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Everything posted by h90

  1. I keep a more conservative Win10 for office where I don't install anything that is not absolute necessary and Win10 for installing other software...that I can reinstall after it is messed up....using a debloated superlite win 10 version. Linux in the office is not easy to use......but use it for other purposes (3D printer)
  2. First of all make a complete backup..... Even better buy a complete new SSD and take out the old one before the upgrade... If everything is broken and gone, you can go back to what you have. If it is me, I would buy a new SSD, take out the old one. Make a fresh install of Win10 on the new SSD install what I need. Put in the old SSD so I can dual boot in case I forgot something. Upgrade and keeping everything without a backup is digital russian roulette
  3. I didn't think for the wild dogs (and snakes and whatever else is running around.....big lizards) And I guess the wilder the chicken, the more resistant they are, the less productive they are.... I recall somewhere close to Chumpon there are a few trees full of chicken.....they are natural enough to be able to fly up the tree to be safe from the dogs. But surely they don't lay much....
  4. In Philippines they mass vaccinated children in school with an untested vaccine with side effects......so it is not complete over the top scare mongering.
  5. One is British.....Seems the older Americans know Thailand well because of the Vietnam war.....
  6. No it won't all was already full of the uprising and "french" postings on the 13th....and than nothing. The last coup strongly improved Thailands financial standing (until Prayuth did Covid lockdowns and destroyed everything good he did)
  7. Owning watches is not prohibited. Owning media shares is. The watches are complete legal unless someone can proof any corruption. Of course I also believe that it is corruption....but getting an expensive watch is really a minor thing within the usual corruption in politics with 10% usually for every military purchase...
  8. I am sure 112 could be debated in good fate....but MFP said a few things that make some doubt the good fate of the MFP. I am pretty sure any caretaker government would try to get their buddies installed as senators...best investment ever to win 250 free votes
  9. yes no one care......I have several customer who confuse Thailand with Taiwan....and ask me all the time if I am OK with all the tensions with China and the possible war.... That is about the global importance of Thailand.
  10. No not HE was voted in. His party is the strongest but just 151 of 500 MPs. While the second has 141 (if I remember right). So there are several democratic majorities possible that are equal democratic....Everything that has a majority. Of course the best would be if the strongest party has the PM, but it isn't a must. That he can't get the PM because of unelected Senators is really not looking good.
  11. Bangkok and outside bicycle is not so great...and I am an early morning type.....at 2AM, even less great in Bangkok. when I am on the country side than yes.....I ride outside 2 hours is rather the normal way....I did also 200km indoor. That thing has a regulated brake so if there is a mountain you stand up. Pretty good simulation of reality
  12. But many people, could have a few chicken and feed them with the leftovers from their food....I see many people here never eat finish and the leftovers would be plenty for 1-2 chicken. At least on the countryside you could produce eggs at very low cost. (Easier than for example milk) I have seen chicken roam between the rubber trees and find food themself. Not sufficient for the population but could add.
  13. These who don't care will still not care. These who think it is rigged will still believe it is rigged These who believe it is important to have these senators will believe the MFP is evils but they also believed that before So no change
  14. So either BJT or the Senators need to vote with this bill.....won't happen
  15. yes I have proper cycling short.....It is a road bicycle....I would not want to sit 2 hours on the saddle in underwear....
  16. I tried tiger balm already.....Better than marijuana.....after the pain goes away you can lay flat on the bed and be only happy to be still alive ????. And it also removes all urges for sex......
  17. I thought they go away and new come weeks or month later.....but you could be right and it is the same ones again....I don't know....If I would do enough stretching I could look at them but so it is a bit hard
  18. Many think they lost many of their voters.....but of course that could just a dream of the opposition.......but if the opposition thinks that and MF think that they could win big. Than by all means make the snap election.
  19. yes, for example a coalition of other parties...as MF has no majority alone.....There is no law that says the strongest party must be in the government. and PTP is almost as strong
  20. now mine never burst...they get slowly smaller.....
  21. "Thai exports to Kenya include cars and their components, sugar, rubber products, plastic beads, and rice, while Kenya primarily imports chemicals, ores, metals, and jewelry from Thailand. That happens when you: "ChatGPT write me an article of Thailands import/exports with Kenya"
  22. And he has a lot money, I know him as well
  23. We had several countries where the president said he would not make a specific person to the prime minister even if his party wins. Often that is when a right wing party is about to win in Europe or a party that says that they want to make a referendum about leaving the European Union.
  24. I heard of men getting problems on the nipples from the TShirt when running.....I never got anything from that (but once a fatigue fracture). Will try Vaseline as well on the bicycle...thanks for the idea!
  25. No energy for beer anymore......With the Thai beers it isn't that much of a loss anyway. Fun fact...if I bicycle and drink 2 large beer every evening, I get an ever increasing muscle ache in the calfs (over days). Without beer not.....I have no rational explanation.....maybe minerals that the beer wash out more?? yes I have perfect bike shorts......but I suspect that some of the cheap Chinese are more likely to cause problems than the more expensive ones but I am not sure about that.
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