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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Democrats with Native American ancestry have special rights, its in the formation of Diversity , Equity & Inclusion . Her group has been oppressed , so they/them have privileges over others. She’s a radical activist . Thats a American History lesson ,free of charge. https://www.techtarget.com/searchhrsoftware/definition/diversity-equity-and-inclusion-DEI
  2. “CNN’s Harry Entin stunned by Trump’s high approval ratings: ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa”! “The shift from his first term to second signals that Americans are more aligned with his leadership the second time around”! https://nypost.com/2025/02/10/media/cnns-harry-entin-stunned-by-trumps-high-approval-ratings/ Attention clean up on aisles Left , their will be further melting! Promises made promises kept.
  3. This is aiding & abetting terrorism! This must stop !
  4. I lived in California the land of oil dykes &other kinds of dykes( neutrally speaking ). Estimated 400 billion barrels of oil ,in the area i lived in. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_oil_and_gas_industry
  5. A Survivor of succumbing to change!
  6. Thanks for following up! Theres a whole lot of malfeasance going on in my country that many people dont want to acknowledge! Two kinds of people condone this ! Trump haters & America haters, as far as Im concerned.
  7. Only 3 weeks in the far left refuses to succumb to change! You lost preacher.Repent, Your savior JC helped Trump survive the devil’s intervention in Butler, PA & in Florida.
  8. “Worst leader since 1945. Only an uneducated idiot would not know this”. Also Add in the status quo: “useful idiots”,From Leninist perspective. https://www.carolinajournal.com/opinion/the-ubiquity-of-useful-idiots/
  9. More leaks disseminated by the leftest media . Ice agent schedule raids are being doxxed . Los Angeles San Francisco Aurora, Co Trumps wingpeople must find & investigate. https://nypost.com/2025/02/06/media/fcc-chair-concerned-that-a-soros-backed-radio-station-exposed-undercover-ice-agents/
  10. I read something about10- 20 billion dollars
  11. Samantha Powers a day before Jan 20th before her horse driven carriage turned into a pumpkin.How appropriate she turns to Politico to get her propaganda out. “Have you gotten any sleep this week? Not a lot. A lot to do before we leave on Monday”. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2025/01/19/samantha-power-usaid-exit-interview-00199109
  12. Extremely important! Mr. Patel thought only half of the story has been told!
  13. Good reflexes! Bush deserved 1 shoe,2 was extreme . On a serious note these small gaggles have potential for a ambush.
  14. You mentioned the word liberal so innocently , angelic , it seems. Leftest media credibility is astonishingly tanked along with the dems party approval rating of 31%. Maybe the brainwashing fits the narratives of the leftest worldview. Trump is dangerous to their style of mob rule. We are seeing it everyday with their attacks and lack of objective analysis. When their team gets caught they clam up , quietly like a church mouse. It took 3 weeks of msm silence to report how to respond to the 2 IRS criminal investigative agents turn whistleblowers, Mr. Shapley & Mr. Zeigler. https://oversight.house.gov/release/hearing-wrap-up-irs-whistleblowers-expose-how-bidens-were-treated-differently/
  15. I like the passion! And it seems you have similar opinions as to what political team is good vs bad, for lack of a more appropriate description! Have you ever considered that people from the left especially our international Socialist & Marxist extremist members ,actually believe in their system of government control ? They’re propaganda over the years perpetrated by the corporate media would make Stalin blush imop.
  16. Congressman Burchett defends massive Doge cuts on Cnn “The Marxist got caught with their hands in the Cookie Jar and thats why their squealing” I have been following this guy for sometime !He has a unique approach to politics, he speaks the Truth! He Says it like it is ,they’re Marxist ! Wait till Musk exposes the Department of Education , they’ll be squealing like Pigs.
  17. Government Gangsters agenda , the circular reporting of corruption between intel community and their activist cronies in the media. “Circular reporting, or false confirmation, is a situation in source criticism where a piece of information appears to come from multiple independent sources, but in reality comes from only one source.[1][2] In many cases, the problem happens mistakenly through sloppy reporting or intelligence-gathering. However, the situation can also be intentional”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reporting
  18. My wife said Thai’s for the most part treat and manage dogs like Gods! Rules for people none for dogs. The next soi over from me has one house with 5 dogs outside , constantly fighting and howling, barking ,chasing cars & motorcycles.! What use to be a clean looking residents community for people , looks & sounds like a junk yard dog village.
  19. Truly the enemy of the people! Trump had to sue CBS to get the original version of Harris's word salad answers in a 60 minute interview ! “CBS staff alarmed by reports of settlement talks with Trump over ‘60 Minutes’ Harris interview” https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/31/media/cbs-trump-settlement-60-minutes/index.html
  20. Dont down play the lefts Cookie Jar, 50 billion dollars isn’t small potatoes! But you’re right ,it certainly lays a path towards transparency & accountability! The tide turned on Jan 20th 2025, Liberation Day .
  21. The intolerant woke took it a step further by throwing a milkshake at Farage. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c5ywp7lgwvro
  22. Attack , Attack, Attack ! I got ya questions with everything! The corporate media is the enemy of the people! For the most part they employ leftest activists pretending to be journalists, it seems.
  23. My daughter recently found out , my wife & I traveled from up north down to Jomtein for a 1 week holiday. The first 2 nights were a nightmare on Soi Elm St., so to speak. My daughter in the states asked how was it at the beach! Instead of being my usual way, I stopped short of talking about the bad experiences and said It was enjoyable. Shopping, walking and seeing the ocean ,period I owe mostly all of my good experiences to being financially successful, while appeasing others. I love appeasing ones who respect my success.Im told I have a good heart, Jai dee. You’ll always be who you are. Ric’s world
  24. Nobody has been held accountable!
  25. And you’re right it must be investigated! 6.5 million 112 year olds Trillions from 2004. National public database hack in early 2024. Chinese hackers Gaining access to the Treasury , as reported in December. https://www.alvareztg.com/national-public-data-hack-of-2024-what-we-know/ https://www.fdd.org/analysis/policy_briefs/2025/01/03/chinese-linked-hackers-accused-of-infiltrating-u-s-treasury-department/
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