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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Selective hypocrisy! I wonder if it's brought up at the debate. Nobody knows anything about the queen ,kharris.
  2. Which leads to an all inclusive problem *. 1.Immigration hacked( according to the OP. 2. Health information hacked a google search of ,Bangkok Agencies hunt for hacker ,brings up a BP POST. *Sharing our identity and our countries social security numbers and addresses in my case from the USA, with other agencies here. It is a concern. No guarantees our info will be safe guarded! What recourse do retirees and married to Thai’s ,have if are information is hacked and sold off to devious actors on the dark web?
  3. The co chair of harris /walz, campaign rep crockett goes right to the inanimate gun narrative , as opposed to the culture & the root of the argument . This guy had some deranged views .What was this sick person thinking ? mental illness? ignoring us law? questioning authority? “Moorish American National, a population that considers themselves to be sovereign and immune from US laws”.
  4. Law enforcement was heinously attacked in Dallas ! Dems try to leave a rosy picture of Murders are down in Dallas county imop, while police , in a planned event , are hunted down! “According to his social media, Corey Cobb-Bey identifies as a Moorish American National, a population that considers themselves to be sovereign and immune from US laws. Videos show Cobb-Bey approaching police officers and talking to them, questioning them at times about what they are doing and why they are in certain places. Dallas Police say Cobb-Bey had posted on social media that he was planning an event”. https://www.fox4news.com/news/dallas-police-shooting-suspect-corey-cobb ”Our department is hurting,” department spokesperson Kristin Lowman told reporters early Friday. “We have officers who are injured, who are in the hospital, and we lost one of our own.” https://www.wbtv.com/2024/08/30/dallas-police-officer-killed-2-officers-wounded-shooting-suspect-killed-after-chase-police-say/ https://www.fox29.com/news/dallas-ledbetter-heavy-police-presence
  5. Mind altering substances aren’t my cup of gold anymore, since the 90’s But she sure does like pandering, to garner votes.
  6. Its kharris new nic name ! Probably cause her dad is teaching Marxist economics or she supports DEI and or other groups that support Marxism. Imop https://thehill.com/opinion/education/3718803-what-do-we-really-mean-by-diversity-equity-and-inclusion/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13785689/Kamala-Harris-Marxist-father-Donald-travesty.html
  7. Yelp ! Yelp! Yelp is suing the Giant , google alleging its manipulating search results in its own favor. “Yelp’s lawsuit comes just weeks after a federal judge ruled that Google illegally maintained a monopoly over online search and text advertising”. https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4853596-yelp-sues-google-search-monopoly/
  8. More of bidens legacy !
  9. I see the news of 3 police shot in the line of duty , one died , in the dallas ,tx. district of dem rep who is co chair to harris /walz campaign , who previously chimed in on a forbes video bragging that crime is down , murders are down in dallas county.
  10. Thanks for sharing . 3 Dallas police were shot in the line of duty , 1 died ,in the district of harris/ Walz campaign co chair persons district ,where she has declared 4 months prior that crime is down !
  11. Dallas , Tx Dem rep Jasmine Crockett Says Crime is down in her district in the April, forbes video. At least three Dallas police officers were shot late Thursday night , in the line of duty and one has died. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/crime/multiple-officers-shot-dallas-police-august-29/287-743d70cb-78e3-46c7-9824-f8538513c3cc
  12. I didn’t watch the Interview with the two SJW, harris/ walz.I couldn’t find anything on Bash asking harris questions on her dad. Any mention in her first interview of Kharris father living a mile away from the WH and teaching Marxist economics ? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13785689/Kamala-Harris-Marxist-father-Donald-travesty.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/who-kamala-harris-combative-marxist-economist-father-donald-j-harris
  13. She was the last person in the room with biden! She’s good for Social warrior causes like supporting Blm, but she’s a nobody on foreign affairs and country’s borders. Imop https://www.foxnews.com/media/harris-last-person-room-video-viral-3rd-anniversary-deadly-afghanistan-attack
  14. She & him are like goin to kindergarten, for the first time. As I watch the kids on campus! I ask myself ,Is harris/walz & the oligarchy of biden / Obama, MSM activism of Woke truly indoctrinated in the minds of Swing voters! Most voters on the left & right are firm in their stance! Its the Independent voters that has to be gas lit into believing these SJW are fit to govern for all America! A couple more weeks to early voting!
  15. Well done mate! That opinion article hardly represents the view of the deception perpetrated on Americans & others.Its a start though ,I see a lot of independent news articles with minorities showing the hypocrisy of the lefts media , more than ever! I sure do miss the days of Walter Cronkite! “The left-leaning fact checking website Snopes acknowledged Saturday that former President Trump never called neo-Nazis “very fine people” during his press conference following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-rehashes-debunked-trump-charlottesville-claim-late-night-dnc-speech The msm activists are pretending to be journalists , many times. Deceptive leftist media has always had it in for the messenger who labeled them FAKE NEWS.It took how many years to debunk, The very fine people BS. Some of the Extremist of their activism cant bring themselves to acknowledge it, example .*Newrepublic article. Google the Snopes debunking ,you wont see the same fire of leftist media giving credibility to the debunking. They even let biden get away with saying it as recently as Aug 20. *This conclusion, however, fails to recognize the intricacies of Trump’s rhetoric, which serves as a prime example of doublespeak. https://newrepublic.com/article/183082/nopes-trump-very-fine-people
  16. Some political pundits in my country are using Starmer , as a example of why not to vote for the far lefts choice, kharris. Below signifying a Train Wreck!imop A survey carried out by More in Common found that the Prime Minister’s personal approval rating is now minus 16, a drop of 27 per cent since the general election. https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/starmers-poll-ratings-slump
  17. Its Disgusting, law & order harris helped cause this burden on Taxpayers! The migrant crisis is more costly than Americans realize. Last year, US taxpayers shelled out some $150 billion in government services and support to help the 20 million illegal migrants in the country, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform(FAIR). And most of the cost is being borne by state and local governments. https://nypost.com/2024/08/29/us-news/the-150-billion-problem-cost-of-migrant-crisis-to-us-taxpayers-could-be-billions-higher-than-reported-expenses-in-many-states/
  18. Colorado on my mind! Thanks harris/ biden , for third would gang violence ! Armed crew flaunts guns inside CO apartment building overrun by Venezuelan Gang “A Couple said the violence began when a large number of migrants moved into the building”. https://nypost.com/2024/08/29/us-news/colorado-apartment-building-overrun-by-venezuelan-gang-has-armed-group-flaunting-guns/
  19. kharris was not elected by the people she was installed by a sick dem democracy hell bent in the uses of lawfare to destroy their adversaries! “The primary system came into play fully after World War II. Incumbent President Harry S. Truman lost in the 1952 New Hampshire presidential primary, amid poor popularity numbers, and dropped from the race. Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee won 12 of 15 Democratic primaries, but the Democratic convention instead chose Illinois Gov. Adlai Stevenson, who skipped the entire primary season”… Notice any similarities ? Dem democracy installs their choices ,despite what the common folk want. https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/a-brief-history-of-presidential-primaries
  20. jack was to quick ,in his first attempt of lawfare. It looks like the corrupt Smith is doing it again! His rush to persecute won’t be ignored by the dems & their propaganda machine , msm.imop Its all about the optics!imop He is engaging to change public opinion.Its sickening,Soviet style performance of persecuting political adversaries . *Look what was said the first time when he eventually lost in court . His evidence was corrupted the first time(**documents dispute)eventually the court threw out Smith case because he was illegitimately hired . Jack is at it again. *”Jack Smith is rushing to prosecute former President Donald Trump for the events of Jan. 6 so that the American people can have the benefit of his evidence, and the views of the jury, before they vote in November. This rush violates Justice Department rules. The Supreme Court now faces the question whether it too will be a party to this rush and, if not, how it will avoid it”. https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/the-consequences-of-jack-smith's-rush-to-trial **https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-revelations-florida-documents-trial-put-trump-offense-against-deranged-special-counsel
  21. Jack was found to be illegally appointed .., Jack is using dem lawfare to persecute a political adversary! This is indicative of soviet style justice! Dem democracy is corrupted! https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/soviet-criminal-justice-under-stalin https://apnews.com/article/trump-classified-documents-smith-c66d5ffb7ba86c1b991f95e89bdeba0c
  22. Dem Democracy using Lawfare … • “Lawfare,” meaning the use of legal proceedings to damage an adversary. https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/complicit-bias-and-lawfare-among-top-new-legal-terms-in-2022#google_vignette
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