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Everything posted by h90

  1. yes old corrupt dinosaurs against young modern corrupt oligarchs....loose loose situation
  2. yes punish them all, seize all their money, till the poorest who didn't had the money becomes premier...won't happen but unless it does nothing will ever change.
  3. Well promised to retire mean that he won't send nominees.....Can't understand why people don't have enough....he has enough money for several lifetimes
  4. Fact is they voted for it....more than for the previous one....and why do you think I support any political group?
  5. If he would retire from politics I am sure he could come back without jail. But that doesn't seem likely
  6. The maybe biggest economy in production terms next to us, with the second largest military which we are in very friendly conditions, our biggest business partner. With a good part of the population coming from there. Why on earth should we get hostile with them?? Thailand has no border dispute. There is no advantage only disadvantages. That is like Canada would get for no reason hostile with USA.
  7. I don't know if you have been here during Thaksin but it was by far the worst.....I recall when he wanted to take over the sky train and as they didn't want to sale he ranted in TV that he'll buy a subway direct under them with the station next to it to bankrupt them. Or the contract with cleaning the new airport, paid in advance for many years. (On the other hand he was the only one who could finish the airport....beside being the most corrupt he was also the most efficient premier)
  8. You are right....but as you can see the general could be also voted out. But yes I understand your point...you are right on that.
  9. not on me.....I am libertarian....I hate every government....And as more they are busy with my life as more. Prayut angered me only on the immigration. Thaksin made all the crazy immigration regulations..... If your Move Forward clean up the immigration, lower the taxes and don't cause troubles you'll find me as their future cheerleader....but I worry the opposite...more laws more regulations more troubles more taxes more corruption.... but I am more than happy if I am wrong.....Just the remind me to the pretty boys from Netherlands, Canada, Austria.....
  10. And the people voted for it...that is more than in my countries constitution....there noone asked the people.
  11. The previous...was this the Samak corruption case? Or something different?
  12. Move Forward are left progressive liberals from a other oligarch family and friends with WEF and the promise to have a strong anti-China politics. Thaksin and Prayut are no solution. But MF isn't as well. The good thing is that they make shake up the old system. In the long term they are dangerous.....I prefer the bad politicians I know already over the unknown bad politician.
  13. I didn't know that...claims of a 3 Million Baht donation....interesting. If true.
  14. It was up and down in the newspapers....iTV shares, promise of 10.000 Baht, massive vote buying...if you don't read newspapers even here members spoke about how much money their family got in vote buying....Can't help you if missed that all: Read newspapers
  15. a) read the constitution....there is an amnesty in it b) how did he ruin the country....in my opinion his Covid politics was pretty bad, but not worse than the majority of other countries. Else he simply did nothing....nothing good nothing bad. Didn't brake a law, wasn't corrupt as Thaksin....didn't do any reforms
  16. If the courts don't cancel the two parties these 250 will have to vote for PTP or MF premier. But the bigger issue is that PTP and MF maybe broke the election laws with several cases and the parties might be disbanded. But disbanding the two biggest parties is really bad. Let them go away with braking the law is equal bad.
  17. And than some super corrupt oligarchs take over......instead of incompetent military, you get massive corruption.
  18. The very big bank accounts are staying with them....Both parties are the parties of super rich oligarchs
  19. yes but the first get the first opportunity to try...and hand out the promises and candies so their chances are good
  20. yes they got him already...he broke the law as all these fraudsters....Which is a very bad thing when people vote for someone and than the court kicks them out because of fraud...it does not look good
  21. Yes time for change....the people have spoken....it won't be an easy ride
  22. carefully with these....on Aliexpress they are. I have a 1200 and a 1300W and they are inside identically with the 1000 Watt, even on the board is printed 1000W. It is possible that they put in the next stronger MosFets...but I doubt it. I complained at Aliexpress and got a $25 back from the cost of $100-150
  23. That works very well....only the silver wrapping went to dust...it is aluminum foil that corroded.....when you go up the roof you can't breath so much fibers in the air.
  24. The constitution says different....and the General was elected...even got the most votes in the last election. While a coup is not nice, Thailand was on the bring of a civil war and the government in power was a caretaker parliament that expired already (I hope I don't mix the last 2 coups). I rather have a coup of someone who returns to democracy than a full civil war. There was already talks about some provinces splitting away. Democracy is not the most important thing. Life is because if you are dead nothing matters.
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