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Everything posted by h90

  1. But if they treated it already, even the wrong treatment it would have got good again on itself. So in this case the reason for it is still there.
  2. Yes such things are relative common after ...... Ups I almost repeated a conspiration theory...
  3. Well nuclear fusion in that way is something that will never work in a commercial way....it can't be cost effective. And if I am wrong and it will be, it won't be developed in Thailand. So it is not much different than submarines. Better spent would be in engineering schools. Some countries have or had, schools 5 years long that were a bit less theoretical than Universities but had a big practical part. That brought great technicians and 20+ years later lots of innovations. No shining moonlandings or fusion reactors but worldwide leading SME with good development departments.
  4. My thoughts were different (not saying yours are wrong, I just had a different picture in my mind). To be successful means spreading your DNA as much as possible. Who does not is out of the gene pool. So for a man most effective would be to make as many women pregnant as possible because it is a very small investment for him. If some die no problem if you can theoretical produce one a day....So <deleted>..ing around as much as possible is the best. But for a woman it is very costly for her body/food/etc to bear a child so she must take care that the once born child get to adulthood. So having a strong male that protects and helps is much more beneficially than <deleted>*** around. Not making sense anymore with having enough food, healthcare, contraception etc but the tendency is in us. Of course wealthy, powerful men make sense for the women. And young healthy fertile women make sense for the older men. But of course we aren't purely instinct driven and maximizing our children is no target but a little bit it is in us....
  5. I don't have a TV since 20 years, I see such discussion and people who think that is real life and think that is all absurd. Also Covid was complete different without TV
  6. as less government and laws we have as better we can all life.....and as better the beer taste (same with wine and imports...real good wine without taxes costs almost nothing)
  7. I was in Nakhon Si Thammerat and every night I heard between one and a few shots and the next day someone told what happened in Thaksins war against narcotics. Half the victims are said had nothing to do with narcotics. That is far beyond something that can be tolerated.
  8. Well it is a scripted TV show it does not show anything one way or another....it is just trash entertainment
  9. And what is so outlandish? He just explained the evolutionary role before there was contraception. I think this technology is around a few years now but before that made perfectly sense for spreading your DNA. He is is just an evolutionary biologist.
  10. You understand me wrong.....I mean the law should not be changed to something slightly better. The complete alcohol regulation should be removed and people should be freely produce or import as they want, no law hindering them. Also no law that is a bit better. If I want a German beer I should be able to order it from Germany, pay 7% VAT and get it delivered. If I want to brew it and sell it I should be able to do it the same way people selling fresh pressed Orange juice.... No law instead of a new difficult regulation... The beer here is not the poorest quality I have experienced anywhere. Worse were in Yugoslavia and former Eastern Block...kind of a proof as more regulations as worse it gets.
  11. I run here CNC lathes with technology from the early 1990s....not tubes but still a hassle to get them repaired
  12. doesn't look so special....Maybe surgery same all the stars which cause a boring face?
  13. Normally a policeman has to pay for a promotion. If she is well of can be serious money + has other beautiful arguments why she deserves it than she can rise that quickly. I would say it is normal.
  14. It makes sense. But voting for a kind of king replacement dictator for the next 4 years in some public "beauty contest" can't be the smartest solution. We (no matter what country) vote for the person who can discuss the best, can formulate short smart answers for difficult problems. Instead of voting for some deep thinker who might not be a good speaker. I doubt the complete system....not that I would know a better one.
  15. I am total happy if they put Trump into jail first and Clinton later....You have in all the cases some conspiracy to commit murder which has no statute of limitation "We came, we saw, he died hahahaha". If they put Trump into jail for some documents and not the others and not for the war crimes (Trump also did a few) than it is more or less pointless.
  16. Saudi Arabia: My country exported huge amounts of grape juice (maybe also apple) in these old style beer bottle packing with the ceramic plug with silicone seal. You can open it, put in some yeast (for making bread), close it again and it will be alcohol (might get overpressure, or maybe the seal let out a bit of the overpressure). Very easy. You can buy apple juice and yeast (for bread) put say 5 liter apple juice put it in a 6 water bottle squeeze out the air and close the lid only light (so it doesn't seal perfect) and you get an OKish apple wine. With added sugar you can get easily somewhere 12-15% alcohol. If room temperature is too high and you go too high on the alcohol fermentation will be a bit dirty, but nothing more than a slight headache after drinking too much. Incredible easy to do if OKish quality is good enough. And works the same with everything that is sweet. No danger at all. If it is fouling it taste bad. You can than do fractional freezing in the deep freeze to make hardcore booze.
  17. it is good, if they look into the others as well. If they only punish Trump than it is not helpful.
  18. Not only but the common man is also stupid because lack of opportunity for meaningful education. Public schools are everywhere in bad shape...
  19. Look at the elections for European parliament and than the president of it.....that is even worse. a popular vote in an union of states of different sizes has also problems. The smaller one would leave it as they feel they have no say.
  20. I agree...Trump should go to jail, but all the others from Bill Clinton onwards should be long in jail as well and some for way worse things like war crimes. The discussion should not if Trump should be in jail or not. It should be why the others aren't locked in. Made up weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, waging war without declaration of war and boasting about that it was worth 500.000 dead children....and these people are not in jail or executed and everyone talks about some paperwork at home?
  21. I had these models (or the previous) they all died on the motor that drives things. I now instead of network printer I put a HL-1110 on every table. They strangely last forever. Only they need more often a refill I think.
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