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Everything posted by h90

  1. 6 years for an incompetent doctor...because he needs years of experience to get competent
  2. I doubt it...various groups will try to find reasons to block him....They do with every PM
  3. and where did he loose the 3 Million?? Line and memberships doesn't cause that...did he transfer money?
  4. Yes that happens from time to time....it is tragic but we must continue living, we can't hide in fear forever and damage our immune system with that even more. In Europe since month...maybe a year? No one...not even my 80 year old parents even remember the masks and here we force children? I don't want to ban masks, and they may make sense for older people but not for children...they need to have a normal life, get in contact with viruses and need to learn from facial expressions. With the addiction to the mobile phones it is bad enough, we should not add masks to it. And again....I am not advocating for not wearing masks in the hospital...I only mean schools and children.
  5. I guess now I'll get bashing from both sides......In my opinion the base for any non socialist free society is free (socialist) education. All is based on the idea that the poor people can get rich if only they work hard....and that works only if they get the same chances. Free education is a must. (The equal opportunity) And really as human you can not let people die on the sidewalk. So health care for poor (not middle class) we must do....no need to pay for nice teeth but all that is important must be paid. The problem is that the rich pay LESS taxes than the poor. They can escape it. In Thailand you can wiggle out of taxes, but you pay VAT on food at the 7/11 and a fortune on taxes if you drink a beer. VAT on food is a crime in my opinion. VAT on food should be complete removed. All small to lower medium income and businesses should be complete free of taxes, fees and regulations (beside environment and health). And the costs can be saved in the system. Able young people don't need any government support...they can work. State pension for old people say >70 and people that are unable to work is also a must. Do you know the government complex in Bangkok? And than there are 77 "states" with local government with all they pyramid of buerocrates. If you cut that 3/4 no one would notice it. Socialist systems always grow, they never keep reasonable. If I would know that my tax euro or baht helps people in need I would happily pay it. But I think it is in the best case wasted and in the worst case used for something I don't want (warmongering for example)
  6. and they started to live so 2019 or did they live so without any problems and without any masks for centuries?
  7. Nothing against limited socialist agenda....all for it, specially on the health care and educated...But all limited socialist agenda everywhere is growing and building ever growing bureaucracy and taxes. Paying in many countries far more than 50% tax if you are working. And that all started with reasonable things.
  8. I am not one who see the Dollar falling tomorrow. But I would not be sure for decades. I think the Euro may suffer first and some Euro trade will change to USD stabilizing the Dollar but the trade volume China/Russia/India/Brazil/Saudi Arabia is big I would not underestimate it in a say 5-10 years. But depending on what they do...if they come with an easy to use gold based (else no one would believe it) currency it might has a big impact.
  9. Well China, India, Russia, Brazil....that is a big part of the world
  10. Do you think MFP is more reasonable on that? If yes I would immediately have a better opinion about MFP
  11. yes and kids should get all kind of airborne disease....it is the normal way that the kids get something new all the time. That will than be the background immunity we have as adults. Humanity survived millennia without masks. If they are sick and the grandparents weak than don't visit them....keep distance. But let the kids grow up normal.
  12. I could imagine there are talks if the Senators won't vote for Pita, they offer money for BJ. But BJ want too much....Senators are cheaper
  13. What rules? He can vote for him or not...there are no rules for that.
  14. it is the job of the EC and courts to clarify it, one way or another. He has all the right to complain there. The facts are clear it shouldn't take weeks to decide it. Not the guy is the problem the EC and courts are the problem.
  15. It should be clarified: If the shares are not allowed than he should be disqualified now. It it isn't a problem, than this should be stated. I don't know why this is dragged out forever. The facts are clear by now. iTV is a media company, but not doing anything with media for years and the shares he has are very minimal. So either we follow the law by the letter and he is out. Or we interpret the law with common sense and forget the case...but no point to argue about it forever.
  16. Yes people who discuss the decision on a scripted TV show may also discuss the decisions James Bond does in his work as secret agent...and why the Russians don't recognize his face even he is in TV.....
  17. I would see it even wider... We need more nurses and doctors because the society is getting sicker...and not a little bit, massive....diabetics and heart problems. Where are any programs to teach people about healthy food or healthy lifestyle? We had such programs in the past. Lot of docs+nurses go into foreign countries or just take other jobs as work load and payment doesn't fit. Higher salaries are the easier fix. Many positions are simply not filled...creating more positions won't help. And the plan comes from the same people who where a complete failure during covid....they are incompetent Anyway it is just a caretaker government...let the incoming government do it.
  18. hey....One speaker, two debuty speaker and 1 prime minister....that are 4 names that you should not confuse, that is an intellectual task. It would need half an hour to train a dog keeping them apart. So you should plan at least a day for the MPs.
  19. don't be ridiculous...claiming there is no corruption in politics is even below your quality of arguments....and they even as said above got caught with 200 Million illegal financing. That evidence you should also see thru your orange glasses....Google it even BKK Post brought it big
  20. But not in the shopping mall...they would find one in every shop
  21. Saw them here in the park, chatting up people...they were fluent in Thai. They were Americans.
  22. Well as long as all are adults and no one get cheated out of money, let them do their low IQ subculture. At least better than throwing your dog into the river to make a "I a the hero who rescue the dog" video.
  23. You are born yesterday? Never heard from corruption and illegal financing? Unless you come from North Korea you had in every country countless cases.....There is no politics without money. It costs a fortune to get even mentioned in the news.
  24. you want to tell me that MF is not FF and PTP is not TRT??? Seriously?
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