

    Nothing the people with money who want power will do to get it

    It is like everything else in Thailand ... pay enough and you get what you want

    They do not care much about their reputation abroad, look how the leaders act.

    Other countries watch and listen but do not really care, if down the road it is to their

    benefit to make friends with whoever is in power here, there will make nice ....

    Yesterdays friends is today's enemy, yesterdays enemy is today's friend

    This is my greatest fear, I hope the politicians are listening. It could go this way. Yingluck forces the army to stage a coup. And the reds wage a war against government buildings and offices that they see as not legitimate. It would be a repeat of the deep South problem if anyone has heard of this problem. Farang should have an exit plan as anyone who has been to the deep South knows it easy to get caught up in a cross fire. The Reds will no longer be patient if an army coup is staged. I am of the belief it will be civil war - not just in the deep South - 5,200 dead, 20 maimed - blind, missing legs and arms. It will make the 100 killed at Ratchaprasong look like a picnic once the Reds get in Deep South insurgency mode. I guess there will be a willing uncle to fund the guns and grenades.
  2. The PAD the organization that nearly plunged Thailand into war with Cambodia rears its ugly head again. Surely for an organization that crippled the Thai international airport and made the lives of countless stranded tourists a misery should be banned by the constitutional court. Maybe thats what Thaksin is asking Prem during their meeting together.

    They all went unpunished. The law doesn't apply to them obviously so they will do what they like. Very sad indeed. In the West we hi-jack planes. In Thailand they hi-jack airports and get off scot free. Perhaps that could be the phrase for the Amazing Thailand marketing compaign

    They didn't get off scot free. Some have been jailed. Some are still going through court cases.

    Some got punished. My god they ALL should have got punished for hi-jacking an airport, even the mom and pops. The ones that didn't get punished will feel no problem to hi-jack the airport again. I suggest you book your tickets to KL. Looks like history is about to repeat itself.
  3. 320 in 7 days. That is a lot. Even 1 is too much.

    This has been going on for years. How many deaths does it take to change a fxxxx system?

    I guess all the BS about how there will be prohibition on drinks and driving was just such; a photo shoot for the top of the elite.

    Never mind, relax, TI_AMAZING_T.

    Not really a big deal with re-incarnation. You are trying to apply Western concepts to the East. What does death matter when you get an instant rebirth? Perhaps a better birth. This is probably whey they don't really care if they live or die and neither does the government. We can't tell them how to do things. We must respect their culture. Anything else is neo-colonialism. We must accept some cultures think life is incredibly important and for others its just another chance for re-birth. We in the West think their is only one life. This is why will never understand their perspective.
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  4. The PAD the organization that nearly plunged Thailand into war with Cambodia rears its ugly head again. Surely for an organization that crippled the Thai international airport and made the lives of countless stranded tourists a misery should be banned by the constitutional court. Maybe thats what Thaksin is asking Prem during their meeting together.

    They all went unpunished. The law doesn't apply to them obviously so they will do what they like. Very sad indeed. In the West we hi-jack planes. In Thailand they hi-jack airports and get off scot free. Perhaps that could be the phrase for the Amazing Thailand marketing compaign
  5. Crimes like those exist in every society , every countries not only in Thailand .... Its ridiculous to pretend there are more crimes than before as it always have been like that ..open those Thai news paper , nothing more or less than any European countries.

    It's also ridiculous to always try and pretend that every country is the same. Thailand has more gun homicides than America, and that can be found out through any brief Google check. Remember that in America, guns are legal. Thailand is a dangerous place, especially for Brits, as the UK Embassy noted in recent statement. There are many, many, many more murders in Thailand per capita than your average European country. Your arguments is just wrong. It's cute, because I know we want to quiet all the complainers and nasties who never have anything nice to say, but it doesn't comport with any reality.

    The difference between a perception of a safe country and dangerous country is just a poisoned meal away, a gun shot away, a cut throat away, thrown from a high rise tower, put in a noose, strangled. Saying things like - I feel safe in Thailand is nonsense when you base this on the fact that you have not been killed "YET" or if you always travel in twos or groups. Thais have told me hundreds of times - literally - that it is very dangerous to travel alone. They could hardly believe I traveled alone. Only way to measure a safe or dangerous country is on credible statistics with death by poisoned meals = murder etc How many farang have been murdered by poisoned meals or drinks/drugged over the last 20 years. What do the statistics say? My guess is close to zero. I love Thailand all the same. It would be neo-colonialsm to try to change the way the report statistics here.
  6. Songkran what a joyous occassion. I will be sure not to miss it next year. Will book the air tickets tomorrow tongue.png

    My Thai friends say Thais can buy a licence for 500 baht. How much does it cost to get it legally?

    This is Thailand. You are pissing against the wind trying to change it so its wasted breath. We can't expect everybody to do things our way. Neo colonialism. If they had it in their hearts to change they would. Obviously they don't.

    I did not see anyone wearing a helmet. A soldier complained to me about myself wearing a helmet saying it was difficult to put the white talcum powder on my cheeks (not my bum cheeks)

    Looks like people don't want to live in Chiang Rai? Why so high?

    And I had a thief tail gate me for 15km on a desolate road on the last day of Songkran at 1pm which forced me to ride at 140km/hr. Bike following bike. Nearly collided with oncoming traffic. No houses, no people - perfect place for a robbery - and thais have told me there are many robbers on this desolate road - but did not expect it at 1pm - he was wearing a darkened visor. Farang brothers beware especially after an ATM withdrawl - my guess new form of theft - linked to drug induced crime. I love Thailand all the same - but will be getting the bus from now on.

  7. Did they ever find out the cause of the 5 or 6 "mysterious" farang deaths in the same hotel in Chiang Mai? To avoid being poisoned it is always a good idea to not eat specially prepared meals or food. Just pick from the trays of communal food or canned drink. Sadly there is not much respect for human life and poisoning is a lot more common than one would imagine. Why, I don't know?

    the chiang mai deaths were because the cleaning ladies were using too much pesticide for killing bed bugs...

    So why wasn't the person spraying killed as they never wear masks and would have come in contact with much more of the chemical?

    FYI the spray is so common its in most of the fruit in the US.

    I believe that was deliberate poisoning as well, perhaps of the drinking water in the rooms.

    Excellent point the cleaners would have been intoxicated by the stuff compared to those sleeping on the beds. They literally would have got 1,000 times the dosage. However killing by poisoning is bound to happen when you get someone who has a grudge against foreigners because of huge wealth gap - jealously and perceived discourtesy. While I do not approve of it we as farang must accept that this huge wealth gap and cultural misunderstanding will be a reason for ourselves being poisoned and killed not only in Thailand but in any poorer country. If you don't like the chance of being poisoned you should eat at Big C or Tesco. You would have to be retarded to eat anywhere else after hearing about Chiang Mai. You really are responsible for your death when you eat at hotel or outdoor restaurants. You must be held responsible for your bad judgement. Time to stop blaming others. Watch a thai muay fighter fighting a farang on TV at your local food court. Look at "some of" the people around sitting at the food court.
  8. Ive lived here since 1999 and have had little in the way of trouble.

    The main ways to avoid trouble are

    1. be polite even when Thais drive you mad with frustration.

    2 dont drink in public expecially beer bars

    3 never get involved in land /house purchases anywhere in LOS unless a Thai man that you have trusted for years represents you. Cost you nothing

    Most lawyers are useless (according to Thais).

    4. understand that Thais are watching you whether you like it or not or are legal or not.

    5. exporting product is much easier than importing which is so hopelessly corrupt.

    6. avoid marriage to Isan-Thais in the same way you would avoid the bubonic plague. most farangs i know in thailand have gone through disasterous marriages. none were successful. Inside every shadow there is a Thai man (husband or BF).

    7. don't drink coffee offered to you by strangers...........

    With all your rules, you must lead an interesting life here in Thailand

    There is nothing wrong with Thailand. If you are retarded here you'll be retarded at home. Would you pay a monthly fee to your wives pimp husband back West? Case closed. Apply the same rules that you would apply back home and you will be fine. This has nothing to do with Esan girls. It's all about retarded farang who think esan girls can be purchased like one buys a bufallo. The purchase fee and monthly fees is for the pimp husband. Tell any Esan person you are gay and they will reveal how esan farang marriages work 99.99999999999999% of the time. What I want to know is would a cup of that coffee kill a bufallo?
  9. This was my experience of songkran. My conclusion drugs has ruined songkran. Listen carefully you "may will" become a target. I filed a police report yesterday. tailgated for 15km, bike on bike, every move I made the rider behind mirrored it following 5cm to 10cm. no reason for road rage as wide open road and never cut him off. guess he had been watching my regular movements. thais tell me this road is awash with robbers and drug addicts. thais have warned me not to use this road - but thought i would be ok at 1pm in the afternoon. Forced me to ride very dangerously of speeds up to 140km/hr. Warning farang brothers - do not ride your bike on deserted roads. Crime is on the upswing - talk to any Thai. Its because the drugs are on a big big big upswing. This has nothing to do with Thai culture or Thai people being bad. Its all to do with drugs and mobs and untouchables on the payroll. Drug war? Ring a bell. Farang we are being targeted by drug gang members today. Take care. Where is God? where is mercy? You won't find mercy or God with drugs and mobs. It is a problem in many countries now. This rampant murder of people linked to drugs.

  10. Nirut reportedly confessed to causing the deaths. "But I didn't intend to kill them. Only those who drank all the coffee in their cups died," he said.

    WELL after one died shouldn't he have worked out the best option would have been to lower the dosage as most people drink a full cup? These robbers really need to go to school before they start their criminal career! I am quite happy to drink six cups. And I like my coffee very bitter so I would not have thought poison.

    I doubt he holds a degree in toxicology.

    Its time for the government to educate, bar owners and restaurant owners and coffee shops owners the correct dosage to make a customer collapse (giving them enough time to be robbed) but not kill them. This happens quite a bit in bars in Jakarta too so this is not knocking Thailand. Onlooking customers think the farang has had one too many so it is the perfect crime as the thief helps the farang back to his room to relieve him of his wallet. It happens in many countries. From what I gather they usually get this right - i.e. the right dosage so customers are not killed. But sometimes the dosage is too much as in these cases in Hat Yai. I guess we can not honestly expect too much from criminals as to err is human. A public service announcement on TV would do the trick. My friend had his drink spiked in Phuket a few months back - was not enough to kill him. But he was about 70 years of age. Talk about no mercy. Doesn't it say in the lonely planet that tourists are not drugged on buses anymore? Perhaps they should find out where tourists are being drugged or poisoned - is it not the same thing?
  11. In reference to reliable UK and USA statistics. But the point is here in many cases murders will not be classified as murders by police especially when it comes to farang deaths (tourism so important here) - they will be murders converted into suicides or unexplained causes with the right palms greased. Was even a farang here who killed his Thai girlfriend and managed to get of scot free - so it works the other way round sometimes also. Those statistics you give us from the USA and UK are reliable. Nothing covered up there. They in the USA and the UK call an ace an ace and a spade a spade. Death by poison will be recorded as death by poisoning - a murder. Here that often will get the unexplained death especially for farang - arguabley the case in Chiang Mai and Phi Phi Island and my near death experience on Koh Pan Gan from I assume a poisoned breakfast. However here is utopia, the land of illusion, of magic smiles, I guess the problems here are exactly the same as everywhere else. It makes me much happier to live in denial so perhaps converting murders into suicides or unexplained deaths leads to a more optimistic and happy existence. It sure beats facing reality like they do in the USA or the UK. Those numbers are horrific. Do you have statistics for Thailand?

  12. Nirut reportedly confessed to causing the deaths. "But I didn't intend to kill them. Only those who drank all the coffee in their cups died," he said.

    WELL after one died shouldn't he have worked out the best option would have been to lower the dosage as most people drink a full cup? These robbers really need to go to school before they start their criminal career! I am quite happy to drink six cups. And I like my coffee very bitter so I would not have thought poison.

    You would have saved him from buying you another five cups then !

    I daresay I would have saved him the price of 5 cups but this is certainly not the way I wish to cure my out of control caffeine addiction. I would prefer to pursue other options of a cure at this stage.
  13. I thought pesticides were mentioned as a possible cause for the mysterious deaths on Phi Phi. I have yet to see any valid conclusion to these cases or is it just another one of those that gets conveniently forgotten?

    Zero traffic deaths during songkran & zero poisoning death of farang tourists in Thailand. Zero deaths looks so beautiful. Isn't it preferable to be that way for marketing campaigns. Do you honestly think that a poisoned tourist is going to get justice? News like that - just too unwholesome. It's more than TAT could bear.
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  14. Nirut reportedly confessed to causing the deaths. "But I didn't intend to kill them. Only those who drank all the coffee in their cups died," he said.

    WELL after one died shouldn't he have worked out the best option would have been to lower the dosage as most people drink a full cup? These robbers really need to go to school before they start their criminal career! I am quite happy to drink six cups. And I like my coffee very bitter so I would not have thought poison.

  15. My breakfast was poisoned on Koh Pan Gan Island the morning the "hosts" knew I was leaving. They were enraged that I had reported that my belongings had been stolen from my bungalow to the police because they said they would have to pay the police a fee. They told me that someone would have to die for my goods being stolen - I thought they were talking about the thief. Poisoning is widely under-reported. Would not be good for tourism. Did they ever find out the cause of the 5 or 6 "mysterious" farang deaths in the same hotel in Chiang Mai? To avoid being poisoned it is always a good idea to not eat specially prepared meals or food. Just pick from the trays of communal food or canned drink. Sadly there is not much respect for human life and poisoning is a lot more common than one would imagine. Why, I don't know?

    How do you know it was poisoned.. not questioning if it was or not rather what led you to believe it was.. taste ?

    I can not be absolutely sure that I was poisoned - but immediately after eating the meal I felt like I was on deaths door. I thought I was going to die but luckily I managed to recuperate. I guess they did not put enough poison in the meal to kill me if my assumption is correct that they poisoned it. Certainly was enough to nearly kill me. They told me that the owners ex-husband was mafia and could have people killed. They were really pissed off about me reporting the theft to the police. Best not to piss people of here unless you want to end up in a liner.
  16. Excuse my ignorance of Thai but what does "gaw gai saw reu see kaw kuat KRABI" as I am not sure about my Translation of it.whistling.gif

    gaw gai = g, saw reu see = s, kaw kuat = k. Its the Thai letters as they use them - as on the number licence plate. Yep, crime has taken an upswing. Would not be surprised if robbers tailgating farang scooter riders in Phuket in the early hours of the morning causing them to increase their speed and then crash on a bend. Robber following cleans up the wallet and leaves the farang for dead. Tuk tuk may be the cheaper option.
  17. My breakfast was poisoned on Koh Pan Gan Island the morning the "hosts" knew I was leaving. They were enraged that I had reported that my belongings had been stolen from my bungalow to the police because they said they would have to pay the police a fee. They told me that someone would have to die for my goods being stolen - I thought they were talking about the thief. Poisoning is widely under-reported. Would not be good for tourism. Did they ever find out the cause of the 5 or 6 "mysterious" farang deaths in the same hotel in Chiang Mai? To avoid being poisoned it is always a good idea to not eat specially prepared meals or food. Just pick from the trays of communal food or canned drink. Sadly there is not much respect for human life and poisoning is a lot more common than one would imagine. Why, I don't know?

  18. The spiritual songkran has been lost. If you want to find that again - do what Thais do - go to Laos, especially Pakse or Luang Prabang. In Thailand its all about body counts and high power water guns. Ban the guns. Why cater to stupid people? Have it like it was meant to be - water gently poured on the head. Government bowing to stupid people who don't know what Songkran is about.

  19. I was nearly a statistic. This is what happened to me today. Anybody had similar experiences? This is the new way they are robbing people - motorbike/scooter following motorbike/scooter. they follow you from five to ten centimetres behind for over 15km - forcing you to go up to speeds of 140km/hr - if you are lucky enough to reach the city they will vanish. if you veer left they veer left if you veer right they veer right. they are doing this I am told in the hope of you having anaccident or somehow stop - I don't know how stopping can be achieved unless you get rear ended. once you crash or stop they will rob you and leave you for dead. you can not stop as they are always 5cm to 10cm behind you. You can only increase your speed as they are always so close behind you - you are in fleeing mode. if you see this plate gaw gai saw reu see kaw kuat KRABI *** yamaha 135cc spark - good up to 140km/hr- I can verify this - you may want to make a will if you see this licence plate. there is a new evil here. It is the new tactic of choice to rob people. you may be better of riding a bus than hiring a bike. happy new year farang brothers and sisters. this is a good cautionary warning for your safety. this has been reported to the police today. there are some very evil hearted people out there targeting foreigners who will cause you to crash, leave you for dead and rob you. travel in pairs of scooters/motorbikes to be safe. And I have read that if you die after 24 hours of the accident it is classified as death by natural causes. However every country is entitled to their measuring yard stick. I have known many many Thais dying one week after the accident. Time to sell the scooter.

    Someone driving 5-10 cm behind me would be in for a surprise.Think about which one goes down when I brake and a frontwheel touches a rearwheel.

    You have a point (if it applies to small motorbikes) and when I reported it to the Police the motor taxi riders said exactly what you said. By sheer coincidence after he went straight and I went left we ended up in the same parking lot - he never guessed I was going to the same place as him, I was able to get a photo of his number plate and the apartment sticker (which he tried to cross out but was still legible) where he lives. He followed me for about 15km by my estimate, ever shift to the left or right was immediately followed. I guess it was road rage or robbery - barren road with no one on the road - have been warned by thais that the road is known for many robberies - but thought it would be ok at 1pm in the afternoon. His visor was darkened. Did not approach him in parking lot - we know how that often ends up here - throat cut. Just hope the police keep an eye on the bastard. In the UK or USA he would be doing serious jail time for that kind of behaviour but I guess they see it as a bit of fun here.
  20. I was nearly a statistic. This is what happened to me today. Anybody had similar experiences? This is the new way they are robbing people - motorbike/scooter following motorbike/scooter. they follow you from five to ten centimetres behind for over 15km - forcing you to go up to speeds of 140km/hr - if you are lucky enough to reach the city they will vanish. if you veer left they veer left if you veer right they veer right. they are doing this I am told in the hope of you having anaccident or somehow stop - I don't know how stopping can be achieved unless you get rear ended. once you crash or stop they will rob you and leave you for dead. you can not stop as they are always 5cm to 10cm behind you. You can only increase your speed as they are always so close behind you - you are in fleeing mode. if you see this plate gaw gai saw reu see kaw kuat KRABI *** yamaha 135cc spark - good up to 140km/hr- I can verify this - you may want to make a will if you see this licence plate. there is a new evil here. It is the new tactic of choice to rob people. you may be better of riding a bus than hiring a bike. happy new year farang brothers and sisters. this is a good cautionary warning for your safety. this has been reported to the police today. there are some very evil hearted people out there targeting foreigners who will cause you to crash, leave you for dead and rob you. travel in pairs of scooters/motorbikes to be safe. And I have read that if you die after 24 hours of the accident it is classified as death by natural causes. However every country is entitled to their measuring yard stick. I have known many many Thais dying one week after the accident. Time to sell the scooter.

  21. This is the new way they are robbing people - motorbike/scooter following motorbike/scooter. they follow you from five to ten centimetres behind for over 10km - forcing you to go up to speeds of 140km/hr - if you are lucky enough to reach the city they will vanish. if you veer left they veer left if you veer right they veer right. they are doing this I am told in the hope of you having an accident or somehow stop - I don't know how stopping can be achieved unless you get rear ended. once you crash or stop they will rob you and leave you for dead. you can not stop as they are always 5cm to 10cm behind you. You can only increase your speed as they are always so close behind you - you are in fleeing mode. if you see this plate gaw gai saw reu see kaw kuat KRABI *** yamaha 135cc spark - good up to 140km/hr- I can verify this - you may want to make a will if you see this licence plate. there is a new evil here. It is the new tactic of choice to rob people. you may be better of riding a bus than hiring a bike. happy new year farang brothers and sisters. this is a good cautionary warning for your safety. this has been reported to the police today. there are some very evil hearted people out there targeting foreigners who will cause you to crash, leave you for dead and rob you. travel in pairs of scooters/motorbikes to be safe. And I have read that if you die after 24 hours of the accident it is classified as death by natural causes. However every country is entitled to their measuring yard stick. I have known many many Thais dying one week after the accident. Time to sell the scooter.

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