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Everything posted by h90

  1. Maybe we can agree on that MFP and PTP together defeated the Military parties? As together they have a majority in parliament. Everything else is just semantic if we call it a defeat or not does not really matter. Just a pointless question on how we define words. I worry that it all won't be reasonable.....and there will be again demonstrations and violence with some colored TShirts.
  2. Of course! Politicians do illegal funding......that is not exactly unheard of. Future Forward according to Bangkok Post got illegally 200 Million Baht from Thanathorn. And that is only what they got caught.
  3. I don't know for UK but for Austria vs. Thailand. I think you attract very different people if you don't give them any social security. Even some illegal immigrant in Thailand will do something productive. And the lazy one will not come. While in Europe we pay everyone...even illegal immigrants. I agree on everything about your posting about national identity.
  4. You would of course need to cut nonsense regulations as well. And we have now computer we don't need the same amount of people like in the 1990s. Someone could argue that we need the same amount of police but not the same amount of paper pusher. Yes many unproductive people who are just leeches on the working people would be out of job. As you can't fire them, you need to stop hiring new one and wait it out with retiring people.
  5. Yes it is that guide book that many politician try to implement....I would love that you are right and I am wrong.....But everything seems to go the way of more state control....and very easy with the cameras everywhere...look around in Bangkok and AI.
  6. A minority government must have >50% support in the parliament as well. It means only that some parties accept them, without getting some share of the power. But in case of a non-confident vote they vote with the government. = >50% of parliament.
  7. MFP is the party of one of the richest families in Thailand. Second is PTP with another Oligarch And you are right the military is supporting the wealth elites as well No one is for the normal hard working Thais. A party for the normal Thais would never have the funds to come into parliament. That a party will rise to power that is for the normal people is a very naive dream. The best you can hope for is to have some elites being afraid of loosing power. MFP, PTP, Prayuth, the Democrats are all meeting with the WEF where all the other elites meet together and agree together how to rule
  8. single digital ID for everyone by joining government and private sector data is like a book example of fascism. With no privacy with the state can control everything and everyone......As more socialist countries as worse they get in the long run, because it leads to wasting money and ever increasing taxes. Not because the idea is wrong, because it invites corruption and legal vote buying.
  9. The only important thing is a majority >50% in parliament. That is 251+ votes. MF has 151 PTP has 141 So MF would need 99 while PTP would need 109 votes from other parties. If PTP forms a government without MF than MF won nothing....The same and easier MF could form a government without PTP. That win is meaningless if you can't form a government. Only if you have >50% than you have a real win that noone can dispute
  10. That earthquake is for sure healthy for Thailand. If asking for good things Prayuth did the last 4 years.....I would not be able to name a single thing. But there is big risk that MF does big damage with their half communist half fascist ideas....I would pretty much prefer a do nothing Prayuth....but at some point is doing nothing also a big problem
  11. it is not a win or loose in Thailand it is more or less proportionally --> It is not American presidential elections. Theoretically PTP could form a government without MFP.
  12. huge defeat would be if they went small as the Democrats. It is unexpected for them and it is a defeat but not huge. They are still second strongest and with theoretically they could form a government without MF. Not very probable but possible. Don't forget in the last election Prayut won the popular vote over PTP....They only got the majority of seats with the regional MPs. In percentage they even gained massive in compare with 2019. So it is not the total defeat....
  13. Thailand doesn't has a winner takes it all system.....If you are almost equal strong you are almost equals. Different than for example presidential elections in other countries...you loose the other guy is president, you are nothing.
  14. But with the digital ID from the new government they'll loose points on their social credit system.....
  15. before you gave a few hundred Bahts and got a new stamp either in Bangkok or later the Passport made a border run...(without you). Retired people stayed for decades like that in Thailand...you could do it infinity. That was very big drama when people who were old already and since decades in Thailand were out of Visa suddenly.... (Edit: I think it was under Thaksin....I might be wrong, but for sure it was before Prayut)
  16. Well they did not defeat Shinawatras....the Shins have almost as many seats. They defeated Prayuth and the Democrats
  17. The West and the East.....It is globally.....And countries you wouldn't expect it. Talk a bit about Islamic terrorists, illegal immigrants and kids watching p*rn and the majority accepts the loss of freedoms our forefathers fought centuries for. Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Having a single digital ID (for private and governmental issues) and having a programmable digital central bank money is the perfect tool to enslave people. And when the tools are here they'll be used. Somewhere slower somewhere faster. But for sure no where you'll protest against government anymore. What happened to the Canadian trucker should have been a wake up call for everyone but it got mostly ignored.
  18. Yes and it is well know that he made huge illegal profit by the 1997 crises, so did many others, as they know from the collapse of the Thai Baht in advance. I doubt that he was the first prime minister that served a full term. When you look the list you see several with 9, 8, 5 years in office.
  19. No....it continued....no matter if Thaksin, Yingluck, Prayut...it continued to tighten. I think it did not under Surayuth...but I am not sure, could be wrong on that. Before Thaksin there were basically no rules, you could stay forever by just giving someone your passport to stamp in a visa run...no need to go yourself. Other correct visas were equally easy. No crazy money rules or paranoid checks...if you didn't look like a criminal you got the visa. Also no 90 day reporting or any other nonsense. That all ended with Thaksin......But yes with Prayut it got much worse. And lots of xenophobic talk from Thaksin...but also from Prayut government.
  20. That is correct but who decides what is misinformation. If the government decides it, every critic against government will be misinformation. If NGOs decide it than they do their opinion. Best thing would be to have an educated population but no politicians want that.....they ask questions.
  21. That is the social credit system...how would you call it?
  22. I guess they get something different in exchange. MFP also has infinity deep pockets.
  23. at least than today is weekend
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