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Everything posted by h90

  1. Slavery? Work camp?? There are lots of Thais who don't work anything and get fed somehow. There are lots of Thais who come from very poor and get wealthy business owner, as it is easy to open business, much easier than in Europe. And there is a lot competition between companies for good worker so the salaries of good one are increasing. where is the slavery and the forced labor?
  2. military??? They neither do street protests nor form a government....They are not yet involved
  3. No MF has a conflict with the biggest trading partner China, is aggressive against Myanmar and Cambodia (local trade). Most tourist come from China and Russia which MF is aggressive against. They speak about higher taxes, about less carbon, about higher minimum salaries. All the things can be discussed as good or bad for society but for business it is toxic.
  4. Thailand has already a contract with China to transfer Yuan instead of USD. If the banks offer a little bit less fees for the transfer (which will be automatically because on USD transfer the USA skims off a little bit fees) than a bit less $ will be in circulation and go back to USA and increase inflation there.
  5. and the current caretaker is a lot smarter than the incoming government
  6. I hope they would investigate also if their guy won...last election they also needed 45 days....I agree it should be always investigated.
  7. I think Kratom has medical use: It is used to milder withdraw symptoms from hard narcotics, mild pain killer and for mild mental issues. There might be more but that are the ones I remember
  8. pirating using torrents?? That does exist? Must be very fringe application. Usually it is only used to share linux OS files or my cat videos in 4K
  9. I did never look into the details of the 2019 election, so I don't know. But I agree total transparency. That a recount is even necessary is a failure of the EC that they should be hold accountable for....Why did not implement checks before. Making the counting bullet proof safe is easy to do.
  10. I complete agree on that due process argument. But it is also common in Europe that there is a law, like the person need to have an adequate place to stay and the bureaucracy than make regulations on that base. Like having a rental contract of a certain length. Unfortunately the same thing happens in Europe. In Austria Vienna is very very different on the immigration than the surrounding area. The same laws, but very different interpretation. I had to marry 100 km away in Vienna because they told me it is virtually impossible to get my wives documents accepted where I live. (same law). I can understand the thinking that for a 1 year visa you need a 1 year contract to be sure the person has a place...but it does not make sense on person that is well off and not poor. Just make a doggy 1 year contract that can be canceled after 3 month....
  11. The one-year rental agreement is of course not useful and many other things are pure nonsense. But local variation helps to react faster than if everything needs to go up the chain. They are trying and they produce lot of nonsense. In Europe they don't even try.
  12. I thought you mean it serious that they do it quickly.....I read so much nonsense here, that may sarcasm detector broke already ????. I'll try to remember next time ????
  13. no they complained that they didn't get the money.....
  14. yes at least they try....They make the life harder for the people who are already the good guys.....but with all their faults it is better than in my home country. I would guess without it half the planets criminals would be here already.
  15. Again....if the numbers do not add up, should it be recount or not? Yes it should be recount...no matter if the military is also bad....
  16. No they are not quick in counting votes....Every election in USA is disputed by the looser, which always has good arguments as there are tons of irregularities and the question is only if they are significant enough to influence the outcome. The time from the presidential election till the final confirmation and the president actually sitting in the office are month way slower than in Thailand (which the previous uses to do all kind of doggy things like pardon people that shouldn't). So even that is worse in America.....Thailand is doing relative well....Also Austria had recently to redo an election because of problems with the counting. And Germany has the problems with the voting was complete wrong in Berlin. So Thailand is bad but the examples on how to do it better are rare. (I think North Korea never had any disputes when counting the votes )
  17. I speak about the laws not about reasonable measures that are different for everyone. But by reasonable measures: Prayuth made the 2019 elections happen. Without his active doing there wouldn't be any 2019 elections, he could have continue to rule without elections without much resistance for another 20 years. And not forget the coup was against an illegal government as well. A caretaker government that was expired and that refused to do what the old constitution required them to do. And even if you think that 2019 was wrong, by no means it justifies doing wrong in 2023 again. I really don't know why Pita did so obviously brake a very clear law that does not allow interpretation? Is it incompetence of him and his group of lawyers? Or on purpose?
  18. And you can all argue against solar power in Germany in January, but a shopping mall in Thailand which opens 10 or 11 AM is the prime example that makes sense...no expensive grid to transport the solar energy, produced exactly when it is needed....on a cloudy rainy day when the solar doesn't work well the ACs use less power.
  19. And that 10 years since the late 1990s....Forgot when was it Bangkok will be meters under water? 2015 I think
  20. tolerate it....not respect. If someone want to wear a clown nose I tolerate it, but I don't have any respect for it....
  21. And if not Covid than the next disease.....it is generating too much profit to stop it.
  22. Easy...make a rental contract for 1 year, or 10 or 1000 if they want so and put in a paragraph that says both sides can cancel it after 3 month without notice. Case repaired. Or if they don't like it. Or make a 1000 year rental contract and contract that both sides agree to cancel it without costs to any sides on the xx.xx.xxxx date 3 month in future. and don't show that second contract.
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