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Everything posted by riclag

  1. The most surprising thing is the neo con war mongers of yester year would side with the cultural marxist in the biden / harris regime! imop
  2. Peel the onions , expose harris/ biden censorship!
  3. Never Trumpers! we got some new blood The xdems with thousands of voters! How many voters do the old Gop neo cons have?
  4. My debate question, will you promote a Marxist economic policy over the current Capitalist policies in America? She already mentioned Government controls on Food prices! “Kamala Harris says her dad taught her to be fearless, but he’s been markedly absent from her public rise”. “Family is at the forefront of Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign, and she speaks frequently and fondly of her late mother’s influence – but rarely is there mention of her father. A “Marxist” economics professor who left Jamaica for UC Berkeley, Donald J Harris has said little about his daughter during her meteoric rise – other than to scold her. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kamala-harris-father-marxist-election-b2597613.html
  5. 16 gop AG’s sued over the biden/ harris policy of giving illegal immigrant spouses of US citizens legal status! "Biden's unconstitutional scheme would have rewarded over 1 million illegal aliens with the opportunity for citizenship after breaking our country's laws—and incentivized countless more," Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement to Fox News Digital https://www.foxnews.com/politics/federal-judge-blocks-biden-admin-move-give-legal-status-illegal-immigrant-spouses-us-citizens If you’re for legal entry to my country , its Good News !
  6. The left doesn’t appreciate being called out especially when found out! Pure deception especially when they control most of the media . imop
  7. Often times its the left, dems , progressives that have stymied political opponents!imop Simple meaning of censorship ! “Censorship blocks something from being read, heard, or seen. To "censor" is to review something and to choose to remove or hide parts of it that are considered unacceptable”. The government & agencies took turns playing word games with social media while hiding behind 3 rd party platforms. “What do all these groups, though, have in common, and I am going to again refresh your memory. They were all communicating on a private cloud server known as Jira. Now, the screenshot behind me, which is an example of one of thousands, shows on November 3, 2020, that you, Mr. Roth, a Twitter employee, were exchanging communications on Jira, a private cloud server with CISA, NASS, NASED, and Alex Stamos, who now works at Stanford and is a former security officer at Facebook, to remove a posting. Do you now remember communicating on a private cloud server to remove a posting”? https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-118hhrg50898/html/CHRG-118hhrg50898.htm https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/censorship#:~:text=Censorship blocks something from being,it that are considered unacceptable.
  8. Scotus saved their a.. but we know better imop Notice the wording used by meta ”pressured” and notice the governments “request”. Missouri vs biden “The government said it had only made requests, not demands, that social media operators remove misinformation”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murthy_v._Missouri
  9. Trust your gut feeling. “I just wish it was push back by real men and not fake women”. What ideology what political party pushes this fake woman nonsense, imop thats everywhere and most importantly Why !
  10. I agree with your support. I think one has to look at who gives into the hate & and appeasement of antisemitism on college campuses!
  11. Looking back at 1930 Nazi Germany, I can’t help but think of the persecuted giving in to the humiliation & demands of another country,hell bent , on its destruction, as a race! Who is sowing the familiar seeds of antisemitism , hatred and most importantly who is responsible for appeasing its spread ? Massive number of college students are afraid to admit they’re Jewish as antisemitism soars on campuses: survey “My professor went on a rant about how there’s too many Jews in medicine,” one student from a state university in the southwest said. “He also said that terrorism is just what the big army calls the little army, and said Hamas is a group of ‘freedom fighters.'” https://nypost.com/2024/08/26/us-news/massive-number-of-college-students-are-afraid-to-admit-theyre-jewish-as-antisemitism-soars-on-campuses-survey/ “Following World War II and the Holocaust in Europe, anti-Jewish sentiment significantly declined in the United States. However, there has been an upsurge in the number of antisemitic hate crimes in recent years. Critics of diversity, equity, and inclusion allege that it facilitates antisemitism by portraying Jews as oppressors, particularly on college campuses. Since the outbreak of the Israel–Hamas war, there has been a notable surge in antisemitism throughout the US”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_antisemitism_in_the_United_States
  12. He’s got a strong base . Many Were taught Never Forget! This Never forget is a message all Jews can understand , its ingrained in survival of their culture .One of the Most persecuted races,on the planet! He was facing lawfare from the left years prior , but it never could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt! When terrorism comes a nation unites , except for his political opponents! I like Him , He’s Israel ! imop
  13. Jfk would of liked Bobby Jr . They both liked Traditional America a Core value.imop They’ve both supporters of Freedom of the press, free speech , anti government censorship & no wars and anti Marxist. Jfk speech to the American Newspaper publisher’s . “But when all his financial appeals were refused, Marx looked around for other means of livelihood and fame, eventually terminating his relationship with the Tribune and devoting his talents full time to the cause that would bequeath the world the seeds of Leninism, Stalinism, revolution and the cold war. If only this capitalistic New York newspaper had treated him more kindly; if only Marx had remained a foreign correspondent, history might have been different”. https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches/american-newspaper-publishers-association-19610427
  14. For years all I heard was 2032 ,it would stop functioning , run out. Now i read its 2035. https://www.cnbc.com/select/will-social-security-run-out-heres-what-you-need-to-know/ As far as libs leaving Thailand ! Liberals is outdated terminology imop The Woke liberals is a better way of describing the insanity. imop
  15. Unity ticket ! Exposing the corruption of the establishment, protecting free speech and finding a peaceful solution to the chaos in the world that was created during biden/harris weak foreign policy . Kennedy touched on this after he suspended his campaign!
  16. I liked the Steward spin that Fox dissected! I like to see more of this. I liked the billionaire comparison & the Clinton sex scandal hypocrisy! What this shows is they are two faced idiots ! Imop
  17. A Brilliantly crafted composition !🙂
  18. I’d use the report button but I dont want to abuse the privilege!
  19. Another example of why RFKJR LEFT the party of Dem to Independent to support Populist Gop, the Censorship !
  20. Clean food , free from chemicals ! Processes Foods , Americans need Rfk jr to sort it out. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/12/why-are-americans-so-sick-researchers-point-to-middle-grocery-aisles/#:~:text=“But despite our diets being,weight and gained body fat.
  21. To save time I put that in the search parameters! If I dont i have to scroll through this kinda bias. https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/media-bias-left- You must also see that I rarely talk to people here on the opposition ! Why! Its etched in stone they are in favor of dems or hatred of America, or hatred of 45 imop
  22. Flipkowski statement is old ! The dem democracy of corruption, censorship and wars turned Jfk’s nephew into America First enthusiast
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