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Everything posted by h90

  1. Till now it is just empty talk...Empty talk is cheap. And I doubt the most genius person could come up with a working peace deal in Myanmar, as neither side there will cave in....so it is just wasted time.
  2. I played around with AI...and there is amazing results....answers that would need me hours of research. And between, plain wrong things that are complete made up. And most probably you would not spot it. In a longer text it told me that Antarctica is colder than the Arctic. And in a other text that Arctic is colder than Antarctica. If it wouldn't have contradict itself I wouldn't spot it. Everything else was correct. So very careful with important things and AI
  3. WOW!!!! he should have transferred the 3 Million to me. I would have give him back 2 million. So he would have 2 million more than now. And I would also have 1 million. Win Win.... Heck for 3 Million he could have real sex not only videos....
  4. But it is understandable....Thailand is warm, a well maintained heated house is not that important if there is never a winter. Some Shacks are good enough to protect you from the weather,
  5. yes Carbon Monoxide and and most probably Cyclon B. If you have these containers...they are most probably very dangerous.
  6. Yandex is for some things great....for other things poor. Total different results than Google. We have some ancient CNC from the early 1990 with a mess of a software that is protected.....the company doesn't exist anymore since decades. Information on how to bypass that can be only found with Yandex....Google has it total cleaned up there is not even a hint that such things exist. On other daily things you often find only Russian webpages.
  7. I know how the porn look that is free.....how does the porn for 3 Million look like?? They can't do something fundamentally different.
  8. maybe another prince ????...he promised I get it next week if I transfer 20.000 Euro for the customs fee today....Money sent and I already ordered a new Mercedes.
  9. The conflict between the two militaries is since decades. If you do not trade, it won't hurt the military there, it will hurt the normal people and more important it will hurt the Thai economy. We have no problems trading with other murderouse regimes....Saudi Arabia (and thru all the Yemen war), China, Ukraine and Russia...but at Myanmar we don't do it? And Myanmar isn't isolated at all. And what do you think, at the last coup in Thailand, would you think the Thai people would have loved if the world stopped trading, so they get complete poor?
  10. Well to his excuse, we don't know when there is a new government, it can be month. But there is no urgent need...that all can wait for the new government. It is overstepping his authority as caretaker.
  11. but what card you can charge 3 Million online and that without confirmation on the mobile phone. I could think of that they let him install a key logger, there are ways to take over the mobile phone. So in the night a bad guy can transfer money using your phone. But that isn't mentioned.... Anyway I can help this guy out....as just yesterday a prince from Nigeria contacted me and will send me $50 Million.
  12. from time to time I read about cases in USA and in Europe where the hospital try to deny everything and only cave in when there are lawyer involved
  13. crucify in social media?? Get a real life.......complete irrelevant what is on social media.
  14. Not a fan of Prayut and I don't think a caretaker government on the way out should do it. But else it is more than reasonable to have good relations with the neighbors.....During any other time than the last days of caretaker I would have applaud it. International reputation: Myanmar is good friend with China and Russia...just the two biggest countries on the planet.
  15. In several ways....medicine is not politics and it got total mixed up.....Doctors made politics and politicians decided what medicine works and what not and on top of it complete BS studies that are obviously biased from both sides and the people on facebook fought about them..... But neither side looked at the reality... Covid is not harmless...I know someone who died.....but Covid has not a death rate of 30% (as many people believed in a poll in New York). The vaccine is not 94% efficient in preventing Covid. But also these people who said that the vaccinated will die in autumn 2021 still don't admit that they were wrong... One side believed the mask will total protect them.....the other side claimed that from the CO2 in mask we'll get brain damage. Masking up schoolchildren because Covid can be deadly for 80 year old is also such a case. In this pandemic truly the common sense died
  16. In several countries some young Prime Ministers were much harder than the old Dinos.....And 6 shots....that also seems like someone has a bit of a learning disabilities.....So I don't share your hope. 6 shots and 3 times covid....But I am sure the 7th will work.
  17. 6 years for an incompetent doctor...because he needs years of experience to get competent
  18. I doubt it...various groups will try to find reasons to block him....They do with every PM
  19. and where did he loose the 3 Million?? Line and memberships doesn't cause that...did he transfer money?
  20. Yes that happens from time to time....it is tragic but we must continue living, we can't hide in fear forever and damage our immune system with that even more. In Europe since month...maybe a year? No one...not even my 80 year old parents even remember the masks and here we force children? I don't want to ban masks, and they may make sense for older people but not for children...they need to have a normal life, get in contact with viruses and need to learn from facial expressions. With the addiction to the mobile phones it is bad enough, we should not add masks to it. And again....I am not advocating for not wearing masks in the hospital...I only mean schools and children.
  21. I guess now I'll get bashing from both sides......In my opinion the base for any non socialist free society is free (socialist) education. All is based on the idea that the poor people can get rich if only they work hard....and that works only if they get the same chances. Free education is a must. (The equal opportunity) And really as human you can not let people die on the sidewalk. So health care for poor (not middle class) we must do....no need to pay for nice teeth but all that is important must be paid. The problem is that the rich pay LESS taxes than the poor. They can escape it. In Thailand you can wiggle out of taxes, but you pay VAT on food at the 7/11 and a fortune on taxes if you drink a beer. VAT on food is a crime in my opinion. VAT on food should be complete removed. All small to lower medium income and businesses should be complete free of taxes, fees and regulations (beside environment and health). And the costs can be saved in the system. Able young people don't need any government support...they can work. State pension for old people say >70 and people that are unable to work is also a must. Do you know the government complex in Bangkok? And than there are 77 "states" with local government with all they pyramid of buerocrates. If you cut that 3/4 no one would notice it. Socialist systems always grow, they never keep reasonable. If I would know that my tax euro or baht helps people in need I would happily pay it. But I think it is in the best case wasted and in the worst case used for something I don't want (warmongering for example)
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