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Everything posted by h90

  1. Prayuth is not the quality of Prem......
  2. might be a bit longer as there will be some fight over the juicy positions in the coalition.....But that should be finished mid August.
  3. Well from 2002 to now it got far worse for us foreigner. At that time visas were no problem at all. Much of the bad came from the Thaksin party. So politic has influence.
  4. And think that Thailand has 77 states with every state has the bureaucratic pyramid...That might made sense 50 years ago, when it needed days to reach some far away state over bad roads. But since we have internet it could be reduced to something between 0 and 10. (might make sense to give some areas like the Muslim areas, some Northern areas some independent local bureaucracies....but not 77)
  5. yes forward into a fascist nightmare....And even if you think the MF are the good guys. After the structure is here, what is if the opposition that you don't like comes to power and can control it.....I don't need a digital ID, neither with MF nor with the military in power.
  6. When I read the first half of it, I thought wow....MFP start to convince me that they are good, and I like them.... Than digital ID and "As part of this plan, a comprehensive database would be established, combining information from state agencies and the private sector." going full fascist. Of course the don't need an anti-fake news center, if they do digital ID and merge of private and state in the Chinese way. You won't post something bad about government anymore because than they can block your digital ID to access your bank account..... Going from bad "Anti-Fake News Center" to worst: single digital ID for state and private...total surveillance.
  7. What was your point....they not let him go away with braking the law because they don't like him? But if he did not brake the law it would be the same? Sorry what was your point?
  8. Both Russia and China are in good conditions with Myanmar....That is the biggest and the country with the most population. Currently the government is only a caretaker government and should not do anything of significance. In Myanmar it is a decades long fight between military families which are either close to USA or close to China. Thailand can only loose if it takes a side. Whoever is the government in Myanmar should be respected by Thailand. Similar...yes would you have want that all the world boycott Thailand after the coup and Thai people can't export, die because lack of medicine...like they do in Myanmar. Or better let the trade continue?
  9. So they should allow to let him go away with breaking the law....because what? Of course if he would not brake the law they can not block him. Senate if he does not get crazy ideas like 112, disbanding the senate, making a new constitution, war mongering against Myanmar etc the Senate would be happy to vote for him. If he get removed the Senate will be happy to vote for a moderate person from PTP. Which will proof that it is not rigged.
  10. saturated fats are the good fats...that is nutrition. Unless you are on a diet you want to consume them instead of carbs. Carbs make you fat not fat
  11. no our dog is mammal and drank milk even when old
  12. Are you sure the average American is 1.72. I am 1.70 and between Mericans I always feel a bit short. i think they are taller. Yes a lot newer generation Thais are tall and robust with wide shoulders and muscular. Bodyshape like classic Europeans. I didn't saw that bodytype 20 years ago.
  13. similar to German....a German billion is an American trillion....that often causes wrong news when the translator doesn't know that
  14. The only good thing I see is that with the hysteria about weed the Kratom is off the radar..... Anutin should have legalized Opium as well, than everyone would now hysterical focus on that and weed would be ignored.
  15. 4. no open advertising Point 2: is really strange: Do women loose mental capacity when they get pregnant so they need a Legal guardian? But OK I think everyone can live with such rules.
  16. It says it is not essential....yes it is not essential...many things aren't. Rice is not essential, potatoes are not, pork is not....everything can be replaced. But it is a nice to have product
  17. I saw small shop......Wife said not sweet...and the non sweet version you could use as glue. Luckily she learned it...now she orders some tea which contains zero sugar and is not sweet at all. Just tea and most probably fake milk.
  18. I would be for no laws at all. But a compromise would be no advertising and no delivery service (or delivery in a way that only adults can take it, would be easy....for things like that the delivery guy must make a photo of the ID card).
  19. Yes and? When I was young it was normal to send the 8 year old to buy the cigarettes and beer for the father. No one in the supermarket would have thought anything. And there were almost no problems with kids drinking or smoking. We can't outsource parenting to the government or the mailman. I guess your 9 year old daughter did not eat it, right? Because you are responsible person who is taking care of your kids. If some parents don't the kids can buy drugs on the street, hard alcohol etc...we can never make it 100% secure...not even in countries like Saudi Arabia it is 100%. We need to learn to live with a "dirty" world.
  20. yes these iced coffee.....that is a kind of masterpiece of bad food.......high fructose syrup + fake condensed milk with palm oil.....they should get an award from the pharma industry....if you drink that daily you need really good genetics. Also good to get a fatty liver, no beer can do it that well
  21. good choice and if you are concerned about the sugar there are also the healthy chemical versions ???? (/Sarcasm)
  22. The amount of glucose you get with the milk is irrelevant, what is the lactose content of milk? 3-5 % or so. And half of it is glucose. Coke is like the double or triple. No one is drinking liters of milk on top of some sweet food. But people do it with coke. And with milk you get proteins (and good fats if not skimmed) with the coke you get nothing only chemicals. It is not milk that causes the diabetics. If people double the milk and leave out the coke we would be in much better shape. (That many milk products content a lot added sugar is a big problem).
  23. I am a bit shocked reading that.....Thank you. Yes maybe I am too much in a bubble and see things too rosy.... I would never buy food at the local market (beside fruits/vegetables/eggs) but that is rather because I studied food technology...bad enough what happens in clean factories....I cook myself. I had some similar stories from hotel rooms and from some longer rental of bungalows. My wife in anger saying she won't rent out to Thai people anymore. And giving the Myanmar staff some huge tip for cleaning the toilet which she said was used as a trash bin...and that these people all looked very neat from the outside. I booked that as both single exceptional case(ses) and exaggerations. I re-evaluate my opinion now.
  24. That is cheap...why pretending that Thailand want to resolve the crises in Myanmar? Why not being honest. Like we don't care the internal problems in Myanmar, as long as they can pay we are ready to do business and don't care anything else. That sound hard but nothing wrong with it.
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