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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. A mates wife will be returning to Thailand from Australia on Sunday 29/03/2020.  She will be spending 1 night in Bangkok before returning to Chiang Rai

    Will she be required to self isolate? If yes will she be allowed to travel to Chiang Rai?

    She is a Thai citizen.

  2. I had one between my scrotum and rectum. It was getting bigger and hurting when I was walking. In the last 2 weeks I have used a cream. It is a Antifungal and anti inflammatory cream bought over the counter in Thailand. It is called Myda B cream. The skin tag has almost disappeared

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  3. On 3/20/2020 at 10:57 PM, giddyup said:

    Thanks Sheryl, that's what I thought it was, will get some medication from pharmacy tomorrow. Will also try an ice pack and compression bandage.

    I had bursitis on my elbow in 2006. I saw a doctor and was prescribe medicine. It did not respond and eventually ended up in hospital and had to have the bone scraped because the infection had spread.

    I was in Aus at the time. Be very careful. Good luck

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