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Everything posted by h90

  1. what difference does it make if they vote no or abstain?
  2. Many claim (not me don't shoot the messenger) that than Anutin will get PM and PTP most of the ministers.
  3. Yes Thaksin took the concept from the Democrats which they could not finance and implemented it without the funds. With very bad results.....We know several middle age housewomen who all the time run for the free healthcare because they are bored, so there aren't enough resources for the people who really need it. (Of course that reforms were never made is not Thaksins fault but that of everyone after him)
  4. I saw the typos: We know everything better, the Thais know nothing type from both Germans and British....Mostly by bitter old males who failed themself in their home country. Saw that far less with women and far less with Americans (but my sample of Americans is more business people so might be biased). The Teutonic ones are just more outspoken than others so it is more visible....
  5. So your point is all the world is undemocratic? I would actually agree with it.
  6. He doesn't need to learn anything....he is done...from the Senate from the courts and at his back is PTP with the knife in the hand.
  7. yes....but it wasn't my bad English....it was writing faster than thinking ???? Another + for Thailand...no one but Farangs recognize how bad my English is ????
  8. Cheap is great.....you can live one or two steps above the standard that you could in a other country.....so cheap is a quality on itself (modifying a Stalin quote). If your bones hurt and a massage costs 50 Euro you can't have it every day. If it costs 300 Baht you can. So for someone who needs it Thailand goes up 20 ranks with it. (and if we do the same example with horny old men and girls it will win if the rest of the country looks like Antarctica)
  9. I can't see that........Do you have any examples of where they bent it? I have more the impression that they follow the law to the letter. But I am not following them in detail.
  10. yes but you can't bin the flaws of the constitution court...they didn't write it.
  11. you can be activist and party member....
  12. What is the constitution court doing wrong? They didn't write the laws/constitution they only follow it
  13. If Pita is doing that, he is actually making a coup, but he has no guns to support it, so it will fail
  14. In BKK Post Srettha Thavisin is getting already in position to take over
  15. I do pretty well in Thailand with English....In places where it matters (doctors, pharmacies, etc) it was always excellent. And the young generation is even better. It is not fantastic but good enough....I recall in Italy, next to the Vatican, so a tourist spot, they pretended to not speak 1 word English...not even understanding Yes and No. (But Italian is somehow very easy to learn for me....in one week I could understand many things, while Thai seems very hard for me).
  16. yes I know that problem....if you tell the true it should never be defamation. Here the Thai law is nonsense.
  17. again what law did they brake? They did according to their job in the constitution which had a referendum. I agree that the Senator construction is not good....but you seriously want to kill people because they do their job?
  18. Sure nice there...but many places are nice, being worldwide in the top 10. How is English skills in Portugal (if you can't speak Portuguese)?
  19. I train a lot and I eat a lot.....My dump rate is usually once a day...but twice happens and it rarely it also happens that I skip half a day so the morning dump comes in the evening. Alcohol, curries, nicotine and caffeine influence that. If you drink more, you may have drank too less before and fixed that. So if you drink some pre-workout it may cause that...or you just eat more. I would say from twice a day to every second day on average all is normal and no concern. Happy training happy defecating!
  20. no these things must be absolute idiot proof, they are used by very small children and by very old people. They have a comb that goes below the grooves of the steps. you should be able to stay barefoot on it and it lifts up your foot, you must probable fall than on your nose but the machinery won't eat you. It must be either damaged or wrong set
  21. I think strong defamation law is good for normal people but not for politicians. They are people of public interest.
  22. and neither are these: Portugal, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Spain, Greece, and France
  23. Not my idea....I just parrot someone else. PT+MFP still to bad for the Senate PT make a coalitions with BJ and someone tolerate them either dems or one of the military parties but in exchange Anutin will be PM Sounds crazy to me but there are people who believe it.
  24. True....but it seems it amused him.....Getting thrown out of a bar without being violent, poor or rude is an achievement you can brag about....
  25. yes the normal thing in Thailand would be to deny doing it....and not doing it again...or at least for a few month.... But maybe he used drugs.....
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