If you read the whole story the assailants followed them to their condo. The male told his girlfriend to film them and then she was hit with the helmet for filming them
It is amazing the number of Thai motor bike riders I see wearing masks but no helmets. I hope the masks can save their lives when they have an accident.
When I lived in Australia I did use a credit card. I have now been here for almost 12 years and not used a credit card.. If the shop insists on non cash they will lose my business.
Clarkson to coach North Melbourne. Are you happy with this appointment FJ
Sorry I did not get back earlier. No luck with the untick. I do not have any special programs running. I often delete cookies and history. My laptop does not sign off unless I do it manually. It only happens after google is closed.
Great win for the Swans. I loved the save from Rampe. It was outstanding. Their defence was very good. Now 2nd on the ladder. Buddy's goal was great. Great team effort. Sorry boys I am biased.