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Everything posted by h90

  1. and he just failed to secure prime minister for this party....only because of his talk about monarchy and 112. Most other parties with this big won would be already PM
  2. Google is your friend.....MFP again and again spoke about their stance against the Myanmar military government...so bad that they voiced their concern. Thanks for the link about PTP....I didn't know how horrible they are. minimum wage to 600 Baht new graduates to 25,000 Baht Central Bank Digital Currency and digital wallets instead of cash to enhance transparency a single identification system Eradicate the drug problem CBDC cashless society with social credit system......
  3. You are not very talented in mathematics, but I can help you: MFP: 14.4 Mill PTP: 11.0 Mill (and why should they be angry, they didn't vote for Pita.....if there is a PTP candidate and they don't vote for him than yes but that did not happen yet) Total 25.4 Mill Registered Voter: 52.2 =49% not 70% And the rich bored elite housewifes have more time and more money to spend than some young MFP voter. So in the best case the effect is small in the worst case they even gain. And my guess is that the percentage that is that much interested and motivated in politics is very small. I guess no effect at all.
  4. Step down from what? So far he is nothing more than a failed candidate
  5. Not Myanmar, not Cambodia, not USA which does not want that Thailand pivot more to China, not Russia.....
  6. 27% is not the collective will..... And a collective will is something scary anyway....There was done enough harm for the collective will from the right wing and the left wing in the past. Some struggle and compromise might be less efficient but much safer
  7. The Pita fans boycott it...and the others will go there to support the Senators....
  8. yes you are correct....there were some vaccine candidates, that were tested in at least Germany with just the spike protein, but I don't know if any where ever officially used. These used in Thailand were either complete virus deactivated, or DNA vaccine (Astra Zeneka or rebranded version of it) or modified mRNA vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer). No spike protein vaccine for mass application as long as I know.
  9. And if the wheels are odd size...there are many people who want to earn money with 3D printing
  10. Answer is: yes in some it is...specially in Thailand
  11. "Soft Power Tourism Booster Shot" That sounds like you get a Covid Booster shot for free. I would send that back to the marketing department to find a better name
  12. that expensive flights is basically the only argument to keep Thai Airways state owned....Even if it makes a deficit it brings tourists from places maybe other airlines don't go.
  13. I don't get your point....I am still consider that his program is bringing Thailands economic down....and he is a fraud....And my opinion is getting even worse. yes PTP forming a government would be better.....but that game the PTP plays, while smart it is also ugly....
  14. But only if the population votes for him in overwhelming amounts. Else in a democracy he must compromise or someone else is doing the job.
  15. Or that the second and third party form a government pushing the first into opposition.
  16. doesn't work because a PM needs the majority of MPs to be able to govern. So thanks to the stupid constitution it would be possible to have a PM that has most senators but a minority of MPs. I am sure there will be a PM soon. PTP just helps to dismantle Pita by pretending to help him. When he is finished they find a solution together with BJ, either with or without MFP. But first they try to make him loose face and being laughed at so they look like reasonable people in compare.
  17. just most got banned because of some kind of fraud, corruption, braking law.....which pretty much proofs it.
  18. 27% vote for him and 43% want to see him as PM no matter how long it need and 20% want him try only a few times. I would really want to see the exact Data of that unbelievable poll
  19. It is over.....we can't wear masks till the end of time, because some virus is around, even if they would work.
  20. In the Chinese vaccines it is...but don't know the relevance of that
  21. Beside the value thing, which I agree. He wants a radical anti Myanmar, anti Cambodia and anti China politics....China is not only the biggest trading partner, but also the biggest source of tourism. On top of that, double the minimum salary, higher taxes and higher energy costs. That would complete kill the industry.
  22. he won't pass senate with anti monarchy rhetoric, when they have sworn to uphold monarchy....it was not the media shares it was the 112 (and all the radical rhetoric around it)
  23. May I correct.....Everytime there is a new politician in Thailand it turns out that he is as much of a fraud as the others.....
  24. no it is not.....But Thailand had the "no entry without covid" vaccine already for a few hours.....other countries had it for month.....So it is not complete impossible.
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