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Everything posted by h90

  1. An oligarch party strengthen democracy??? Why should they do that????
  2. In a coalition everything is open for discussion. The weaker can have the PM and the stronger can have more ministers...all possible. It is up to negotiations. There are some positions that are more important....and some that are less so they need to negotiate a package. Both MFP and PTP can have a majority in parliament without the other. Both will have problems with the senators
  3. Yes...whatever the opinion on Myanmar it is not the Caretakers business. If for any reason the election of the new PM fails and the time goes on, we could maybe argue that the caretaker government need to do something. But that is not the case....so it is out of order. The caretaker government can make a nice plan and leave it as recommendation on the table for the new government...that is all.
  4. And what does the people want with Myanmar? There was no vote about foreign politics and for sure it wasn't a big topic and than 28% of the voter voted for MFP. The outgoing government shouldn't do any politics anymore...they are past. But I can't see the voter want to loose money and starting a conflict with Myanmar. Friendly relations with neighbors are always good. Even during the cold war we could have mostly friendly relations with the communist neighbors in Europe.
  5. there are temple that order meat for their kitchen....that can't be right in the spirit of it...killing animals
  6. Beside accidental I refuse to eat insects....Pigs taste perfect, so I don't intend to exchange them for bugs or some lab cancer cells.
  7. If the land is really bad and there are no buildings than it makes sense....But in some countries they use useful land in dense populated areas.....I had Europe in my mind. In Australia things might be very different.
  8. And surprising multilanguage the people there...Our guy spoke at least 4 language...
  9. It is several different military groups....Myanmar has a lot different ethnics. We had a staff from Myanmar....he deeply hated Aung San Suu Kyi. But he also strongly disliked the regular military, not hated them anymore since they helped against the Rohingya which they were in a civil war against. And many of these groups have some paramilitary groups......he told he was for month without supply in the jungle training to live there. But from their ethnic defense.... And Aung San Suu Kyi represent another military family...her father was a big one there. It is way more complicate that we get told in the news. And on top of it, you have religious conflicts there...Nationalist Buddhists, Christians and Muslims....
  10. They had a lot artillery in the border dispute with Cambodia. And in the floods 2011 the army made a country wide network of transportation will all the best new 4/6 wheel trucks...I wondered how many they possible could have. They brought me to the airport with one.
  11. I'll never understand: closing good land with solar panels. Against global warming but make a huge area black.....if afraid of global warming you would paint everything white. But on the same time have all the roofs without solar panels. It would make sense to put solar panels on buildings first and than over already wasted land like parking lots....not on farmland.
  12. because it is the natural thing to do...we are optimized to do exactly that. The industrial meat production is a other topic...that is wrong, unhealthy, cruel, environmental damaging. We should ban that as good as possible, but we can have everything full with goats, cows, pigs. When I see what many people (not even thinking for restaurants) throw away on eatable food, a few houses together could easily have 1 pig and some chicken. Maybe not having every meal some meat, but when having it having something in good quality.
  13. I don't eat live animals...because they run away and are faster than me
  14. no it is not....protein alone is complex but meat is not only protein, it is far more.
  15. First I thought the doctor doesn't believe me, but than he prescribed me: 3x3 drops daily of Hypochondrin 3x1 tablets per day Placebol
  16. might be good, might be bad.... but without knowing what it is: don't eat it. Herbal and natural does not mean it is harmless...there are lots of strong herbs that have strong effects and strong side effects. Could be the best thing you ever have. Could damage your liver... impossible to say. Take IBU or if herbal Kratom or whatever legal or illegal but know what you do.
  17. yes they try in one appointment...but also a lot of horror stories.....including grinding thru a crown because the root canal below was not OK
  18. I eat natural food...no artificial flavor, color, preservatives..... I would rather eat the soi dog than lab meat....
  19. if you put water into coffee you deserve it....
  20. Not forever, but it could be possible to double the lifespan. That would be great for someone who doesn't need to work
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