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Everything posted by h90

  1. There is a lot import/export on the borders that benefit both sides...and also small and medium companies.....Years ago I was in Ranong there was a stead stream of small business....even washing...dirty clothes shipped to Myanmar for cleaning and back. Spare parts to Myanmar, etc.
  2. because he is the Thailands foreign minister not some NGO. Myanmar is a trading partner and that is important for the Thai people. The internals of Myanmar is not Thailands business.
  3. never allow....if Pita would have played clean, no one could have blocked him. Every party tries to smear the other, that is normal. Would Prayuth have iTV shares MF would be the loudest complaining about it. No one cares what he swears.....he would swear everything and have it forgotten the next day like every politician in every country.
  4. yes....I only eat what I cook myself. While you can cook unhealthy, it is usually still better than the industry food. And you don't cook if you are not hungry, so the snaking between meals is gone.
  5. It is good fat and good protein and for most humans (and animals, like our street dog) lactose is no problem.
  6. how long is it in US presidential elections from election till getting into office? And still some claim that it was not right. In Germany they still struggle with the 2021 election, as they endorsed the results in Berlin even everything was wrong there and now they don't know what to do. But 60 days might be really too long. 30 days for 95% of all candidates and 40 days for the last 5% might be. In my opinion complains about vote buying: Investigations can be started before the elections and irregularities at polling stations. Thailand has so many buerocrates. Put 2 more observer and a camera at every station. When I was official at election the system was so safe that it was impossible to make mistakes or cheat...it is not that difficult to arrange elections that doesn't need long checks afterwards.
  7. But why was that not a problem 20 years ago....or was it a problem than and I just didn't know it? yes had 2 in the office below 30 I guess more like 25....needed insulin, Type 2....but fat and eat junk all day. Changing their food didn't come into their mind. Another fat staff which is not working with us anymore, but still a friend...diabetics type 2. Not my business but I wonder why they don't do something?? No knowledge? Don't care? In that young age with type 2 there are many ways...some more moderate some more extreme but you can get rid of it or massive reduce the problem.
  8. Covid: theoretical yes. But when they sit together and talk close to each other, they anyway either get it or don't get it, no matter the food. As mostly it comes from particle in the air.....And they talk while eating with not only microscopic particle flying thru the air. Here in the company staff was distancing themself from each other and wearing masks. At lunch, at the way too small table they sit together with shoulder contact, no mask talking, laughing etc.....than afterwards put on the mask again and distance. That makes like zero sense to me. But the Covid scare in the company ended long ago....they only wear the mask on the motorbike or when they clean something alone outside in the sun, but not in the closed aircon rooms when they are together (I am not exaggerating.....) I don't care....
  9. While I do agree on the white rice it puzzles me why in the past they eat the same amount of white rice and it wasn't a problem. My theory is that the rice is less of a problem than sweet drinks from coke to iced coffee mixed with ice cream...But I am not sure if I am right on that. I disagree with the lean pork....we eat too less good fat and too much cheap carbs....eat the fat pork and cut the rice. Fat meat keeps you full. I hear my staff on the phone what food they should bring home....the fragments Mickey Mouse Pizza (whatever it is) chocolate....etc....The girls on diet, fill themself up with some pills, don't eat but drink three big iced coffee (tons of sugar and palm oil (that white milk substitute)). And everyone eat that industrial produced food instead of cooking themself.....We tried to convince staff that they cook for lunch in the company...we even paid the food. They didn't want to do it...Fried egg is already too much work
  10. I have seen people on the market amazed that I could give something like 140 Baht after buying 2 beer for 70 Baht, before she put it into the calculator... Real simple things....not 17 beers at 63.3 Baht...just 2x70.
  11. I don't see any health problem sharing sticky rice with their fingers...not a problem....not cleaning teeth is a problem....(which is strange because why would humans need it while no other animal needs it?? Maybe because we don't eat natural food??). not flow the bowl ????I guess I know why I train at home.....
  12. Yes of course you are right it is a quantity issue. I would guess isolated Soy protein is no problem at all....I as child (I guess just before puberty??, but can't remember)I developed a bit of nipples. The doctor told to not freak out, most of the time it resolves itself....but keep looking at it.....Got complete away and I don't even have the man boobs the beer drinking farangs usually have. Different than testosterone you can eat estrogen...and it is now already discussed in USA if the estrogen mimicking substances MAY cause some mental issues....The chicken issue was in Thailand and it was young boys who developed breasts.....but yes huge amounts they spoke about >3 times per day KFC. I would guess in US there is a better food safety. As you write "besides the ones who are obese from a bad diet." You have fat obese kids and the soy thing on top of it. You are thinking of some healthy exercising man. I think of already bad eating lazy boys pre puperty...who have already several problems. Lactose in milk can be easily removed if that is a problem in Thailand. So I don't see any benefit from the Soy.
  13. Yes I remember epic rants from my wife (Thai) when staff eat together put their spoon into the big bowl in the center instead of having a dedicated one and put it on their dish first.....She refuses to eat together with them...because of that.... You are right.....I wasn't really aware of it, as it is outside my bubble.....
  14. And while twisting wires together is not bad enough, that is also made sloppy, per hand....
  15. no.....electric wet with some clean water is not that much of a problem. If it is a wire on the floor you could step on it with the flip flops. If it is a pole, it most probably ground most of the voltage itself when wet. And even with flip flops touching 220 Volt and grounding it with your feet will not kill you. With good shoes you can touch 220 Volt and work on it as long as you don't touch something else. Peeing on it is of course something complete different
  16. yes you are right...it is only a care talker government that keeps the chair warm....
  17. peace talks are so 1990.... these days "peace talks" is almost a dirty word..
  18. I also love tall slim Thai women....I have no problem if a woman is taller than me....if it is not freakish tall
  19. OK....yes I accept that argument, even I think exactly that is even worse in the west. But being a bit of a disgusting pig does not keep you small. You can pee on your fingers and than it a burger and it won't be a problem (I'll get slim watching it....(I am already feeling a bit sick having the picture in my head)) but it is no problem. the focus on the mobile phone instead of playing outside (lack of exercise, lack of Vitamin D from the sun) is far bigger problem.
  20. yes but small boys are very sensitive on estrogen levels.....it may even happen without having it in the food, but balance it out most of the cases. Even a small amount can be harmful there....And it is an unnecessary risk. Chicken by the way is the next risk, because of the Salmonella Statica medicine they often get, metabolics of it are function as estrogen....was a big topic years ago in Thailand when boys got breasts from too much KFC.....better leave it out when there are better options like milk, eggs (with quality control), etc
  21. Well...recklessness....peeing most probably drunk on some cables.......good citizen don't pee on the parking lot.... Store owner is of course wrong because next time it could be a kid playing there.....but else...just don't pee where you are not supposed to do it....or learn to pee in a wide arc so the electric doesn't kill you
  22. do you mean grounded like having a ground wire? That wouldn't have helped in this case if the other wire is exposed. Or grounded like having the wires underground.....That would be a good idea but I wonder how it looks if implemented in Thailand...underground tubes filled with water and rats and the bird nest of wires there underground?
  23. They are talking about foreign investors.....not me talking about it. Lot of investments mean automatic rising salaries, better education, better standards in the long term....see China 20 years ago and now...even on pollution China is now cleaner than India. Cheap energy can be clean....nuclear power plants (Prayuth wanted to build but choose the most stupid place and caved in when there was critic-->weak leader) cutting the supid regulations on private solar panels would create lots of cheap energy. But also modern coal plants are now clean...(not advocating for them, but they are cheap and clean if someone bother to build them). Cheap labor at full employment will very fast lead to increased salaries....over many years China had seen +10% salaries every year. But that works only at labor shortages (not when you let in Myanmar and Cambodian worker.....like Prayuth did) more expensive labor than leads to the use of more efficient tools and better training. If there is good economic there will be stability as people are happy and busy. All socialist ideas lead to exactly the opposite. Minimum salaries actually keeps it all stagnant, but inflation high. With low salaries you also need to keep prices low, which means lowering taxes and keep bureaucracy---> Prayut did the opposite and Pita want to make the bad politics even worse. Cut spending and reduce taxes for the poor, better for everyone.
  24. yes lack of protein....you could also give a school beef steak every day, but milk might be easier. DNA I am not sure...in Europe we were all short a few hundred years ago and DNA didn't change in such short time. Nutrition did but they say it needs generations as the nutrition of the parents influence the DNA expression of the kids. If that is true or not....I really don't know. I only parrot what I read. Too little protein is also bad for brain so stuffing in more into kids...and less cheap carbohydrates (sugar and white rice) is surely a good thing. Two eggs with some dark bread (or if it is not accepted some rice) would be a better lunch than that sad sausage shown in the news...and still cheap
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