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Everything posted by h90

  1. SEA countries waiting? Laos, Cambodia or Myanmar the hubs of democracy? Or Malaysia with the Sharia the hub of human rights (and read the political drama there after Mahathir) ?
  2. Well it is the same in every country...What is the alternatives? That the ruling parties can decide the electability?
  3. It is the law judges should follow...not the will of the people and I hope you don't suggest they are corrupt and paid....
  4. yes nobody in his circle, nobody in my circle, nobody in any circle of people I know, means it is only very few....And some people die from diseases, that always has been and always will be. Mostly elderly or sick and rarely someone unexpected. Ever heard of long covid...yes but only from the news.....we all had covid and no one we know got long covid. Surely it exists, but it is not common.
  5. Need the heat index to be more sensational.....54 Degree Celsius sells better than it is this year as hot as every other year at this time of the year at humid 40 degree.
  6. What have "The Thai people" spoken? 28% of the voters (25% did not vote) have voted MF. 72% have voted different or not at all. And beside that, even if someone is elected this person can't brake the laws, no matter if 100% vote for him.
  7. Media shares were to prevent Thaksin or Berlusconi using his media empire to promote himself. The rule makes sense when someone owns a media empire, not when someone has 3 shares in his portfolio....sloppy work writing the law.
  8. Thailand did it already.....during Covid people got money from government.
  9. Yes you have the group: We'll all die from Covid unless we get the vaccine. Ignoring that it was harmless for millions of unvaccinated. And: The vaccine is deadly and Covid is complete harmless: ignoring that many people did die from Covid and I recall the majority of the vaccinated will die in autumn 2021...didn't happen. no one reflects on the reality. Neither Covid nor the vaccine is killing everyone. Noone should follow prophets who were complete wrong in the past...(both on the we'll all die from Covid, nor on the vaccine is 90+% effective, nor these we'll all get blood cloths from the vaccine, etc...). Things aren't binary as you say.....thanks for the word of reason
  10. Did you read what I write, or are you just barking when you are seeing me? What shop at what time? Your answer doesn't make any sense, as you most probably didn't bother to read.
  11. Double wrong: As retail staff, you aren't rude to customer. Even if the customer is rude themself. You are not supposed to let your own emotions going...you shouldn't have any. You may defend yourself if treated badly but in no way proactive being rude. The job is only for the money and that includes unpleasant customer.
  12. yes 3 dead in 5 month...it is not nothing but very close to it
  13. yes...I consider myself as liberal (in the way it was 40 years ago). But now as Atheist I have more in common with some bible belt conservatives. That is a very strange place to be....
  14. But it allows us to apply for diversity hires....being gay....my wife would leave me...not good....same as transgender.....but by combining L and T I am in the green again. Can still love women and still get the diversity job. And we would have had all these genders 30 years ago I might be able to wiggle out of being drafted my the military. (Sarcasm...of course)
  15. Well many women take a TShirt and blue jeans and a bit too old for dolls and foootball
  16. ...they report good growth but you can't trust their numbers. But they are a good buyer for food from Thailand and that is supposed to increase with the train...now a lot is loaded in Laos which is extra costs. The move away from China from MF will be catastrophic. It should be keeping China and adding other countries.
  17. When I copy/paste...hope it is correct: 2006-2008: The first government of Surayud Chulanont, following the coup d'état that ousted Thaksin Shinawatra. 2008-2011: The government of Abhisit Vejjajiva, following the dissolution of the People's Power Party. 2011-2014: The government of Yingluck Shinawatra, following the landslide victory of the Pheu Thai Party in the 2011 general election. 2014-2019: The military junta known as the National Council for Peace and Order, following the coup d'état that ousted Yingluck Shinawatra. 2019-present: The government of Prayut Chan-o-cha, following the 2019 general election. 2 year military Surayud+5 year 2014-19=7 5? (maybe 4) years Samak+Abhisit 3 year Yingluck? 2019-2023: 4 year elected Prayut So even with some mistakes it is clearly more elected than military. So you are wrong with that
  18. prove that it saved lives is a pointless proof. You need to prove that it is a net benefit...which may vary massive between age groups
  19. every RNA virus quickly mutate...that I learned in school...so that is well known since 50+ years. And that an injected vaccine does not work against infection of respiratory viruses is also well known. That why they try to develop vaccines you spray into the nose, so you have antibodies there. Beside all the discussion if the vaccine is good or bad, these two facts were well known and on the beginning they also said that with the mRNA vaccine they can change vaccine in a matter of weeks with every mutation. That was the big selling point of the mRNA vaccine. Coronaviruses are known and researched since the 1930s that is not something complete new we never have seen before. Just this one was much more dangerous than the others...but not something new
  20. I read....can be wrong, I don't know, that he actually reported these shares himself.
  21. so 3 people in 5 month....that is almost zero. Reduce the dogs......instead of vaccinating everyone. Thai people know that if they are got bitten by a dubious they need to go to hospital and receive the treatment. When a rat bite me, it needed almost a fighting to prevent them dragging me into the next hospital.
  22. I prefer a military government over violent red shirt protests or yellow shirts blocking the airports......or shooting on the streets because of a war against drugs and common sense.
  23. Prayut is already past....Lets hope they find a government that is not radical left......
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